ActionBattle RoyaleGuides

Free Fire M1887 all skins ranked: From the best to worst

Check out which skin suits you the best!

Free Fire is a very popular survival Battle-Royale game that needs no introduction in the realms of the mobile gaming industry. There is a variety of weapons and utilities that can be used depending on the playstyle of the player. Going into the arsenal, the M1887 is one of the strongest shotguns that players can count on in a close-quarters battle. Today in this article, we will talk about this short-range beast M1887 and rank all of the available skins in Free Fire based on certain criteria.

As you dive deep into the best skins available for Free Fire weapon M1887, explore the diverse range of skins, and make sure to check out our other articles focused on specific weapon categories and their best skins. Discover the top choices of skins for Katana, MP40, M14, M60, SCAR, M4A1, Groza, AWM, AK47, UMP, M1014, M82B, and Grenade. Each article offers in-depth insights to help you make informed decisions and keep your collection up-to-date with the latest and most effective skins.

What makes M1887 Double Barrel Shotgun so special in Free Fire

The M1887 shotgun is fairly new to the game and was introduced in 2020. Initially, it was way too overpowered. Over time, the weapon has been nerfed considerably and is now pretty balanced. Consequently, it’s now become the most lethal of short-range weapons and a favorite among veterans and newbies alike.

The default skin possesses high damage, armor-piercing, and gauge but a poor reload time and the magazine offers just two shots at a time. Nevertheless, if players connect the two shots accurately, it can prove to be very deadly. Now without further ado let’s check out the Free Fire M1887 skins in ranked order:

List of Free Fire M1887 skins in ranked

1. Lava Burst M1887

Rate of Fire++
Movement Speed–
Stats of the Lava burst M1887

The most expensive M1887, which is available in the game. This skin has a very good combination of red, indicating lava and black. With increased damage and rate of fire, which maximizes damage, the lack of movement speed doesn’t even come to notice.

Free Fire M1887 skins
Image via Garena

But this skin will cost players an approximate amount of 8-9 thousand diamonds, which is around 6,000 INR or 81 USD. Spending this much on one skin doesn’t make sense for casual players.

2. One-Punch Man M1887

Reload Speed++
Stats of the OPM M1887

This skin was a part of the Free Fire x One-Punch Man collaboration. One-Punch Man is a Japanese superhero franchise created by the artist ONE. It tells the story of Saitama, a superhero who can defeat any opponent with a single punch but seeks to find a worthy opponent after growing bored by a lack of challenge due to his overwhelming strength. Needless to say, it’s a very popular anime too, and has two seasons out, as of now.

Free Fire M1887 skins
Image via Garena

This skin of the double barrel is no doubt, on top because of a select few reasons. As it’s obvious, this skin compensates to a good extent for the high reload time of the default skin. The additional damage is a good buff. Most importantly, even the decrease in accuracy helps in connecting more shots right to the head, resulting in higher chances of headshot kills. Less accuracy implies more bullet spread. The gun looks quite hot and fierce, visually as well. Overall, the best skin in the game right now for this shotgun.

3. Hand of Hope M1887

Reload Speed++
Movement Speed–
Stats of the Hand of Hope M1887

The newest skin of the gun – Hand of Hope can be found in the Hope Ascension Token Tower event. The gun looks aesthetically very pleasing to the eyes. The smokey green patches coupled with the skeleton design give it a very mysterious sort of charm.

Free Fire M1887 skins
One-Punch Man M1887

Looking at the stats, you’ll see the gun is very similar to the One-Punch Man skin. However, the additional accuracy proves to be a setback unless you’re very good at aiming for the enemy head, naturally. Even a decrease in movement speed can alter your performance during a clutching situation. Caroline can help nullify that with her character skill that increases movement speed while carrying a shotgun.

All in all, it’s a very good-looking skin that has the potential to challenge the top skin. Unlike the OPM skin, players can’t expect this skin to be cheap in terms of diamonds. For most players, the skin has cost them a couple of thousand diamonds.

4. Solaris Burst M1887

Reload Speed+
Movement Speed–
Stats of the Hand of Hope M1887

It is the second cheapest skin in the tier list, and also one of the cheapest and the best skins in the game. Increased rate of fire means the gun will shoot faster leading to killing the enemy faster and increased accuracy means players’ aim may be stuck on limbs or vests. But, all the pellets of shotgun ammo will connect even in medium-range, making this skin best for medium-range. This makes this skin one of the best cost-effective M1887 skins in Free Fire.

Solaris Burst M1887
Solaris Burst M1887

The increased rate of fire means an easy connection of headshot, in addition to that increased accuracy means all pellets will connect to the enemy vest and helmet. But the disadvantage is movement speed as the attributes are best for short-range flights. The lack of movement speed leads to slowly taking over the normal enemy and taking cover in short-range fights, which is important to dodge enemy attacks.

6. Rapper Underworld M1887

Rate of Fire++
Reload Speed+
Stats of the Rapper Underworld M1887

The only M1887 skin so far that has a rate of fire buff. In Free Fire, among all the attributes, the rate of fire is quite crucially important. As such, this skin is second only to the buffed Reload Speed skins. If one were to describe this skin, it’s easy to perceive it as a hybrid concept of the other two gun skins mentioned earlier.

A high rate of fire can help knock down enemies quickly. This is a punisher skin that can make your enemies regret a hell lot even if they are a fraction of a second late to fire back at you with their M1887 skins.

Rapper Underworld M1887
Rapper Underworld M1887

The double rate of fire makes it easier to connect headshots with as well, and the subtractive accuracy functions as a bonus over the One-Taps. Faster reload speed ensures you’re ready to takedown squads when fully prepared for the same with utilities aplenty.

7. Tropical Parrot M1887

Stats of the Tropical Parrot M1887

The first-ever legendary skin of the M1887! This is the OG skin and is loved by the true veterans of the game even now. Even though it has the theme skin stats, implying, no double plus buff, yet, it is one of the most popular skins of this weapon.

Free Fire M1887 skins
Tropical Parrot M1887

If we talk about the performance of this skin, it was something back then when it was new. Nowadays, other skins have proved to be better in close comparison. Nevertheless, the damage and accuracy buff is still a decent enough advantage over the default skin.

The decrease in range is not visibly that much of a bummer when using this skin. Through and through, a classic OG skin for the collectors! Surprisingly, the skin fares pinkie points in scoring good One-Taps at times if the player has had enough practice.

8. Terrano Burst M1887

Reload Speed+
Movement Speed–
Stats of the Tropical Parrot M1887

This skin has one of the best color combinations, which is white and black. According to the attributes, this skin will be best for players who are new, and who shoot both bullets of the gun on the vest. As the skin has increased reload speed, it helps in spam shooting, with less than 1 second of reloading.

Increased armor penetration helps in destroying the vest, leading to increasing damage. In the end, the lack of accuracy can help the new players in a few headshots too. The decrease in accuracy helps in dragging and aiming. It does not stick to limbs, thus leading to headshots.

Terrano Burst M1887
Terrano Burst M1887

This skin will have decent attributes, which would cause a 20% increase in reload speed. There will be a 10% increase in armor penetration, but a 10% decrease in inaccuracy. This skin is preferable for starters and low-spending players. This skin is also a cheap one, costing around only 500-900 diamonds, making it a decent cheap skin.

9. Winterlands M1887

Movement Speed+
Reload Speed–
Stats of the Winterlands M1887

Lastly, we have the Winterlands M1887 skin that the legendary stats right but isn’t that visibly all-mighty compared to the other legendary skins. The skin offers a boost in range and movement speed, not very suitable buff-up attributes for a shotgun such as the likes of the M1887.

As it already has a decent range, having additional range doesn’t negate the fact that players will still need to hit a clear headshot if the enemy is a slight bit away from the usual range of the weapon to get a quick kill. The increase in movement speed isn’t all that noticeable and works only when you’re carrying the gun in your hands.

Winterlands M1887
Winterlands M1887

Many characters increase movement speed so it doesn’t make sense to go for this skin for the movement speed buff. Most importantly, the higher reload time is a major setback for this skin. It makes it hard to deal with squads and almost impossible to get the clutches right.

To sum up, the default M1887 has a high enough reload time already, the addition of further time to it worsens the performance. Looks-wise, the skin looks decent and pretty chill to complement the name Winterlands. It’s better than nothing.

Read our other articles on Free Fire:

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PI Seth

I Want to be a M1887 10000

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