
Undawn Beginners Guide and Tips

Unite factions and rebuild humanity!

Undawn is a survival-based RPG game by Level Infinite where the players need to roll over a world of apocalypse and are thus taken over by deadly zombies. Players have to pull out their fear and fight against these powerful zombies to resurrect the lost humanity around the globe. The game comes along with tons of features that let the players have a great experience in the world of Undawn. Thus, let us go in-depth about the globe full of zombies and get on a detailed beginners guide and tips for the amateurs. 

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Gameplay Overview

Undawn is a survival-based RPG game and thus here players do not get an option to select a character, rather they can customize their character at the beginning of the game. Players can select and customize the face, eyes, skin tone, hair, hair color, gender, and all the other included features that can be seen over a human body.

Then after customizing the character as per the players’ desire, players will be directly sent off to a world full of zombies. At first, the players will go through a detailed tutorial that will certainly help them to know about the game and its mechanics. 

Undawn Beginners Guide
Image via Level Infinite

The game mechanics are quite easy to use and understand. It is just like other survival-based games where there is a joystick at the left side of the screen to help the players move the character. There are other useful buttons like jump, crouch, prone, shoot, change weapon, and ADS.

Players also get access to all the other useful options such as Maps, upgrade section, and many more on the game screen itself so that they do not face any trouble in searching. The game also offers a device to the players that monitor the mental and physical health of the character. Thus, players can also keep an eye on this particular device where they can easily keep a check on the character’s health and provide the character with the best possible rest time. 

Image via Level Infinite

Maintaining bonds is one of the key features of the game. Thus, players have to maintain a great bond with other characters in the game so that every other character helps the player as well when there is a need. Players will get rewards by completing the missions over the game.

Missions will float on the top left side of the screen where they can classify between the main storyline missions and side missions and thus then choose the one they need to complete and go for it. Players also get an option where they can call their bike and thus reach their destination as soon as possible. The game also has centers on the map that helps them in fast traveling or rather, teleporting so that they can reach their destination faster than usual. 

Introducing the Basics of Undawn

There are many in-game features in Undawn and thus we will be covering them under two different sub-topics. The first one stands as our main and important in-game feature that can be accessed by the players from the Menu section and the other miscellaneous ones are present over the game screen itself. 


The explore section beholds the work of Area Exploration over the world of Undawn. There are 7 main locations on the map which are mainly filled up with tons of zombies and thus players have to complete the assigned storyline missions to free them from zombies. Players can even upgrade those locations with the help of in-game resources. The following are the key locations in the world of Undawn that players will find in the Explore section:

Undawn Beginners Guide
Image via Level Infinite
  • Redwood Forest 
  • Seinz Hills
  • Central Plains 
  • The Lost City
  • Koller Mines
  • Golden Dessert
  • Aurich Island

Also, exploring the places that are present under a particular location and thus performing tasks over that place will eventually also help out players progress their search and they can easily upgrade the location. 


The Story section becomes quite familiar with the players and thus lets them check out all their journeys and information regarding their journey so far. The section has 4 more subsections under itself:

story mode
Image via Level Infinite
  • Adventure Guide
  • Past Reflections
  • Wilderness Anecdote
  • Survival Journal 

Adventure Guide is the section where players can follow up on missions that involve thrill and adventure and also these all are part of the storyline itself. It has four parts under itself; Wilderness Survival, Advanced Training, Start Adventure, and Encounters in the Mines.

Undawn Beginners Guide
Image via Level Infinite

This section holds up missions that are based on the adventure over the game starting from survival-based to wiping out zombies which is quite clear by the names. These 4 parts are referred to as chapters over the game and thus every chapter comes up with stages that have certain limited missions and thus after completing them only players can then advance to the next stage. 

past reflections
Image via Level Infinite

Past Reflections shows up the best events or videos that are connected to the game’s storyline and involve one of the major events. All of the reflections unlock one by one when the players complete those important arc events and thus then they can enjoy the cinematography. Wilderness anecdote is the main section from where players can face the real adventure over the map.

Here, some unlocked missions have to be completed by the players and then they can thus unlock more missions. This helps them to explore the entire island and face off some of the best possible adventurous missions over the game and players and even rewarded for that. 

survival journal
Image via Level Infinite

Survival Journal is the section where players can check on all the previously completed and ongoing chapters and also know about the completed and uncompleted missions that they have from the stages. This helps out the players to keep a check on their progress and also lets them know which storyline mission they need to complete. 


Equipment is the section where players can check out all the unlocked equipment and thus they can easily enhance them with the help of Silvers. For unlocking more equipment, players must know about these easy processes and thus players can easily unlock more equipment.

Players must first know about the concept of crafting over the game, this will help them to unlock more weapons as they level up. Players mostly need Clerk Bark, Iron Ore, and Tattered animal skin which they need to filter out with the help of a refining machine that is mainly established over their homestead and then they can use them to craft equipment like Guns. 

Undawn Beginners Guide
Image via Level Infinite

The process of enhancing is also quite easy, players have to just follow these simple steps:

  • Go to the Menu section, and tap on the Equipment option. 
  • Then tap on the equipment you want to enhance over the given options. 
  • Check for the required amount of Silvers in enhancing the equipment. 
  • Then, tap on the Enhance button to enhance your chosen equipment. 


Skills are the section that holds up some handy gear that can help out players in the game while fighting with zombies and hunting down their prey for some necessary resources. The skills section has 2 more sections underneath:

Undawn Beginners Guide
Image via Level Infinite
  • Utility 
  • Powerups 

The utility section has three options of utilities that will thus help players in between the fights. These three options are:

  • Throw
  • Device
  • Passive 

The throw section shows up all the items that are under the throwable utilities and thus helps players to go for a wide range of attacks when they are attacked by a large group of zombies from a particular location itself.

The devices are utilities that are used quite strategy-wise and thus players can use them in between the fights and set up a trap for the zombies. Passive has some abilities that players can thus use up in between the fights and thus create an advantage for themselves to escape or provide more damage as per the opponent’s attack. 

Damage Ampli
Image via Level Infinite

The Powerup section brings along some of the great abilities that once unlocked, permanently sets up on the player’s skillsets, and thus the character becomes quite more enhanced during its fights. 


The drone section provides a great chance for the players to create drones for their character that they can use while they are in between a wide range of battles or for scouting an area. Although there are different types of drones and thus these all will eventually get unlocked as the players advance through the storyline.

Explosive Drone
Image via Level Infinite

Players must collect 6 important components and assemble them to make the drone. Players can directly use up the drones in between their missions with the help of the drone icon that is present on the game screen and thus by selecting the drone they want to use, they can then thus easily use and claim a great victory using them. 


The Role section comes up with some of the important roles and abilities that players need to make their character learn because of the sole fact that these abilities will help the characters in their survival traits. The game comes up with some of the great roles, these are as follows:

Undawn Beginners Guide
Image via Level Infinite
  • Logger
  • Miner 
  • Gatherer
  • Hunter
  • Chef
  • Angler
  • Scavenger
  • Firearms Master
  • Highwayman
  • Troubadour 

By unlocking these abilities from all these above-mentioned roles, players can enhance the character’s ability to survive with all the sole characteristics one person requires such as the ability to hunt, cook, shelter, craft weapons, shield itself, farm, and so on. Players can unlock the abilities with the help of Silvers and the roles get unlocked after certain levels, after that players need to complete the tutorial of that particular role and thus then they can unlock the remaining abilities under that role. 

In-game pass 

Undawn Beginners Guide
Image via Level Infinite

The game serves an in-game pass to the players which comes along in the typical two types; the Free Pass and the Premium Pass. For the Premium Pass, players have to go for in-game transactions in the game and thus then they can get a handful of in-game resources and premium items as well such as Silver, Crates, Glory Points, and Talent Points.


The Camp section holds up the concept of the Clan system over the game. Thus, players can hence create a clan and even join a Clan as well. Players can easily get help and even help their friends and get the proper support at the time of need in factors like resources, missions, and many more.


The game provides a wide range of options over vehicles as players need to cover a lot of distances and then complete a particular mission, thus only running can exhaust the energy of the character and the character will thus not be able to fight properly with the zombies.

Undawn Beginners Guide
Image via Level Infinite

Thus players can use vehicles such as bikes, cars, and Monster trucks. Players can get a Bike for free from the beginning of the game, and thus the rest of the vehicles can be obtained by in-game purchases only. 


Undawn Beginners Guide
Image via Level Infinite

The Achievement section comes up with some of the great pre-assigned achievements that can be claimed by the players by playing and enhancing themselves. Claiming a particular achievement helps them get numerous rewards that they can easily use and enhance various factors of the character in the game. 

Undawn Beginners Guide: Tips and Tricks

1. Complete the main Missions 

Players must focus on completing the main storyline missions at the beginning of the game. This is so because players will thus get easily enhanced a lot at the beginning itself and the starting missions include a lot of tutorials which will thus help out beginners to know more about the gameplay mechanics and thus they can play well. 

2. Craft more Equipments

After every level-up, players must keep an eye on their crafting scenario so that they can easily craft up the best set of weapons and thus use them to fight against the zombies and hunt down animals to get the required resources. 

3. Survival is the key 

As it is a survival-based game, the main priority of the players must be their survival traits. Players must enhance and unlock more survival abilities so that they can easily help their character to survive in the worst possible conditions as well. 

4. Check on your Health

Players must keep an eye on their health while they move along the storyline. This can be easily done with the help of the health monitor watch that is thus provided in the game. Players can easily keep track of their bodies, hygiene, mental health, and other aspects. We will be discussing this particular topic in a detailed piece. 

5. Go for the best set of Weapons

Players must select the best set of weapons and utilities while they are in the world of Undawn. As a beginner, it is very common that they will get low-ranked utilities and guns. But by enhancing and leveling up faster into the game, players can thus easily get their hands on the strong weapons and thus use them against their opponents and easily kill them due to the sole fact that the best weapons come along with higher damage. 

Final Thoughts 

Undawn is one of the best RPG survival games that has shown up recently. The game has a wide range of important features and all these features are so interlinked together which instantly makes the gameplay experience viable and enthusiastic for the players themselves. Thus, jump off onto the island full of zombies and help out humanity to get restored with your skills and wipe out all the zombies with your friends. 

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That’s all from us for Undawn Beginners Guide! Did you find our Undawn Beginners Guide helpful? Do let us know in the comments!

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This is one of the best games out!


Why did you take half of my comment off?


Does anyone know the difference between the “glory pass” ($10) and the “advanced glory pass” ($15)? If I’m reading it right, the only extra perk is that it increases +20 survival pass levels. At least that’s how I’m reading it. The wording is terrible. “Survival pass level increases to 20.” I’m way past 20 already. Anyone know?

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