
Pokémon Unite Mewtwo X Guide: Best Builds, Held Items, Movesets and Gameplay Tips

Tips to play Mewtwo X in Pokémon Unite!

The successor of Urshifu in the team of all-rounders is now a legendary Artificial Pokémon, in the form of Mewtwo. The bipedal Pokémon from Generation I will come in both of its mega evolutionary forms X and Y as separate licenses. One form would be an All-rounder, while the other an Attacker, as reported by us a long time ago. In this Pokémon Unite Mewtwo X guide, we have discussed how to play with Mewtwo X the all-rounder, from start to end. One must make sure to read till the end.

Mewtwo X: In-game cost

Pokémon Unite Mewtwo X Guide cost
Image via The Pokémon Company

Mewtwo X is available as an exchangeable free gift in Mewtwo’s Crystal Cave Challenge. Collect 100 Cave Coins to obtain a Mega Mewtwo X License from the Event Shop! The exchange for coins or Aeos Gems would only be possible after the event ends, for around 15000 Aeos coins.

Mewtwo X: Evolution

Base Form Mega Evolution
Lv. 1
Post Lv. 5

Pokémon Unite Mewtwo X Guide: Mewtwo X and its movesets

As expected, Mewtwo X has a combination of psychic-type and several other types of moves, which proves how powerful Mewtwo X was in terms of movesets, in the anime. Here are the details of those movesets in Pokémon Unite.

Basic Attack

It has the user perform a melee attack on an opposing Pokémon, which restores a portion of the user’s HP based on the damage it deals.

Passive- Pressure

When the Pokémon deals damage to an opposing Pokemon with a basic attack, the Mega gauge increases. The more the Mega gauge increases, the more the Pokemon’s Attack, Defense, and Sp. Def increase. If the Mega gauge becomes full when the Pokemon is Lv. 5 or higher, the Pokemon Mega Evolves for a set amount of time. When the Pokémon Mega Evolves, its Attack, Defense, and Sp. Def increases even more, and its movement speed increases.

Ability 1- Confusion

This psychic-type move has the user deal damage to an opposing Pokemon and leaves it unable to act for a short time

  • Type- Sure hit; Hindrance
  • CD- 6s

Ability 1 upgrades at Level 5

At Level 5, Confusion evolves into either of these 2 moves based on your choice:

Future SightPsystrike
The skill makes the user pull the designated opposing Pokémon towards itself and lock on it. The locked-on opposing Pokémon will have its movement speed decreased and take increased damage. After a set amount of time, this move deals damage to the locked-on opposing Pokémon based on the amount of damage it took while locked on.

Type– Sure Hit
The skill makes the user pull the designated opposing Pokémon towards itself and lock on it. The locked-on opposing Pokémon will have its movement speed decreased and take increased damage. After a set amount of time, this move deals damage to the locked-on opposing Pokémon based on the amount of damage it took while locked on.

Type– Sure Hit
Upgrade: The locked-on opposing Pokemon takes increased damage.Upgrade: Strengthens the movement speed decrease.

Ability 2- Barrier

  • Type- Buff
  • CD-8s

Grants the user a shield for a short time. While the shield effect is active, the user’s movement speed is increased.

Ability 2 upgrades at Level 7

At Level 7, Barrier evolves into either of these 2 moves based on your choice:

The skill grants the user a shield for a short time. While the shield effect is active, the user’s movement speed is increased, and the user recovers HP based on the amount of damage it takes from opposing Pokemon. When the user takes enough damage from opposing Pokemon for the shielding effect to be removed, all of the user’s move cooldowns are reduced, and the Mega gauge increases.

Type- Buff-Recovery
CD- 8s
The user teleports to the designated location with the help of the skill. For a short time, the user’s movement speed and damage dealt increases, and its basic attacks increase the Mega gauge by a greater amount.

Type– Buff- Dash
CD– 6s
Upgrade: Increases the amount of HP recovered.Upgrade: Increases the damage dealt to opposing Pokémon

Unite Move- Infinite Psyburn

The skill will have the user bring down one powerful psychic blast, upon each opposing Pokémon. Opposing Pokémon around each point of impact take damage, are left unable to act, and have their Defense decreased for a short time. After using this move, a shield is granted, and movement speed increases for a short time. Also, move cooldowns reduce for a short time.

Best items for Mewtwo X in Pokemon Unite

Further in this guide, we will discuss the best-held items for Mewtwo X in Pokémon Unite, as well as its best battle item.

Best held Items

ItemWhy is it useful
Muscle Band Muscle Band improves Mewtwo’s attacks via increased damage and attack speed, which synergizes extremely well with its Mega evolution mechanism.
Razor ClawRazor Claw allows Mewtwo to deal a high amount of damage with a single attack whenever it uses a move since it can actively increase its Attack stat and also slow down opponents.
Scope LensScope Lens makes Mewtwo’s attacks deadlier through increased critical-hit rate and damage

Based on gameplay and suggestions from many sources, these 3 may be the best item build for Mewtwo X. However, players can also try the following builds.

  •  Muscle Band, Weakness Policy, Attack Weight
  •  Focus Band, Scope Lens, Attack Weight
  •  Razor Claw, Muscle Band, Weakness policy

Best Battle Items

  • Full Heal allows Mewtwo to overcome hindrances and become immune to them for a specific time, enabling the Pokemon to keep attacking, mainly while Mega evolved.
  • X Attack makes Mewtwo even deadlier through increased damage and attack speed, particularly while Mega evolved.

Pokemon Unite Mewtwo X Gameplay Tips

Our Pokémon Unite Mewtwo X guide includes the perfect game plan for the early and late games duringUnitebattles.

Early Game

Learn Confusion first and secure Xatu quickly then learn Barrier upon reaching level 3. Take the orange buff only if no one else is in the area. Farm experience and secure as many wild Pokemon as you can, to level up quickly.  If enemies are aggressive early game, assist your allies in your lane, be it top or bottom. Otherwise, assist allies and initiate team fights then try to score goals and get to level 5 quickly. Upon reaching level 5, learn either Future Sight or Psystrike as your Sure Hit and Hindrance move, then assist allies by utilizing Mewtwo X’s Standard Attacks.

Late Game

Help your allies secure Regice, Registeel, or Regirock at the bottom lane, with Registeel being the highest priority since it gives a damage buff to the party. Clear the second wave of jungle camps and reach at least level 7 to learn the moves Recover or Teleport. Also, help the bottom lane by securing Altaria and Swablus, getting kills, and scoring points.

If possible, reach level 9 to learn Mewtwo X’s Unite Move, Infinite Psyburn before or when Regice, Registeel, or Regirock spawns. Stick with your allies to see whether they are prioritizing map objectives, or leveling up, do the same too. be at the middle lane once Rayquaza spawns. Don’t attack it unless you have cleared and eliminated all the enemies in its vicinity.

Positioning of Mewtwo X

Although it is strong from the beginning, it gets its best form from level 5, hence Jungle in the initial stage is recommended. Switch after Level 5 though.

Mewtwo X with other Pokémon

Our Pokémon Unite guide will also look at the combination of Mewtwo X with other Pokémon during Unite battles.

Best Synergies with Mewtwo X

PokémonSynergy Benefits
SlowbroMewtwo X works well with allies that have disabling and hindrance abilities since it allows the user to burst enemies down quicker and push lanes as much as possible.
UrshifuPokemon like Urshifu are equipped with hard-hitting combos that can take up damage, overwhelm enemies with a few hits, and possibly stun or disable them from setting up their attacks.
BlisseyAlthough Mewtwo X is tanky itself, it still needs Supporter allies that specialize in supporting its teammates in the form of heals, buffs, and shields on the go, like Blissey, especially when Mewtwo X is aggressively pushing lanes and swiftly securing objectives.

Pokémon which are strong and weak against Mewtwo X

Strong againstWeak against

Pokémon Unite Mewtwo X Guide: Tips, tricks, and strategies

This guide will also discuss tips and tricks for playing the defender Mewtwo X in Pokémon Unite.

  • Prioritize reaching level 5 to the earliest, if by jungling, join your team upon reaching Level 5, otherwise focus on early fights and scoring to reach level 5.
  • Reach level 13 before or when Rayquaza spawns for a fully-upgraded moveset.
  • See whether teammates are prioritizing map objectives, or leveling up, and do the same too.
  • Initiate a combo by getting close to a target using Teleport, then immediately follow up with Psystrike. While the target is knocked up after Psystrike ends, use Infinitely Psyburn to end the combo.
  • Use of items like Rapid Fire Scarf or Muscle Band is a must.
  • The Unite move can be very useful for the Rayquaza team fight in the ultimate stages.
  • Here’s another combo you may try by using Teleport to relocate to a desired position, then immediately follow up with Future Sight. While the target is locked on, attack it continuously until Future Sight’s effect ends. Try this combo when mega evolved, for the best results.
  • Lastly, players must avoid using it much in Ranked Matches until they master all of its moves and playing style. They should use offline mode or Standard Battles as their Practice Arena.

Final Thoughts

Mewtwo X is undoubtedly a powerful Pokemon to play with. Its alternative Mewtwo Y will have different moves for sure, also, with th number of Pokemon coming in the next few months, would make the game a busier one undoubtedly.

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