The month of February is nearly over, and this month, we have seen a lot of skins and big events in Mobile Legends. The Valentine’s Day event and the Jujutsu Kaisen Collaboration are two of the best examples. MOONTON Games anticipates that many new items, heroes, skins, and a new rank system will be added to Mobile Legends in March. They have already released a lot of cool and exciting skins and events in the past year, and those who missed them will get another chance to grab them. The Starlight Pass will roll out in the game soon with unique rewards. In this article, we will discuss everything we know so far about the Mobile Legends leaks from March 2023.
Mobile Legends March 2023 Leaks: Upcoming skins
Mobile Legends Starlight Pass for February 2023
Skin Rewards
Mobile Legends Bang Bang is always focusing on skins that will give you a vibrant experience while playing, so for the month of March they are launching a special Valentina skin named CyberAgent. This skin will be in the Starlight category, and you can select its skin color, which is called Digital Enchantress. Both of the skins are very beautiful, each with their own unique animations. The Moonton Tech skin collection is more reminiscent of the CyberAgent skin collection.

Nowadays, Valentina is in the meta at high ELO, and she is not only a mage; players are using her as a jungler/mage. In this perspective, if you spend money on her skin, you will definitely not regret it because she is not on the banned list. However, players would now no longer be able to choose their preferred skin from a series of four other skins. Besides, this new-design starlight would cost only 300 diamonds to buy, making it easier to get for most players.
Mobile Legends March 2023 Leaks: Upcoming events and skins
All-Star Event
The following topic will be the All-Star game (Reserved String). MLBB is conducting a very big event, which will grant you lots of cool and exciting stuff. This event is mainly divided into five parts. You will learn about the events over time and receive free skins and emotes at the same time.

This will bring back some previous events like the Promo Diamonds event, the Transformers event, and most importantly, the Guinevere Legend skin (Psion of Tomorrow) event, which are very interesting. So stay tuned to our page for more detailed information about draws and other tricks when it goes live. There is a chance of getting a free Rafaela skin in this event, so don’t forget to complete tasks on a daily basis.
And it has also been confirmed that Miya and Eudora will receive the Allstar skins. Both animations are very eye soothing and have a flashy effect, and the amount of diamonds is not very high, so if you want to showcase your skin collection, you should definitely go for it.
S28 Season Skin

At the end of this season, players will receive Lapu-Lapu Son of the Wild skin, but in order to get it you have to play 20 matches and then you can claim it. This skin animation will remind you of Hilda‘s basic skin entrance, the effects, and the design is very beautiful and in this skin, he looks like a Tribal Captain.
Moonlit Wish Epic Hanabi skin

In this month’s Moonlit Wish draw, we can get an epic skin of Hanabi, the skin design is decorated with lots of pedals. You can gather wishes which are capped at 200-1000. Finally, you will get the skin by opening the Moonlit crest. But here is a catch, if you don’t want that skin, there are so many different skin options present and you can easily choose between them.
Upcoming Epic Harith skin
Mage Harith will have an upcoming skin in March. Players are pretty excited about this skin because recently we saw that Harith was a massive pick in the regional champion games, and maybe that’s why developers decided to launch its skin. It will remind you of Luo-Yi‘s Tenko skin.

They are similar in that they both belong to the mage category and wear a Kitsune Mask, aka fox mask, which adds a pure Japanese Shinto festival vibe to the game. Our personal recommendation is that this is a must-buy skin for Harith Main.
Upcoming Floryn Elite skin
Finally, we can see Floryn in her new skin, Paw Flower. The skin color and animation effects are so soothing. This perfectly reflects Floryn’s role, as she belongs to nature, and one of her primary responsibilities is to protect it. As a support main, you can definitely go for it.
Badang and Gatotkaca Skin (Under Survey)
These two fan favorites can turn the whole game by just doing a single perfect ultimately. We can expect Steel Arms and Hip-Hop Boxer skin types from Badang and Gatotkaca, respectively. It has not been officially announced, but we can anticipate its release in Advanced Server soon.
Lolita’s Special Skin
Again, Moonton is launching a special Eruditio Ranger skin that will complement Lolita. Genki Slam looks like a schoolgirl, and sedate pink is very much suitable for a lady initiator. We can expect the skin in the last week of March.
Alice Elite Skin
Alice Jade Empress’ skin will be available at the end of March; the glowing green effect of her wings gives her a perfect demon vibe.
Mobile Legends March 2023 Leaks: New Heroes
New Hero – Novaria
We are expecting Novaria, the 120th hero of Mobile Legend, very soon. As per the basic information, she falls under the category of a proper mage with a unique skill set, and her animations are pretty realistic to draw players’ attention. The developers did not announce the particular date yet, but we are expecting that she will be available on the Advanced server very soon (at the end of March).

After a long time, big changes are coming to the emblem system, and they will undoubtedly help players choose multiple heroes with appropriate emblems. We will discuss it shortly, including how to choose it and how it will affect the game.
Final Thoughts
From the upcoming events and hero skins, we can clearly see that MLBB is trying to leave a mark on the mobile MOBA. The latest Jujutsu Kaisen event is undeniably a very expensive event, and instead of spending a bag of real-time money on it, we can clearly understand the anime skin supremacy. Developers have collaborated to offer a new technique in free skins for the new rank division system.
Those who can achieve mythic rank only will vote for a particular hero skin, and then the hero with the most votes will win the survey, and then the developer team will design the skin. It’s a very unique process, indeed. The advantage is that the skin will be available only on demand, but the disadvantage is that achieving mythic will be more difficult. So be prepared, and welcome to the new rank division Immortal, which may differ depending on the original launch.
What are your thoughts on all the leaks of upcoming skins and events of Mobile Legends in March 2023? Let us know in the comments below!
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