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University Professor turns out to be a Genshin fan as he gives Genshin Impact-inspired homework

Homework just became more interesting!

A College professor recently asked his students to prepare a program to categorize characters in Genshin Impact. One of the students reportedly shared the incident on Reddit claiming the influence the Ā HoYoverseĀ RPG has on today’s world. Up to this point, the post has amassed a total of 4.1k upvotes with many supporting the gesture from the professor giving out a Genshin Impact-inspired homework.

Genshin Impact has a fanbase from different walks of life

The game Genshin Impact needs no introduction the game is very famous for its open world and find detailed features. This saw a university professor teaching Computer Science include several references to Genshin Impact in a recent assignment, he asked his students to classify characters into several categories. There were 5 categories to be precise, name, element, weapon type, rarity ranking, and origin of the character.

Reddit user kevinkassimo posted the screenshot of the homework received on Reddit. The assignment asked students to build a program compiling various aspects of Genshin Impact characters like Ganyu, Raiden Shogun, and Hu Tao. The user also confirmed the name of the University as Michigan State University which assigned the Genshin-inspired project.

Replies on the post saw many users supporting the gesture and many even asking to which school of study the professor belongs in the game. Video game references in the field of education can work wonders for students who are into video games, homework has historically been more on the boring side of the spectrum irrespective of subjects for students, hence the addition of some video game references can help to freshen up the perspective of students towards homework.

Genshin Impact Inspired Professor, Genshin Impact
Image via Reddit @kevinkassimo

Genshin Impact since its debut in 2020 has amassed massive fans and has a very healthy gaming community of its own, the professor at Michigan State University seems to be a part of the community.

The game has received multiple accolades during annual award shows, including Best Mobile Game at the 2021 Game Awards, GamingonPhone’s Best Ongoing Game of The Year in 2021, etc. It is hence no surprise to see homework being inspired by Genshin Impact.

What are your thoughts on the Genshin Impact-inspired homework given out by a professor at Michigan State University? Do let us know in the comments below!

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