There’s the new Cookie Run Kingdom: Arena Season, and as always, there are brand new meta teams to look out for. The arrival of Magic Candies has changed the current meta comps in the arena, and previously non-meta cookies like Espresso and Vampire have been steadily gaining popularity in the game mode. Let’s take a look at the best teams in the arena for Radiant Heroes Season 2 at the moment in the Cookie Run: Kingdom.
Best meta Teams for Cookie Run Kingdom Radiant Heroes Season 2
1. Vampresso Comp
Cookies for this team are usually made up of:
- Financier Cookie
- Wildberry Cookie or Dark Cacao Cookie
- Espresso Cookie
- Vampire Cookie
- Parfait Cookie (alternative: Pomegranate Cookie)

As the name suggests, this comp revolves around Vampire Cookie and Espresso Cookie. Note that to successfully use this comp, you’ll need to have a level 10 Magic Candy for Vampire (the level 10 candy unlocks an extra “revive” for Vampire, meaning he can cast his skill one last time after he gets defeated) while a level 10 Magic Candy for Espresso is recommended, but not as necessary. Espresso’s Magic Candy gets an extra stun effect on level 10, as well as more damage to stun-immune enemies.
Financier Cookie is one of the main tanks in this team. Thankfully, she’s easy to get, since she has her own featured banner where players can pull and get an increased drop rate for her. Her skill consists of protecting the cookie with the highest “attack” stat in the team, providing heals, DMG Resist, and CRIT Resist buffs.

This is especially useful since most of the high attack cookies are on the fragile side. Make sure Espresso Cookie is the one receiving the buffs in this team. Toppings for her can either be a full set of Swift Chocolate (make sure to get good DMG Resist substats too) so she can constantly protect your highest attacker, or Whole Almonds so she can survive for a longer period of time.

Wildberry Cookie is the second tank for this team. He’s used since he’s one of the best tanks in the game, with his DMG Resist buffs, stun, and extra damage. However, you can substitute Dark Cacao Cookie for him if you want to get more “Injury” debuff stacks with Espresso Cookie.

Espresso Cookie is one of the best AOE dealers in the game since he has a new Magic Candy that gives him more damage, stuns, and Injury debuff. It’s recommended to use a full Searing Raspberry set on him and to get at least 25% DMG Resist in substats since he has a lower HP and DEF stat than most cookies. Other variants of this comp use Caramel Arrow or Dark Cacao instead of Espresso.

Vampire Cookie is a single-target cookie that always targets the rear-most cookie or enemy. In arena. This means that Vampire will always target the enemy Support and Healer cookies. Since he has a new Magic Candy that gives him more damage, a “bleed” effect, a guaranteed skill CRIT, and a revive, it’s recommended to get his Magic Candy at Level 10 as soon as possible. Remember to use a full Searing Raspberry set on him, and to prioritize ATK in substats.
Parfait Cookie is a great healer who also provides a 40% Debuff Resist. She’s commonly used when the top teams in Arena provide lots of debuffs, for example, teams with Frost Queen Cookie, Caramel Arrow Cookie, and Espresso Cookie.

Since she supports while providing heals, she’s a better cookie to use compared to Cotton, Pure Vanilla, or Herb Cookie. Pomegranate Cookie is a good alternative if you’re fighting a “defensive” comp since Pomegranate provides a 30% ATK boost that lets your damage dealers pack a heavier punch.

Some variants of this comp use Cream Unicorn instead of Parfait Cookie. If you’re using Cream Unicorn, you might be better off using a full Whole Almond set instead of Swift Chocolate, while making sure to get as many cooldown and ATK speed substats as possible so they can heal the team more frequently.
Treasures for this comp are Squishy Jelly Watch, Old Pilgrim’s Scroll, and Bookseller’s Monocle. The Monocle treasure helps provide extra heals in case Parfait doesn’t heal your team enough in time, and the other two help you attack more frequently, but you can use Swan’s Shining Feather or Insignia if your team lacks durability.
2. Caramel Arrow Comp (Vampire Counter)
Cookies for this team are usually made up of:
- Caramel Arrow Cookie
- Pumpkin Pie Cookie
- Sorbet Shark Cookie
- Parfait Cookie
- Pure Vanilla Cookie (alternative: Cotton Cookie)

This team is solely used to counter Vampire Cookie in Arena. It’s not used as a “Defense” team since it’s not as strong against other teams and is used mostly for “Offense”. The recommended toppings for the cookies in this team are:

Caramel Arrow Cookie uses Full Whole Almonds so she can survive for a long time. She’ll be receiving the majority of Vampire’s hits since she always jumps to the back, and Vampire’s attack always targets the rearmost enemy. If you can use a near 30 DR set with Searing Raspberry (Juicy Apple Jelly if you have good CRIT DMG upgrades in the Sugar Gnome Laboratory and Landmark) then it’s also doable, and it would help you melt the enemy team faster. However, your healers would have to be able to heal Caramel Arrow quickly, or else she’ll be too fragile.

Pumpkin Pie Cookie uses full Whole Almonds since she’s a fragile cookie. It’s recommended to have at least 40 DR on her, but 45 DR and up would be even better since you don’t want her to die too early. She’s used since her Pompon summoned creature has healing nerf to enemies, which helps you take down enemy tanks easier.

Sorbet Shark Cookie can use either Swift Chocolate or Whole Almonds. If you can get at least 28 DR with Swift Chocolate, you can use the set. Otherwise, a Whole Almond set with as much DMG Resist and around 8 CD would be better for them. You want them to attack their tanks quickly, and the cooldown requirement is so you can take out the enemy team’s HP right before they receive the Bookseller’s Monocle buff.

Pure Vanilla Cookie uses a full Swift Chocolate set since you want him to cast his skill as frequently as possible. He also has a long cooldown, so a Whole Almond set would take too long for him to heal the whole team in time. Try to get as much DMG Resist on him, so he can continue healing and shielding the team throughout the whole match.
Parfait Cookie uses a full Swift Chocolate set too, and like Pure Vanilla you want as much DMG Resist on her as possible. The team is very fragile since it doesn’t have any real tanks (Caramel Arrow would jump to the back frequently) so you’d need to have your healers constantly keeping the rest of the cookies alive.

Cotton Cookie is recommended instead of Pure Vanilla Cookie if you’re fighting a tankier team, since Cotton has extra ATK as well as heals, while Pure Vanilla is used for teams that only have two tanks. Treasures for this comp are Old Pilgrim’s Scroll, Squishy Jelly Watch, and Swan’s Shining Feather.
3. Summoners Comp
Cookies for this team are usually made up of:
- Crunchy Chip Cookie
- Pumpkin Pie Cookie
- Sorbet Shark Cookie
- Oyster Cookie
- Cookie Cotton Cookie
This team is used to counter Caramel Arrow comps and any comp that doesn’t rely on burst damage. This means if you’re using this comp, you have to stay away from teams that have cookies like Sea Fairy Cookie, Frost Queen Cookie, and Espresso Cookie. Generally, if they have a power level that’s higher than 1 million, then it might be a good idea to stay away. Otherwise, it’s good for beating teams that are more defensive than offensive.

Crunchy Chip Cookie uses a set with Searing Raspberry (As always, Juicy Apple Jelly is a better option as long as you have good CRIT DMG upgrades in the Sugar Gnome Laboratory and Landmark), and try to get as many ATK and CRIT substats as you can on his topping set. He’s your main damage dealer in this team, and his skill works a lot better when he dies first in the team so it’s best to have as little DMG Resist on him.

Oyster Cookie is a little bit hard to build since she requires a very specific set. The best set for her is a build with 4 Whole Almonds and 1 Swift Chocolate, with a total of at least 11.2% cooldown and at least 35% DMG Resist. The specific cooldown is needed so she can summon three summoner soldiers (you can test her out in a friendly battle before using her in Arena if she only summons two soldiers you need to add a little bit more cooldown) and since she’s a little fragile Whole Almonds is good for her.

Cotton Cookie is the healer in this team, so she has to survive for a long time. She uses a full Swift Chocolate set too, and you want as much DMG Resist as you can give her. Cooldown substats are good for her but not necessary. While she’s only healing this team solo, she can keep the team up and running since Oyster provides extra CRIT chance and CRIT DMG, helping cotton crit on her healing.
Pumpkin Pie Cookie and Sorbet Shark Cookie use the same toppings recommended by the Caramel Arrow Front team. Since it’s a summoner comp, treasures for this comp are Squishy Jelly Watch, Old Pilgrim’s Scroll, and Seamstress’s Pincushion. The last treasure is always a must-have for summoner teams since it boosts the ATK of the summoners as well as their duration.
What are your thoughts on our Cookie Run: Kingdom arena guide on Radiant Heroes Season 2 Meta? Let us know your opinions in the comments below!
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