
Wild Rift Patch 2.2 Tier List: Season 2 analysis and Meta discussion

Choose from only the best heroes!

The new season has come, and so has our new tier list! Welcome to our League of Legends: Wild Rift Season 2 Tier List along with some meta-discussion on Patch 2.2, the biggest Wild Rift patch to date. Lots of information are listed to help you climb into the new season so make sure not to miss anything! In case you are wondering where the tier list is based, it is formed from analyzing the win rates along with their ban rates and pick rates to come up with the result. Moreover, it is from the personal experience of a high-elo player on the current meta of the game. So enough talk, let’s get right into it!

Wild Rift Patch 2.2 Tier List (Ranked season 2)

The tier list will be separated into 5 categories: S, A, B, C, and D. S tier translates to the strongest champions in the current meta, A tier translates to strong champions in the current meta but not on the same level as the S tier champions, B tier translates to champions in a healthy and balanced spot, C tier translates to champions who are only viable and strong in certain games while D tier translates to champions who are in a weak spot and playing them is not the most ideal if you want to win games.

There will be 5 tier lists which are separated into 5 roles: Baron Lane, Jungle, Mid Lane, Dragon Lane, and of course, the Support role. Additionally, there will be explanations on the S and A tier champions why they belong to their designated spot, let’s get into the tier lists!

Wild Rift Baron Lane tier list

The state of the Baron Lane meta has been pretty much the same since last time, though this season, tanks are much stronger so they have climbed higher into the tier list due to the item changes. The B tier consists of champions like Darius, Fiora, and Garen, these champions are strong especially in certain games, however, they have clear weaknesses as well. While the C tier consists of champions like Kennen, Singed, and Yasuo, these champions are known to be counter picks that are only strong on very certain matchups and bad matchups result in unplayable games. The D tier features champions like Nasus and Teemo, which are unplayable in this current meta, they have too many weaknesses while not having that much power or potential in the game.

S TierA TierB TierC TierD Tier
Dr. Mundo
Jarvan IV

S Tier

  • Akali – despite the Conqueror and Liandry’s Torment nerf, Akali is still very strong at the meta. She still has no clear counters except the Kennen and the late champion, Pantheon which puts her in a very safe spot. Moreover, she outranges almost any champion on the baron lane and can trade very well. Finally, she can put up with all sorts of champions in the baron lane from tanks to fighters and even mages or marksmen.
  • Camille – insanely good baron laner, who can do anything that the role needs: split pushing, team fighting, skirmishing, provides utility and damage, decent sustain with her passive and Ability 2. She barely has bad matchups which include Fiora and Teemo, and the most important thing of all, she counters Akali hard.
  • Gragas – one of the most flexible champions in the game, Gragas is in a very strong spot in this meta. He counters almost every baron lane champion with his flexible itemization which can either be AP or Tank. The tank item buffs made him even stronger especially the change on the Sunfire Aegis and Winter’s Approach.
akali wild rift, Wild Rift Season 2 Tier List
Wild Rift Patch 2.2 Tier List: Akali

A Tier

  • Dr. Mundo – due to the tank item buffs, Dr. Mundo comes strong in the tier list. Especially against Magic Damage’s enemy team compositions, he would easily be S tier. The Sunfire Aegis update makes him a difficult champion to handle, able to deal so much damage, even more, when he stacks health. Though, Grievous Wounds counter him so he can’t yet go to where he pleases.
  • Malphite – just like Dr. Mundo and Gragas, Malphite has also been “rock solid” lately sitting strong in the A tier due to the tank item changes. He counters many baron laners specifically those who will be building AD. Though he is not as strong against opponents that deal magic damage, that’s why he can’t make the S tier as well.

Wild Rift Jungle tier list

Unlike Baron Lane, the Jungle meta has completely shifted from bruisers to tanks though there are still familiar faces left in the S tier like Lee Sin. Evelyn remains very strong this season with the lack of tools to locate her in the games. Tank junglers are very strong this season specifically Amumu, Dr. Mundo, and Gragas due to the changes on the tank items. Meanwhile, the likes of Jarvan IV, Graves, and Wukong are on a healthy spot. B tier features champions like Camille and Xin Zhao who generally struggle on their first clears and mostly rely on their ganks. C tier features weak champions like Master Yi and Tryndamere who heavily rely on snowballing, farming safely, and are easily shut down by CC. Under D tier, only Nasus is listed since he is completely unplayable on the role.

S TierA TierB TierC TierD Tier
Dr. Mundo
Lee Sin
Jarvan IV
Xin Zhao
Master Yi


S Tier

  • Dr. Mundo – just as mentioned before, tanks are very strong due to the changes. Sunfire Aegis specifically, gave Dr. Mundo a more offensive approach compared to his old version last season. He is now capable of dealing decent damage while tanking, though Grievous Wounds can him. Nonetheless, he is a force to be reckoned with this season, so watch out for him.
  • Evelyn – still a very strong jungle this season with the absence of vision tools like the Scryer’s Bloom to locate Evelyn in the games. Her ganks are very strong post-level 5 with her potential to invade from unexpected angles from her passive and her pre-level 5 are not be underestimated as well. Mid-game, she can farm very fast and her smite-ult combo can easily secure objectives. Overall, she is the strongest AP jungler in the game.
  • Lee Sin – despite many attempts to nerf him, Lee Sin is still one of the strongest junglers in the game and the most played at the top of that. He sees many play on all elos and is very dominant in the early game. Moreover, he snowballs the hardest, and carrying with him is very easy.
  • Amumu – just like Dr. Mundo, Amumu is also very strong this season due to the tank item changes. In the game, he currently has the fastest time to take objectives especially with the Mastermind rune, Sunfire Aegis, and Liandry’s Torment items. He counters strong junglers like Lee Sin as well.
Wild Rift Amumu,  Wild Rift Season 2 Tier List
Wild Rift Patch 2.2 Tier List: Jungle

A Tier

  • Jarvan IV – with the changes on the tank items, Jarvan IV has the potential to build them now. He has decent clear and very strong ganks. Moreover, he can build tanks and still provide many utilities like crowd-control, lockdown ultimate, and attack speed boost. Also, he can be built offensively and provide decent damage while still providing the said utilities. He is in a healthy spot though he can be exposed by stronger champions like Graves and Lee Sin.
  • Wukong – still a popular pick this season, Wukong comes strong on the list. He has one of the strongest ultimates in the game though he can easily be shut down early if he misses some of his camps and coming back into the game is very hard. However, if able to get a strong lead early he can easily snowball even harder than Lee Sin.
  • Graves – Graves is in a healthy spot this season, however, he has weaknesses that can be exposed easily like position and team composition reliance. Additionally, he can be very dominant in the early game if played correctly, he has the healthiest clear in the game and the potential to carry games.
  • Gragas – just as stated before, Gragas is one of the flexible champions in the game, and additionally, the tank item changes have brought him even more flexibility. He has one of the strongest ganks and clear in the game, however, he can be shut down by strong early game champions.
  • Pantheon – one of the strongest early game champions in the game. Pantheon‘s level 3 is not to be taken lightly since it can easily defeat anyone in a 1 v 1. Moreover, he has a strong ultimate level 5 and can snowball easily if played correctly. However, his biggest weakness is his potential to fall off quickly due to possible mistakes in his early game.

Wild Rift Mid Lane tier list

The meta on the Mid lane has completely shifted from control mages like Aurelion Sol and Orianna to overly stronger champions namely Katarina and Corki. These champions are very strong with very high damage output and the potential to carry games. Orianna is now on the A tier, along with champions like Ziggs and Seraphine who can easily be S tier if they didn’t have to rely so much on good positioning. Akali and Zed are very strong as well capable of shutting down their matchups if played correctly. The other tiers are all viable picks though they have many weaknesses and less power compared to the other champions higher in the list.

S TierA TierB TierC TierD Tier
Twisted Fate
Aurelion Sol

S Tier

  • Corki – easily one of the strongest champions in the game. Corki might not have an impactful early game but his scaling is very dangerous. Moreover, his passive is very strong and can be a deciding factor in team fights. Finally, he barely has any bad matchups that can punish him in the hands of a good and knowledgeable player.
  • Katarina – though she is just weeks away from her release, Katarina has proven herself to be a very dangerous champion capable of completely shifting the tide of team fights or dominating them. Despite having a known weakness to crowd controls, Katarina still remains a very strong champion if positioned well.
  • Galio – despite just getting released this patch, Galio has been dominating the rift. Even against supposedly bad matchups like Zed, Galio still fairs just fine. Moreover, he has insanely high damage output, natural bulk, and strong abilities which are yet to be nerfed. In the meantime, he sits strong in the S tier.
Wild Rift Season 2 Tier List
Wild Rift Patch 2.2 Tier List: Mid Lane

A Tier

  • Seraphine- despite not seeing much play in the middle lane, she is much scarier than she looks. One of the strongest champions in terms of providing utility. She is decent in all phases of the game and has a very strong scaling. However, she is vulnerable to matchups like Pantheon and Zed who can slow her down.
  • Zed – he comes very strong this season even with the buff on the tank items. His potential to carry games, make game-deciding picks, and shut down carrys is a very large threat in the game. Also, since Exhaust is not really that popular in Wild Rift compared to League of Legends PC, many struggles to match against him. As long as people do not realize how to play against him, he will remain strong on the list.
  • Orianna – despite the nerfs, Orianna is still a strong champion this season. Very strong scaling and potentially game-deciding ult are enough for her to be a threat.
  • Akali – though she is not as strong in the mid lane compared to the baron lane, Akali is in the same case as Zed.
  • ZiggsZiggs has the same case as Orianna though he offers a more offensive approach compared to her.

Wild Rift Dragon Lane tier list

The meta on the Dragon Lane is very consistent in the recent patches though there are some champions that just stand out. On the S tier, Kai’Sa and Corki are present with their strong potential to carry games and deal so much damage compared to other champions. Other tiers actually feature champions that all playable on this meta, however they do not come close compared to the strength of the S tier champions on the role. Moreover, they can be reliant on their support and are only strong on certain games and matchups.

S TierA TierB TierC TierD Tier
Miss Fortune

S Tier

  • Kai’Sa – one of the most popular champions in the game, Kai’Sa comes up strong in the season’s tier list. She had the highest win rate along with pick rate in the SEA Icon Series tournament and yet, she has not received any nerfs. She is a very good marksman with self-peel and insane damage output. So far, her only weakness is she’s not as strong against tanks as she is against squishier targets.
  • Corki- as mentioned before Corki is one of the strongest champions in the game, she is S tier here for the same reasons as the Mid lane tier list.
Wild Rift Patch 2.2 Tier List: Dragon Lane

A Tier

  • Jinx – though she was not as popular on her release, Jinx is now one of the most popular picks in the ADC role. She provides strong firepower and has long-range, though she does not do that well against many tanks. Still, she has the potential to carry games, especially with utility supports to even empower her more.
  • Ezreal – Ezreal has been one of the most comment ADCs in the game as well, though he was nerfed back in Season 1, however, he has come back this season to the top of the tier list with his recent buffs. He has one of the most consistent DPS (damage per second) and range at the game, and has decent scaling in the mid-game, though he is not as strong in the late game as the other ADCs.
  • Seraphine- though it has not seen that much popularity, dragon lane Seraphine is a thing. It’s meta in the PC version of the game, and it’s about time that the mobile version realizes how strong the champion is. In the right team composition, Seraphine will be very obnoxious and will provide many value. However, she lacks damage which a champion in the dragon lane should be providing. To sum it up, if a team composition has enough damage, dragon lane Seraphine is very good.
  • Ziggs- just like dragon lane Seraphine, Ziggs is very strong in the role as well. He provides everything that an ADC does: dealing damage and pushing turrets, but even better than most ADCs. Basically, he is an AP marksman, but he has longer range and potentially bigger damage.
  • Xayah – in the right games, Xayah is easily S tier. However, since she relies on her team setting up her abilities in order for her to pop off, she is in the A tier.

Wild Rift Support tier list

Compared to last season, this season’s support meta is much different. Strong supports now are those who are exceptionally well in both protecting and setting up team fights. S tier features champions like Seraphine and Braum, these champions are very good on their role, meanwhile, the lower tiers are all viable champions but fairly weaker the lower the tier.

S TierA TierB TierC TierD Tier

S Tier

  • Seraphine – as mentioned in the mid lane and dragon lane’s tier lists, Seraphine is the strongest champion in terms of providing utility. This fact is of course, most appropriate in the support role despite being viable in the other roles.
  • Braum – in terms of protecting and setting up team fights, Braum shines the most. His main strength, however, is his passive which is yet to see a nerf, it sets up picks too easily. Moreover, he counters most utility supports and can block many valuable abilities which not all supports can do.
  • Rakan – Rakan is also good at both protecting and setting up team fights, however, he has a different approach on the said points. His Ultimate + Ability 2 combo is still one of the best in the game in terms of potentially changing the game. He barely has any weaknesses and can match up against all supports fairly.
  • Galio – as stated before, Galio is overpowered on his release and it applies in the support role as well. Even without building any damage, Galio’s abilities all deal too much damage and provide too much value. Additionally, his potential to shut down the whole enemy team just on his own is just too much. Abuse him while it lasts.
Braum Wildrift
Wild Rift Season 2 Tier List: Support

A Tier

  • Gragas – just like Galio, Gragas also has amazing base damages even without building many damage items. Moreover, he provides amazing utility and cc, however dodging them is sometimes too easy especially in the higher elo. So, Gragas is in the A tier for the meantime.
  • Leona- having an amazing set of abilities, Leona‘s difficulty is too much compared to League of Legends PC. This reason puts her in the A tier, however, she can still provide much utility and game-changing crowd control especially in the hands of a good player that is able to utilize her well.
  • Alistar – his rampage has been put to a stop the last patch and he is now in a healthy spot in the A tier. Despite the nerfs, Alistar is still a good champion that is able to attack and defend just well and can fit into any team composition. However, champions that are able to deny his engage like Janna and Braum will make him useless thus his spot.
  • Janna – one of the most consistent supports in the game, Janna is a simple yet valuable champion. She provides decent offensive abilities but very good peeling/protecting potential. Moreover, she counters strong champions like Alistar, Rakan, and Galio which is a good point. However, without any offensive capabilities, she is in the A tier.


So, that’s all for this season’s tier list! We really hope you enjoyed it and learned a lot in the process, Compared to last season’s tier list, this season has seen many changes in the meta, however, this doesn’t mean that the champions can’t play the champions you loved playing anymore. As long as you enjoy the game, it doesn’t really matter. Play what champs you want to play, but if you enjoy winning even more, then feel free to come back to this tier list to see what champs are the best to play. What are you waiting for? Hop into the rift and have fun!

That’s all for today’s guide about Wild Rift Season 2 Tier List and the Patch 2.2 Meta Discussion! Let us know your opinions in the comment section below!

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