
Wild Rift Patch 2.3 Tier List: Season 2 analysis and Meta discussion

Choose the best heroes!

League of Legends: Wild Rift season is about to come to an end with the latest Patch 2.3, which includes several champion changes and new champions. Compared to last season, it is safe to say that the meta has changed in terms of the champions, though the itemization is still pretty much the same. The only reason why the order of the champions on the tier list is different is because of the several buffs and nerfs that happened within Patch 2.2, yet the items are still as strong. So, in this League of Legends: Wild Rift Patch 2.3 tier list, we will provide lots of valuable information to help you know who’s strong and weak on the current patch and help you climb.

Additionally, it will be based on the experience of a Grandmaster player from the Southeast Asian server. Let’s get into it!

Wild Rift Patch 2.3 Tier List (Ranked season 2): Best meta champions

The tier list will be separated into 5 categories: S, A, B, C, and DS tier translates to the strongest champions in the current meta, A tier translates to strong champions in the current meta but not on the same level as the S tier champions, B tier translates to champions in a healthy and balanced spot, C tier translates to champions who are only viable and strong in certain games while D tier translates to champions who are in a weak spot and playing them is not the most ideal if you want to win games.

There will be 5 tier lists which are separated into 5 rolesBaron Lane, Jungle, Mid Lane, Dragon Lane, and of course, the Support role. Additionally, there will be explanations on the S and A tier champions why they belong to their designated spot, let’s get into the tier lists!

Wild Rift Baron Lane tier list

On Patch 2.2, lots of unexpected things have come up to the meta in Baron Lane including Garen being a highly contested pick and a strong champ, though he just got nerfed this patch making him balanced again. Still, Tank champions are high on the tier list with additional champions like Fiora and Wukong in the S tier, due to the recent buffs for lane Wukong and Fiora’s strong laning power. Additionally, you can notice Gragas and Camille still in the S tier as well. They are still very strong especially with Camille’s high-value kit and Gragas’ flexible itemization and rune selection, including the new rune, Phase Rush. In case you haven’t checked our last patch’s tier list, Akali is now on A tier due to the recent changes, along with Darius, Diana and others. The new champions, Irelia and Riven are still very new so we are yet to see how well they will perform.

S TierA TierB TierC TierD Tier

Jarvan IV
Dr. Mundo

S Tier

  • Camille is arguably one of the strongest champions in the game with a highly valuable and complete kit. She is just as strong on split pushing as she is on team fights and skirmishes. She can handle any matchup just fine as well though she can be a meal to a good Fiora.
  • Gragas is a highly flexible champion capable of taking all roles except ADC and building AP, Tank or Support. He only has a clear counter as of now which is Fiora. Moreover, he can handle sidelanes just fine with his highly valuable kit as well even with a tank build.
  • Fiora: A new entry to the S tier, Fiora counters the majority of the S tier champions. Moreover, she is easily one of the strongest 1 v 1 champions making her difficult to handle on the sidelanes. Also, she is very strong in all phases of the game though she’s not as strong when she’s on team fights.
  • Wukong: With the recent buffs, Wukong is another new entry. He can be seen built a semi-tank build now, with Grasp of Undying rune and health items like the buffed Black Cleaver, and the strong Sunfire Aegis as his core items. Moreover, he is pretty strong in the lane yet shines immensely on team fights.
Wild Rift Patch 2.3 Tier List
Wild Rift Patch 2.3 Baron Lane Tier List: Camille in Wild Rift

A Tier

  • Akali: With the recent direct and indirect nerfs from the runes and items, Akali is now more manageable in the lane. Though, she is still good and has more scaling now. She is countered by other new released champions like Renekton and can struggle against Fiora and Camille.
  • Darius: He was S tier on some point of Patch 2.2 due to consecutive buffs, though thankfully, he got nerfed and is now placed on A tier. He is still pretty strong especially with the Black Cleaver buff, though some of his items got nerfed as well including Trinity Force and Deadman’s Plate.
  • Diana: Despite the nerfs, she is still pretty strong. She can handle all matchups on Baron Lane pretty well which is her strongest trait. Moreover, she scales pretty well with Rod of Ages.
  • Malphite: Still on the A tier, Malphite counters Fiora and other strong physical damage dealing champions like Pantheon. He doesn’t rely on resources that much and can handle sidelanes pretty decently with the right preparation for the mid-game.
  • Pantheon: With the consecutive buffs, Pantheon can make the S tier though we are yet to see how it will go. He is very strong early and surprisingly, scales pretty well.
  • Renekton: He was very weak on his release, though the recent buffs were enough to put him on the A tier. He can be very dominant in the early game, but he doesn’t scale that much and falls off late game.

Wild Rift Jungle tier list

Just like the Baron Lane, lots of things have shifted in the Jungle meta as well. First on the list are the new S tier champions, Rengar and Camille – they have been dominating this patch with their strong kits on all phases of the game. Evelyn on the other hand, is slightly weaker with champions like Rengar and Twisted Fate who counter Evelyn’s passive, coming up strong this patch. For the A tier, Lee Sin is still strong along with Gragas and Jarvan IV. Pantheon is also strong this patch, with his consecutive direct and indirect buffs from the Lethality and Armor Penetration items. Compared to Patch 2.2, tanks have come weaker due to the nerfs directed towards them.

S TierA TierB TierC TierD Tier
Lee Sin
Jarvan IV
Dr. Mundo
Master Yi
Xin Zhao

S Tier

  • Camille: Just as she is on the Baron Lane tier list, she is also S tier on the Jungle role for the exact same reasons. However, she excels on some attributes in the jungle role where she can used her mobility, fast clear, strong scaling and ganking potential more.
  • Rengar: He is very strong this patch, especially on his debut. He doesn’t rely on his ultimate to consistently provide value and is very strong with his basic abilities alone, making him a strong receiver of the ability haste items buffs, including Black Cleaver and Duskblade of Draktharr. His clear is very fast, scales well and is strong on all phases of the game.
wild rift 2.2b update, Wild Rift Patch 2.3 Tier List
Wild Rift Patch 2.3 Jungle Tier List: Rengar in Wild Rift

A Tier

  • Lee Sin: He is still a very strong and popular champion, however he still suffers from his reliance on snowballing and weak scaling. However, the buffs on Black Cleaver and Duskblade of Draktharr is very good for him, though the Trinity Force nerf is bad.
  • Jarvan IV: A very consistent jungler that is able to provide decent damage and high utility. He doesn’t rely upon resources that much, has decent clear, and strong ganking, skirmishing and teamfighting. However, he requires decent ability haste which can only be attained in the mid-game to not make missing his Ability 3 + Ability 1 combo punishing.
  • Gragas: Despite the nerfs, he is still a very strong jungler with a flexible itemization/rune selection. He is still very valuable in providing CC, Damage or tankiness.
  • Pantheon: Due to the recent consecutive buffs, we expect him to make the S tier on the following days. However, we put him on the A tier for now. He has a very strong early game, and decent scaling. Moreover, his ganks and skirmishing is pretty strong and is decent on team fights.

Wild Rift Mid Lane tier list

Meanwhile in the Mid Lane, almost all the S tier champions last Patch 2.2 have been nerfed and are now gone. In this patch, we can see Diana, Galio, and especially Twisted Fate coming up strong. For the A tier, it is still almost the same though stronger champions have come higher in the list with the weaker champions falling lower in the tier list.

S TierA TierB TierC TierD Tier
Twisted Fate
Aurelion Sol

S Tier

  • Diana: Despite the nerfs, she is still very strong this patch capable of handling any matchup. Moreover, she kind of replaced Katarina as one of the problematic champions in the game right now. She has good itemization with a good balance of health and insane damage.
  • Galio: He has got nerfed in the last patch which has been reverted, making him strong again up until now. He is one of the most consistent mid laners on the game, with his strong damage, waveclear, team fighting/skirmishing, CC, roaming potential and more.
  • Twisted Fate: One of the sleeper picks this patch, he is arguably the strongest mid laner on the game right now. He has received consecutive buffs, which has slowly put him into more popularity. However, he provides consistent damage, strong scaling and utility from his Ability 2 and Ultimate which counters strong champions like Rengar and Evelyn, and synergizes well with Camille.
Diana Wild Rift, Wild Rift Patch 2.3 Tier List
Wild Rift Patch 2.3 Mid Lane Tier List: Diana in Wild Rift

A Tier

  • Ahri: One of the most popular and go-to picks in the mid lane, Ahri is good on laning and decent in roaming. She excels the most on skirmishes where she can slowly but surely, pick enemy champions by playing around her cooldowns. As a mage, she has decent scaling and good waveclear.
  • Akali: Since her kit now is more tailored into her scaling, it is reasonable to say that Akali is now stronger in the mid lane, though it’s not enough to put her in the S tier. She can easily defeat most matchups, and can solo-carry games though she’ll generally have a hard time in the early phases of the game.
  • Corki: Due to the nerfs, he is not as strong as he is on Patch 2.2, however, he can still be effective in all types of games making him a very good champion. He easily has one of the best scaling in the game, though his weak early game can be exposed at some point.
  • Katarina: Previously one of the strongest champions in the game. However, she got some direct and several indirect nerfs from the runes and item changes. Moreover, strong mid laners like Diana and Galio can defeat her easily. Though she can still be a threat on the right games, against stacked CC and coordinated teams, she’ll have a hard time.
  • Pantheon: As mentioned before, Pantheon is a very strong flexible champion this patch. He can be a threat on the mid lane especially against control mages that he can easily punish. Moreover, with the right game knowledge and good macro, his roaming along his good waveclear can be valuable. As mentioned before, buffs on his items are very good for him.
  • Zed: Easily counters Twisted Fate and has a very high skill ceiling. He isn’t as good as he is on solo-queue as he is on competitive games. Moreover, buffs on the Lethality and Armor Penetration items are good for him.

Wild Rift Dragon Lane tier list

For the Dragon Lane, Kai’Sa is still very strong. However, strong scaling poke champions like Ezreal, Varus and Ziggs has come up to the tier list. Moreover, Corki has fallen down to the A tier along with Draven and Tristana, who’s on her way to the S tier with just a couple more buffs.

S TierA TierB TierC TierD Tier
Miss Fortune

S Tier

  • Ezreal: His kit is one of the most consistent on the game, and it’s enough to put him into S-tier this patch. Moreover, his power spike on the mid-game is very strong and is a threat. He can be built flexibly with defensive items like Iceborn Gauntlet to replace Trinity Force, or Liandry’s Torment to replace Blade of the Ruined King if the enemy team is building armour or your team needs magic damage.
  • Varus: One of the sleeper picks this patch. He has recently received consecutive buffs, though he just got popular this patch. He can be built flexibly as well, varying from Lethality (poke), On-hit (Blade of the Ruined King core item), and AP (Nashor’s Tooth core item), making him a very good champion. Moreover, players are skipping Manamune now and rush the buffed, Duskblade of Draktharr as a core item giving a massive and quick power spike.
  • Kai’Sa: She is still one of the strongest champions on the game who can be built flexibly with an AP oriented build if needed. Moreover, she has received nerfs the last patch, though it was not enough to put her into a lower tier. She is still a very strong solo-carry champion capable of winning games by herself without relying on her team that much. As long as her Ability 1 quick upgrade build is not addressed, she’ll remain an S tier champion.
  • Ziggs: Previously on the A tier last time, he has now made it into the S tier. Ziggs is basically magic damage dealing marksman, reasonably because of his capability to deal consistent damage and destroy turrets which is the main purpose of an ADC. Players are now skipping his tear item, into a Luden’s Echo and Rabadon’s Deathcap rush making him a strong mid-game champion.
Wild Rift Varus
Wild Rift Patch 2.3 Dragon Lane Tier List: Varus in Wild Rift

A Tier

  • Corki: Still strong but can be bullied in the early game now. His scaling is still a threat, though bad support can delay his power spikes and possibly cause the game.
  • Draven: Despite his nerfs, he is still a strong champion, especially with his dominant early game. However, Varus counters him hard. His Ability 1 is a very strong ability that works on turrets as well.
  • Tristana: We are yet to see how stronger she’ll get but she’s on A tier right now. Players are starting to pick her up, and realizing how strong she is with her possibly dominant early game and strong scaling.

Wild Rift Support tier list

Despite the Font of Life rune buff, the Support meta hasn’t been affected that much as of now though we are yet what lies on the future patches. Sitting strong on the S tier is currently the queen of Supports, Janna that literally has everything on her kit from CC, Damage, Healing, Shield, and Mobility. Moreover, Galio is also very strong as a support this patch. For the other supports, they are all good though the likes of Alistar and Leona are now suffering from low base stats, long cooldowns and hard-to-hit abilities.

S TierA TierB TierC TierD Tier

S Tier

  • Janna: Though she wasn’t as good as last season, she’s basically the Queen of Supports this patch. Lots of high Elo players are spamming her since as mentioned before, she has the complete package needed on a support champion which includes CC, Damage, Healing, Shield, and Mobility. Despite the nerfs on the enchanter support items, players are itemizing her a little different to still make her work by rushing Rabadon’s Deathcap or build Ardent Censer and proceeding to building tanks items, or even a full AP Janna.
  • Galio: He is very similar to Janna, to the point that you can call him a melee Janna with a global ult. He basically has the same attributes that make Janna a good champion but from a different perspective, especially since he has no source of heal but more CC. Players build him as a full tank, with movement speed items like Deadman’s Plate, Force of Nature, and Glorious Enchant making him engage harder to play around when combined with his Ability 2.
Wild Rift Janna, Wild Rift Patch 2.3 Tier List
Wild Rift Patch 2.3 Support Tier List: Janna in Wild Rift

A Tier

  • Nami: She is a sleeper pick and not that popular, but she can come up to par with Janna in terms of the said attributes. Similarly to Janna, players are itemizing her creatively to make her work. Moreover, the changed Font of Life is very interesting on her and is seen on high elo players on some games.
  • Braum: He got nerfed though he can still be a good support in the current meta. His CC is very accessible and can protect teammates with ease and effectiveness. Moreover, his kit is very simple, easy to play around and can work on any type of team composition.
  • Pantheon: Due to the consecutive nerfs, he is strong even in the support role. His main strength revolves around his strong early game, and highly effective roaming, securing a good establishment towards the mid game. However, he can fall off late game especially on big teamfights since his stun is a single-target and puts him closer to the enemy team, the enemy team can use this against him.
  • Gragas: A generally strong champion, Gragas is strong even when flexed on the support role. He provides decent bulk and self-sustain, several source of CC, and some form of poke. The best thing with Gragas is he can work just as well with items or without. Moreover, his roaming is very good with his body slam and ultimate.


That’s all for this patch’s tier list! Take note that the point of making this tier list is to tell you on what champions are strong or weak, not to tell you what champion to play. The choice is still up to you and if you enjoy a certain champion even if it’s labeled as weak, then it’s all good. However, if you’re looking forward into climbing and winning more games, then make sure to check this guide before going into your game. Thank you, and make sure to check the website for more Wild Rift content!

That’s all for today’s guide about Wild Rift Season 2 Tier List and the Patch 2.3 Meta Discussion! Let us know your opinions in the comment section below!

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