Pokémon Go is one of the most popular games that Niantic has made. The game provides you with the chance to live your dream of becoming a Pokémon trainer in real life with the help of augmented reality. You can fight, train, and catch various Pokémon in the game in real-life locations. The Battle Raids in which you can take part can range from anywhere between 1 to 5 Star Raid Bosses. So in this article, we are going to talk about the lineup for the raid battle schedule in Pokémon Go for November 2024.
Pokémon Go Raid Schedule for November 2024
Pokémon Go releases a special set of events, challenges, and special raids which keep on changing every month to keep the game interesting for its player base. As these lineups change every month, you need to keep yourself up to date to not miss out on important events. In November 2024, you will be able to go and fight against Pokémon such as Darkrai and Lugia amongst others.

You will also be able to take part in various events such as Mankey Community Day and Harvest Festival 2024. You will also witness the final month of Pokémon Go’s 16th Season of the Max Out Season which will go on till December 3, 2024. For this month’s Shadow Battle Raids, you will be able to fight against Shadow Suicune who will be available every weekend of this month.
Here’s the list of the complete Raid Boss schedule in Pokémon Go for November 2024. The number of days for which the Pokémon will be available is written along with their names in the list.
1. Pokémon Go Mega Raids Schedule November 2024
- Banette (Mega): October 28 to November 4
- Manectric (Mega): November 4 to November 11
- Salamence (Mega): November 11 to November 18
- Beedrill (Mega): November 18 to November 27
- Ampharos (Mega): November 18 to November 27
- Altaria (Mega): November 27 to December 3
2. Pokémon Go 5-Star Raids Schedule November 2024
- Darkrai: October 28 to November 4
- Lugia: November 4 to November 18
- Dialga (Origin Forme): November 18 to November 27
- Palkia (Origin Forme): November 18 to November 27
- Zamazenta: November 27 to December 3
- Regidrago: November 27 to December 3
- Regieleki: November 27 to December 3
3. Pokémon Go 3-Star Raids Schedule November 2024
- Bombirdier
- Umbreon
- Hariyana
- Typhlosion (Hisuian)
- Drifblim (Mischief Halloween Costume)
4. Pokémon Go 1-Star Raids Schedule November 2024
- Gastly
- Zorua
- Misdreavus
- Sneasal
- Yamask (Galarian)
- Pikachu (Witch Hat Costume)
- Froakie (Halloween Costume)
- Rowlett (Halloween Costume)
Raid Hours in Pokémon Go
Raid Hours is a special event hosted by Niantic every week that will provide you with a better chance of catching 5-Stars Raid Pokémon as they are featured in increased numbers during this time. These Raid Hours take place every Wednesday from 6 PM to 7 PM. You don’t need to worry about checking the time according to your time zone as all of the times are adjusted concerning your local time.

- Lugia: November 6
- Lugia: November 13
- Nihilego: November 19
- Tapu Koko: November 20
- Dialga (Origin): November 21
- Palkia (Origin): November 22
- Zacian (Hero): November 27
- Zamazenta (Hero): November 27
- Regieleki: November 27
- Regidrago: November 27
Spotlight Hours in Pokémon Go
The following Pokémon will be available from 6 PM to 7 PM local time for Pokémon Spotlight Hours on the specific dates along with the bonus they provide.
- Surskit: 2x Candy for transferring a Pokémon on November 5
- Smoliv: 2x XP for evolving a Pokémon on November 12
- Teddiursa: 2x Stardust for catching a Pokémon on November 19
- Combee: 2x Stardust for catching a Pokémon on November 19
- Joltik: 2x XP for catching a Pokémon on November 26
Research Breakthrough in Pokémon Go
You can earn an encounter with different Pokémon by completing Various Field Research tasks. November is also the last month of the new Research Breakthrough event which will go on till December 3, 2024.
- Growlithe (Hisuian)
- Furfrou
- Audino
- Larvitar
- Jangmo-o
- Axew
Pokémon Go Events Schedule November 2024
As a lot of events go on every month in Pokémon Go, you might miss out on some event or the other in which you might’ve wanted to participate because of not being up to date. So here’s the complete list of all the events that are going to take place in November 2024. The dates of the events are also written alongside their names in the list.

- GO Battle Weekend: November 2 to November 3
- Harvest Festival: November 7 to November 12
- Mankey Community Day: November 10
- Simply Groundbreaking: November 15 to November 17
- Pokémon GO Wild Area: Fukuoka: November 23 to November 24
- Into the Wild: November 18 to November 22
- Pokémon GO Wild Area: Global: November 23 to November 24
- Max Out: Finale: November 27 to December 1
This is everything you need to know about the upcoming Raid Schedule of Pokémon Go for November 2024!
Check our other Pokémon Go articles below:
- Pokémon Go Mega Lucario Raid Guide
- Pokémon Go Brionne Raid Guide
- Pokémon Go Steelix Raid Guide
- Pokémon Go Scizor Raid Guide
- Pokémon Go Garchomp Raid Guide
What are your thoughts on the Raid Battles schedule for November 2024 in Pokémon Go? Let us know in the comments.
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