Honor of Kings‘ Lu Bu, is a new hero who stands out as a unique and enjoyable character to play in the game. Serving as a Fighter-tank Juggernaut-type character, Lu Bu is an intermediate hero that may be challenging to play at first but once the player learns how to play, will make its appeal very evident on its fun playstyle and unique take on the role system of the game. In this Honor of Kings guide, we will take a look at the skills, and best builds, including tips and tricks to dominate every game with Lu Bu.
We have previously discussed how to master playing with other Honor of Kings heroes like Diaochan, Private Ear, Solarus, Lady Sun, Musashi, Mirrorblade, Eternal Sage, Peacekeeper, Arthur, Menki, Angela, Monkey King, Alessio, Sea Farer, Athena, and Milady. So make sure to check these hero guides as well. For now, let’s focus on Lu Bu.
Lu Bu is one of the few heroes that are currently available in the game that forces the players to change their playstyles right in the middle of the game. This means that there are certain strategies to be learned while playing Lu Bu. Below we will be looking into how to play Lu Bu and other gameplay tricks that would be very helpful like arcana, build order, and which playstyle is the best in a certain state of the game.
Skill Analysis
In this section of the guide, we will talk about the skill analysis for Lu Bu in Honor of Kings.
Passive – Bloodthirsty Ancestry – Damage

For this passive, when Lu Bu hits an enemy hero with the slash of his crescent halberd during his 1st skill or ultimate, he becomes enhanced for 8 seconds, during this time he deals true damage. While enhanced Lu Bu restores health whenever he hits an enemy hero with his 1st skill. Additionally, he also restores less health whenever he hits enemies with his basic attack.
Skill 1 – Impaling Thrust – Damage
CD – 5 seconds
Mana Cost – 0

Lu Bu slashes in the target direction with his crescent halberd, dealing 500+260% extra Physical attack as physical damage. If the slash does not hit an enemy hero the crescent halberd will instantly lose its enhancement.
Skill 2 – Soul Eater – Crowd Control, Shield
CD – 8 seconds
Mana Cost – 0

Lu Bu captures the souls of enemies in the target direction, reducing their movement speed by 30% for 3 seconds. Every captured soul grants Lu Bu a stack of shield that can stack up to 3 stacks. Each stack of shield negates 175+150% extra physical attack. Lu Bu converts 2255% of his remaining shield to health every second. Gaining 1 health to every 2 points of shield.
Skill 3 – Tremble Mortals – Damage, Crowd Control
CD – 60 seconds
Mana Cost – 0

Lu Bu leaps to the target location and creates a ring of slaughter, launching enemies within range for 1 second. During the leap, Lu Bu gains crowd control immunity. After landing, he swings his crescent halberd, dealing 0+330% extra physical attack as physical damage to enemies within range.
He gains 150 physical and magical defenses while within his ring of slaughter. Enemies that touch the edge of the ring take 150+87 extra physical attack as physical damage and are slowed by 50% for 2 seconds. Heroes who take damage this way restore health to Lu Bu.
Best Arcana build and Spells for Lu Bu in Honor of Kings
In this section of the Honor of Kings guide, we will pick the best Arcana Build for Lu Bu as a fighter.
Arcana Build
The best Arcana Build for Lu Bu as a fighter Tank would be:
Hunter, Vacuity, and Mutation
To unleash the full potential of Lu Bu, it is highly recommended to equip the right Arcanas. The Hunter arcana will be really helpful in his kit as a pick maker against enemy squishes as this Arcana gives an additional movement speed boost and attack speed boost that compliments his kit well.

Next is the Vacuity an arcana that supplements the tankiness of Lu Bu by giving him additional max health and cooldown reduction to be used against enemies making his potential to take more damage better, especially in the earlier parts of the game. Finally, there is the mutation arcana which, similar to the hunter arcana provides the hero with an additional boost to their physical attack and physical pierce that increases the damage potential of the hero.
Battle Spells
The spell most compatible with Lu Bu would be flash in order to close into the kiting marksmen and even get an escape possibility.
Best Builds for Lu Bu in Honor of Kings
While this build order is flexible and can be adjusted based on the enemy team compositions, it provides a general overview of Lu Bu’s optimal build without taking into account specific enemy team compositions or laning phase matchups.
In this section of the guide, we will give an overview of what build which Lu Bu is for at his best possible build order without considering the enemy team composition and/or laning phase match-up in Honor of Kings.
- Boots of Resistance – The boots of choice that would be most useful for Lu Bu would be the boots of resistance. This is because it hugely adds to the tankiness factor of the hero in addition to the movement speed increase it gives. The item gives a total of 110 magical defense, and it has two passive skills. Swift, which gives the hero an additional movement speed increase of 60. Lastly, Tough, which gives the hero an additional 35% to their respective resistances which is a huge plus for tanks.
- Spike Mail – Spike mail is one of the core items for Lu Bu this enables him to go dive into the enemy lines and have enough tankiness to bulldoze over the damage to sponge u damage for his team or be able to reach into the enemy carries. This item gives an addition of 30 physical attack and a whooping 360 physical defense. This item has two passives, Spiked Armor, which makes it so 25 of the physical damage taken is reflected back at the enemy as magical damage, and Counter Siege, which has an effect of when receiving physical damage exceeding 2000 within 2 seconds you charge forth dealing 8% of your health as magic damage within a range of 400.
- Siege Breaker – Siege breaker is the item that is responsible for the majority of the damage that Lu Bu would have this makes it a huge power spike core item that when completed can turn the entire playstyle of the hero around. This item gives a total of 180 physical attack stat and has a passive which is called Siege Breaker, the passive deals 30% extra damage to enemies being stuck when their health is below 50%.

- Runic Blade – Next item would be the Runic Blade. This item not only gives damage to Lu Bu but also gives him a significant amount of tankiness. This is due to the item giving out 90 additional physical attack stat and then 100 magical damage, and 500 additional max health. Additionally, this item has a passive of Anti Mage which increases the magical defense by 60% of his physical attack.
- Cuirass of Savagery – This item is another tanky damage-dealing item that is a testament to how Lu Bu is a very bruiser-type hero that embodies the playstyle completely. This item gives an additional 30 physical attack, 220 physical defense, an additional 900 max hp, and also an additional 5% to his movement speed which is needed when chasing those pesky kiting enemies. This item also has a passive called fearless, which upon taking damage the passive increases the damage by 2% and movement speed by 1% for 3 seconds and can stack up to 5 times.
- Destiny – This item is a damage-dealing item that is good for the early game this item gives an additional 60 physical attack stat and % cooldown reduction. The item also has a passive called dark curtain, which when taking fatal damage, instead of dying immediately, gains an invincible effect and a 30% movement speed increase for 1 second with a cooldown of 120 seconds.
Honor of Kings Lu Bu Gameplay Tips
Lu Bu is a fascinating and powerful hero to master in Honor of Kings and offers an exciting and thrilling gaming experience. With his incredible damage potential and the tankiness of a pure tank in his arsenal, Lu Bu shines during the mid and late game as a formidable bruiser tank.
His expertise lies in becoming a juggernaut that is able to go into the front line deal damage to squishies and then be able to soak up the damages meant to be dealt to the team’s carry. Playing as Lu Bu gives gamers a thrilling advantage and empowers their team to dominate the game. In this guide, we will outline and elucidate the strategies for playing Lu Bu in the early game, mid-game, and late game in Honor of Kings.
Early Game
For the early game, the first skill to be learned by Lu Bu is his first skill as this does the better damage in his choice and will help clear out the first waves of creeps that he will encounter all the while being able to try and harass the enemy laner. This skill is an AOE skill that excels in farming minions and winning exchanges.

In this stage of the game, Lu Bu is a bit tanky in comparison to the other heroes especially due to his second skill which allows him to gain a shield in order to mitigate more damage. This allows Lu Bu to take one versus one duel in the early game. Knowing this it would be beneficial to start and look to fight your enemy laner as Lu Bu as winning fights and getting kills in the early game can easily lead to a snowballing effect with the enemy laner getting less and less useful.
Mid Game
In the mid-game, depending on the build order, one may be a huge damage dealer which is recommended when the enemy has more squishies than tanks or a tanky hero which is recommended when their team is comprised more of fighters and tanks than squishy heroes. Either way, your playstyle for the mid lane would still be basically the same.
One must act as the vanguard of the team. It means that you would need to fight in the middle of everything or at the front line. As a frontline, you must learn how to fully utilize Lu Bu’s ultimate skill for starting team fights as this can become a huge set-up advantage for your team.
Individually Lu Bu is not the best in terms of dueling after the early game. This means that it would be best to avoid individual skirmishes and as much as possible make sure to fight in a team fight where you can control many more enemies.
Late Game
The late game is where Lu Bu’s tankiness shines the most. This is due to him having most of his tanky items in the later part of most build orders. But in comparison to the mid-game, the only big difference that this part gives to Lu Bu would be for him to focus much more on being the vanguard of the team as this phase of the game is where the carries shine much more in terms of damage dealing so the better focus would be is that to instead of dealing damage your self would be to pressure the enemy damage dealers as much as possible in order for your own team’s damage dealer to deal as much damage as they can into the enemy team.

During this phase, it is also important to look into your team’s carry. This is due to the fact that protecting them is much more important than any other thing that the team would be doing as losing the carry in the teamfight with the enemy carry still going at it is in more times than not will result in the loss for your team.
Heroes that counter Lu Bu | Heroes Lu Bu can counter |
Beast | Angela |
Sea Farer | Private Ear |
Lian Po | Milady |
Mischief | Marco Polo |
Lu Bu has outstanding damage-per-second (DPS) capabilities, making him a significant threat to fragile enemy heroes like marksmen and mages, who typically provide the primary source of damage for their teams. However, it’s important to note that Lu Bu may not be the best in terms of dueling and fighting against heroes that are in the tankier category which are the fighters and tanks as they can survive the barrage that Lu Bu can bring.
Final Thoughts
Lu Bu, a Tank-fighter Juggernaut champion, has one of the most fun and enjoyable gameplay experiences in the game. While his Tank attributes make him attractive to players seeking a Tank playstyle, it’s important to recognize the significant learning curve and high skill ceiling associated with mastering him. Succeeding with Lu Bu heavily relies on the player’s instinct in selecting targets, knowing when to engage and disengage from fights.
In the early stages of the game, Lu Bu’s playstyle revolves more around the fighter aspect of the hero, focusing on dealing damage and engaging in duels with enemy laners, especially when building damage. The most challenging part comes in adjusting to a tankier playstyle in the mid-game, which proves difficult for many players who tend to stick to their early-game strategies.
An excellent pick for rank games, Lu Bu is definitely a good pick for the current meta. These tips will surely help you to guide easy wins with Lu Bu in Honor of Kings. You can also refer to our latest tier list to know more about the revamped meta heroes in this current season.
That’s all for today’s Honor of Kings Lu Bu Guide. Do you prefer to use Lu Bu in any other way? Let us know in the comment section below!
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