Wild Rift Patch 5.2 is live in-game and has brought about many fun additions, including a new champion Lissandra for July 2024. Known as the Ice Witch, Lissandra has joined the rift with this patch. She is indeed a powerful Mage champion as she bursts down enemies with his powerful ice-like abilities. In this guide, we will take a closer look at the best runes, spells, and builds, including tips and tricks to swing your way to victory whilst using Lissandra in Wild Rift.
We also have previously discussed how to master playing with LoL Wild Rift heroes like Akshan, Ammu, Master Yi, Jinx, Braum, Dr. Mundo, Akali, Yasuo, Singed, Jax, Darius, Ashe, Lulu, Miss Fortune, Blitzcrank, Teemo, Xayah, Rakan, Corki, Shyvana, Janna, Katarina, Leona, Pantheon, Diana, Galio, Fiora, Rammus, Sona, Kai’Sa, Rengar, Kha’Zix, Nasus, Renekton, Irelia, Riven, Nami, Soraka, Graves, Senna, Lucian, Kindred, Xin Zhao, Talon, Evelynn and Kalista. So make sure to check these hero guides as well. For now, let’s focus on Lissandra.
Skill Analysis
Lissandra is a champion with common five skill sets of one passive and four active skills. In this Lissandra guide, we will be checking out her abilities, as well as how to maximize each ability to be in the best shape in this ranked season.

Passive – Iceborn Subjugation
When an enemy champion dies near Lissandra, they become a Frozen Thrall that seeks out other living enemies.
Frozen Thralls also slow nearby enemies by 25% and shatter after 4 seconds, dealing 110 (+40% AP) magic damage.
Skill 1 – Ice Shard
Throws a spear of ice that shatters when it hits an enemy, dealing 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 (+75% AP) magic damage and slowing the target by 20% / 25% / 30% / 35% for 1.5 seconds. Enemies behind the target take the same damage and are also slowed.
Skill 2 – Ring of Frost
Creates an ice field, rooting enemies within for 1.25 / 1.35 / 1.45 / 1.55 seconds and dealing 65 / 110 / 155 / 200 (+60% AP) magic damage.
Skill 3 – Glacial Path
- First Cast: Casts forth an ice claw that deals 50 / 95 / 140 / 185 (+40% AP) magic damage when it hits enemies in its path. Can be recast while the ice claw is moving.
- Recast: Lissandra teleports to the ice claw, which then disappears.
Skill 4 – Frozen Tomb
- Summons dark ice on an enemy champion or herself. Dark ice emanates from the target for 3 seconds, dealing 150 / 250 / 350 (+75% AP) magic damage and slowing enemies it touches by 30% / 45% / 60%.
- Cast on enemies: Encases an enemy champion in dark ice, stunning them for 1.5 seconds.
- Self-Cast: Encases herself in dark ice, entering stasis for 2.5 seconds and restoring 100 / 150 / 200 (+40% AP) Health, increased by 0% – 100% based on her missing Health. Maximum healing is granted when her Health drops to 30% or lower.
- When auto-aiming, Frozen Tomb self-casts automatically.
Best Build, Runes Setup, and Spells for Lissandra in Wild Rift
Based on her skillsets and ability potential, Players are recommended to use Lissandra in the Mid Lane as she is a powerful mid-role champion capable of wreaking havoc on enemies with her frost-like abilities. Our Wild Rift Lissandra guide showcases the best pre-match build and runes setup needed to excel on the battlefield. Nonetheless, one might choose to change some of them regarding the enemy composition.
Best Rune Setup for Lissandra
Lissandra’s rune setup is geared at granting her lots of extra ability power and damage potential needed to burst down enemies.

- Electrocute: This keystone deals extra adaptive damage to enemies the more Lissandra attacks them.
- Scorch: This rune deals extra magic damage to enemies whenever they’re hit by Lissandra’s abilities.
- Cheap Shot: This rune allows Lissandra to effectively harass enemies with her skills, mostly her first skill. As the sow-down effect from it, ensures that each time she uses the skill enemies receive extra true damage.
- Eyeball Collector: This rune grants increased adaptive power and damage each time she takes down an enemy champion. Thus making Lissandra more stronger with each kill.
- Transcendence: This item grants lots of extra Ability haste alongside a unique 15% cooldown reduction for Lissandra’s skills each time her basic attacks hit an enemy target.
Battle Spells
The best battle items that are recommended for use on the Rift include:
- Flash: For safety purposes, it is advised to pick up Flash. Lissandra could maximize this spell to increase her mobility on the battlefield, as it can be used to quickly engage enemies or for dire repositioning moments.
- Ignite: Ignite can be used to deal extra scorch damage to enemies, this would be helpful when finishing off enemies.
Best Build for Lissandra in League of Legends: Wild Rift
In this guide, we will break down the build for Lissandra in LoL Wild Rift.
- Boots of Mana: Players can get these boots for extra movement speed and Mana regen, thus, effectively increasing the chances of Lissandra to continuously use her skills on the rift. Players can then Enchant it with Stasis Enchant which grants a unique passive that can help immune damage during risky scenarios.
- Luden’s Echo: This core item grants extra mana, ability power and penetration alongside a unique passive that deals bonus damage to surrounding multiple enemies on attaining 100 Discord.
- Infinity Orb: This item grants extra critical damage making it easier to secure a takedown on low HP enemies.
- Rabadon’s Deathcap: This item grants lots of ability power that would greatly allow Lissandra to burst down enemies effectively. It also has a unique passive that grants extra ability power based on your champion’s level.
- Crown of the Shattered Queen: This item grants extra durability in the form of Shields as well as lots of ability power whilst the shield is active.
- Awakened Soulstealer: This item grants Lissandra the ability to cool down whenever she damages enemies before they get takedown. In essence, it increases her effectiveness during teamfights.
League of Legends: Wild Rift Lissandra Gameplay Tips
Lissandra is a powerful Mage role champion who possesses a unique skillset filled with different types of crowd-control effects to stop enemies in their tracks. Coupled with the sustained buff from her ultimate ability, Lissandra is indeed a powerful Mage. Due to her skillset and hero style, it is highly recommended to go to Mid Lane with Lissandra, players might also choose to go to Duo Lane with Lissandra depending on your team’s composition.
Wild Rift’s map is mirrored, so it is necessary to understand the map side before laning. According to her gameplay, we can break it down into three phases. Our League of Legends: Wild Rift guide for Lissandra includes the perfect game plan for the early, mid, and late games.
Early Game
Players should first buy Amplifying Tome as a starting item, then proceed to the mid-lane. On reaching the mid lane, place a ward near the bushes so one can have vision over the surroundings, this would prevent any unexpected ganks. One can then proceed to clear out one’s minion waves whilst ensuring to always last-hit the minions with either skills or basic attacks.
Utilize Lissandra’s first skill to constantly poke enemies as it possesses a very short cooldown, coupled with its slow effect, one can combo with Lissandra’s Ring of Frost skill to harass enemy midlaner. It should be noted that Lisandra has lots of burst potential advantages, so one should use it to their advantage on the rift.

One should also pay close attention to the map, just in case enemies are ganking your team’s ADC or Jungler. A few early-game rotations would benefit your team, just in time for Rift Herald to spawn. To easily perform in the early game, one must use the following combo:
Skill 1 + Skill 3 (recast to move closer to enemies)+ Skill 2 + Skill 1
This Combo allows Lissandra to easily harass enemies in the laning phase.
Mid Game
On assisting your team to secure Jungle objectives like the Rift Herald, you and your allies would be granted lots of gold. One should then utilize the extra gold to prioritize some of your core build items, which include Luden’s Echo, Infinity Orb, and Rabadon’s Deathcap.
With at least, two Damage items one can easily harass and burst down enemy ADCs. To achieve that, one must prioritize aiming her ultimate ability combo at the enemy team’s main ADC. That is, prioritizing enemy champions with the high damage or CC skills from her ultimate whilst following up with her other skills would undoubtedly ensure the takedown of those enemy champions.
To easily burst down enemy ADC in the Mid or late game, one must use the following combo:
Skill 3+ Skill 4+ Skill 1+ Skill 2+ Skill 1
Late Game
With all the necessary items with you, Lissandra can be exceedingly powerful in easily bursting down and taking down enemies with a perfectly executed combo. Do also utilize her passive in teamfights by staying close just in case an enemy champion gets taken down. As her passive grants your team an extra fighting hand. In this phase, Lissandra might be forced to self-cast her ultimate skill as it grants extra sustain as well as late-game survivability insurance.
Do also keep in mind, that enemy champions are also quite as powerful so properly time the use of the Stasis enchants especially when facing a high burst damage dealer. Since positioning yourself matters the most, one must not engage alone. Thus, Lissandra should always ensure to be around her team’s Support or tank.

One should also prioritize helping allies secure major objectives and take down Epic monsters like Baron Nashor and the Elder Dragons, as it would undoubtedly give your team the upper hand in each match.
Final Thoughts
Judging by her skill info and builds, Lissandra is undoubtedly a strong Mage champion who can easily burst down enemy champions whilst her frost-like control effects distort enemies. Read more of our Wild articles here.
That’s all for today’s League of Legends: Wild Rift Lissandra Guide. Do you prefer to use Lissandra in any other way? Let us know in the comment section below!
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