League of Legends: Wild Rift’s Soraka, the Starchild, is a support champion usually played in the Dragon Lane. Soraka is enchanter support who vowed to spread the virtues of compassion by protecting and healing everyone who needs it – no matter how far or close. As a celestial being, Soraka has strong healing abilities with slows, roots, and a silence in her kit. She is an easy-to-use but hard to master support and very team dependant. Not suited in every team composition and being very vulnerable Soroka sits in the B-tier of the support list. Nevertheless, in this guide, we will take a closer look at the best runes, spells, and builds, including tips and tricks to transcend your way to victory with Soraka in League of Legends: Wild Rift.
We also have previously discussed how to master playing with LoL Wild Rift heroes like Ammu, Master Yi, Jinx, Braum, Dr. Mundo, Akali, Yasuo, Singed, Jax, Darius, Ashe, Varus, Tristana, Kennen, Lulu, Miss Fortune, Blitzcrank, Teemo, Xayah, Rakan, Corki, Shyvana, Janna, Katarina, Leona, Pantheon, Diana, Galio, Fiora, Rammus, Sona, Kai’Sa, Rengar, Kha’Zix, Nasus, Renekton, Irelia, Riven, and Nami. So make sure to check these hero guides as well. For now, let’s focus on Soraka.
Skill Analysis
Soraka is a champion with the common five skill sets of one passive and four actives. In this Soraka guide, we are going to see how her abilities in LoL Wild Rift work and when you should use which skill to be in the best shape in the current rank season.
Passive – Salvation

Soraka gains 70% Movement Speed when moving toward allied champions below 35% Health.
Skill 1 – Starcall

Calls a star, dealing 60 magic damage (+40% AP) and slowing by 30% for 2 seconds. If an enemy champion is hit, Soraka gains Rejuvenation, healing for 72 (+45%) over 4 seconds. After healing any ally champion 3 times, Starcall is empowered to deal 140% damage in a larger area.
Skill 2 – Astral Infusion

Heals another allied champion for 80(+70%). If Soraka has Rejuvenation, the ally gains Rejuvenation for 4 seconds.
Skill 3 – Equinox

Create a zone that deals 70 magic damage (+40%) and silences enemies. The zone expires after 1.5 seconds, dealing 70 magic damage (+40%) and rooting for 1 second(s).
Skill 4 – Wish

Heals all allied champions for 150 (+40%), increased by 50% if the ally is below 35% Health.
Skill Up Methods for Soraka
Skill up the Ultimate whenever it is available. Regarding other skills, upgrade the 1st skill, then the 2nd skill, and lastly the 3rd skill.
Best Runes Setup and Spells for Soraka in Wild Rift
Runes Setup

Font of Life
The Font of Life is Soraka´s core rune since she is all about giving her team maximum healing. The rune can be activated with her first and third ability and synergizes very well with her second ability.
There are more than one options in this category to choose from with each having their own purpose. With Brutal, Soraka gets a boost in her early game making her poke a little stronger.
Second Wind
This rune will help with sustainability during the laning phase and teamfights. Especially when Soraka has to sacrifice her own health for her teammates. With Second Wind you regain some health after a while which is a great help for the self-sacrificing Soraka.
Sweeth Tooth
Like the second rune category, there are also other possible runes to choose from which work for Soraka like Manaflow. Choosing Sweeth Tooth will not only increase the Honeyfruit healing effects but also gives you and your ally some extra gold. And since Soraka is the one support which has the Honeyfruit priority it synergizes with her well.
Battle Spells
- Flash – Flash is almost every champion’s 1st summoner spell, especially for someone being as vulnerable as Soraka is.
- Either Exhaust or Heal – It depends on your own playstyle and what spell your ADC is taking. For an aggressive playstyle or if you have strong early game opponents you might take exhaust if your ADC already took Heal. Taking Heal is beneficial if your Duo partner has Barrier and if you consider synergizing with items such as Harmonic for example.
Best Builds for Soraka in League of Legends: Wild Rift
Support Build

- Winter´s Approach
- Protector´s Vow
- Locket Enchant
- Luden´s Echo
- Spirit Visage
- Rabadon´s Deathcap
League of Legends: Wild Rift Soraka Gameplay Tips
We already established that Soraka is a Support best suited to being played in the Dragon Lane. Always remember that the Wild Rift’s Map is a mirror so make sure you understand the map side before starting to lane. According to her gameplay, we can break it down into three phases. Our League of Legends: Wild Rift Soraka guide includes the perfect game plan for the early, mid, and late game.
Early Game
Soraka´s early game depends on the way your ADC wants to play the lane and how your opponent’s champion picks are. If your ADC picked a strong early game champion and the enemy´s support is also an enchanter, you can play aggressively. By being brave and stepping out for some poking trades you can make it easier for your ADC to pick up kills or farm in peace For self-pealing ADC´s like Draven or Vayne you can lean back and work as a healing safety net keeping their health bar always up.

This changes though if you have a weaker ADC and the enemy´s support is a tank. This is the time where you have to play defensive and wait for your Jungler to gank since Soraka is very vulnerable. Usually, the enemy will try to pick on your first so always be careful of your positioning,
Mid Game
Soraka is not traditional roaming support since she is very squishy and a preferred target for the enemy jungler. So be careful if you counter gank or go for a roaming opportunity. In general, Soraka´s gameplay is usually very defensive. Always make sure you position yourself in the backline of your team. This is very important during team fights such as the first dragon fight. Other then that try to be with your team as much as possible, since being on your own is very risky.
Late Game
After a successful mid-game Soraka can do a lot of options: staying with her ADC to keep them secure, roam around with the jungler and looking for kills, or support the whole team in general. Soraka´s uniqueness comes from her unlimited ranged Ultimate, which heals everyone on the map.

At the late game after buying the necessary items Soraka is able to spam her abilities more often since the health loss will not be as much as before. But be careful of your own health when supporting your allies!
You might want to try the following specific skill combos like this to unleash her full potential and use Soraka to your advantage.
Skill 3 + Skill 1 + Skill 2 + Basic + Ultimate
Champs that counter Soraka | Champs that Soraka counters |
Blitzcrank | Braum |
Janna | Lulu |
Rakan | Sona |
Soraka could technically be played with a lot of ADC but she truly forms the strongest pairs and serves as Best Combos with Tristana, Draven, and Vayne.
Final Thoughts
Soraka is a support of its purest form. Her main purpose in-game as well as in her lore is to protect and support her teammates as much as possible. On her own, she is pretty weak and vulnerable and can easily be picked out. Soraka´s playstyle is very much passive and staying in the backline. Her Ultimate can help out everyone on the map at any time which is unique. Nevertheless Soraka is very dependent on the team composition and can be countered by having Ignite or buying anti-heal items. So picking Soraka should always be well taught!
That’s all for today’s League of Legends: Wild Rift Soraka Guide. Do you prefer to use Soraka in any other way? Let us know in the comment section below!
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