The Starry-eyed Songstress Seraphine is here to protect her allies and charm her opponents. Born in Piltover, she has come to the Rift as a support/mage champion with insane poke and mobility. She is primarily played in the Dragon Lane as a support champion, but she can also be played mid with a mage build. She comes with a kit of heal, shield, movement speed, slow, root, and charm. A lot of deadly CC is there for such a pleasant-looking champion. Therefore, one must not take her lightly. Seraphine in Wild Rift is exciting support to use with a deadly combo of skills and has the potential to turn the tides of the teamfight. In this guide, we will take a closer look at the best runes, spells, and builds, including the tips and tricks to swing your way to victory with Seraphine in League of Legends: Wild Rift.
We also have previously discussed how to master playing with LoL Wild Rift heroes like Ammu, Master Yi, Jinx, Braum, Dr. Mundo, Akali, Yasuo, Singed, Jax, Darius, Ashe, Lulu, Miss Fortune, Blitzcrank, Teemo, Xayah, Rakan, Corki, Shyvana, Janna, Katarina, Leona, Pantheon, Diana, Galio, Fiora, Rammus, Sona, Kai’Sa, Rengar, Kha’Zix, Nasus, Renekton, Irelia, Riven, Nami, Soraka, Graves, Senna, Lucian Akshan, and Thresh. Without further ado, let us welcome the Songstress on the stage.
Skill Analysis
Seraphine has a lot of CC in her kit along with the ability to heal and shield her allies. She has passive and 4 actives, with the fourth one being the ultimate. In this Seraphine guide, we are going to see how her abilities in LoL Wild Rift work and when you should use which skill to be in the best shape in the current rank season.
Passive – Stage Presence

- Echo: Every third ability will echo, casting it again.
- Harmony: Casting an ability grants a Note to nearby allies. For each Note, Seraphine’s next attack gains 30 Attack Range. It deals an additional 4 magic damage (4 + 4% ability power (AP)).
Echo will let every third ability when cast, will automatically be cast again dealing the damage of that ability. Every time Seraphine does cast her passive, each ability will grant one Note to your ally, capping at a total of 3 Notes per ally. Her next basic attack will release those Notes. This will give her an additional 30 Attack Range, dealing an additional 4 magic damage per note. The Notes will fly to the target champion dealing damage.
Ability 1 – High Note

- Cooldown: 11s
- Mana cost: 60
This is an AOE ability that hurls a soundwave to a target location which expands in a radius. Upon impact, it deals magic damage to enemies within the area which is increased by 0% to 50% based on the enemy’s missing health.
Ability 2 – Surround sound

- Cooldown: 23s
- Mana cost: 40
With this ability, Seraphine shields all the nearby ally champions for 60 damage (60 + 40% AP) for 2.5 s. It grants them 20% movement speed for 2.5 s. If Seraphine is already shielded, nearby allies are healed for 5% of their missing health (5% + 0.01% AP), increased by 50% for each ally.
Ability 3 – Beat Drop

- Cooldown: 12s
- Mana cost: 60
Seraphine fires a heavy soundwave in a line in the target direction. This deals 60 magic damage (60+50% AP) to enemies within its path slowing them by 99% for 1 second. In case enemies are already slowed, they are rooted instead. If they are already rooted, they are stunned for that duration.
Ultimate – Encore

- Cooldown: 120s
- Mana cost: 100
Seraphine sends out a wave that can flow through enemies or allies. When it hits enemies, it charms them for 1 sec and they start moving towards Seraphine, being unable to move in any other direction or to use their abilities. The spells range extends according to the number of enemies and allies it hits.
Skill Up Methods for Seraphine
- Level up the ultimate whenever available.
- Unlock 1st, 3rd and 2nd.
- The 3rd ability should be maxed first followed by the 1st and finally, the 2nd ability.
Best Runes Setup and Spells for Seraphine in Wild Rift
Support Runes

Font of Life
This particular rune is especially useful for Seraphine since it procs her healing on her 2nd ability.
Gathering storm
This rune gives her extra poke potential since it increases her AP every 3 minutes.
Seraphine and her ally gain bonus armor and magic resistance giving them extra survivability during the laning phase.
Manaflow band
Since Seraphine’s abilities cost a huge amount of mana, she runs short on it very quickly. This rune gives her an edge and keeps her mana going for a longer duration of time.
Spells setup
Flash is crucial for Seraphine as she doesn’t have a lot of escape options in case she finds herself in a tricky situation.
Heal or Exhaust
Heal is good for Seraphine since it gives herself and her ally more survivability during the laning phase. Also, Exhaust is good if you’re going for more of an aggressive playstyle and you want to score an early kill.
Mid Lane Support Runes

Seraphine’s abilities deal a lot of burst damage. Therefore, this rune is good for her during the laning phase since it gives her extra poke potential.
Gathering storm
This rune gives her extra poke potential since it increases her AP every 3 minutes.
Second wind
Regenerates her health after taking damage from enemies, this rune is excellent for survivability in the lane.
Manaflow band
Since Seraphine’s abilities cost a huge amount of mana, she runs short on it very quickly. This rune gives her an edge and keeps her mana going for a longer duration of time.
Spells Setup
Flash is crucial for Seraphine as she doesn’t have a lot of escape options in case she finds herself in a sticky situation
Heal is always good as it gives your champion extra survivability. Although in case the player has got a more aggressive playstyle, Ignite is great to make sure the opponent doesn’t get away with that tiny bit of health remaining.
Best Builds for Seraphine in League of Legends: Wild Rift
Our Seraphine guide in League of Legends: Wild Rift contains both Support and Mage builds.
Support Build

- Athene’s Unholy Grail
- Ionian boots built into Redemption.
- Harmonic Echo
- Ardent Censer
- Rabadon’s Deathcap
- Morellonomicon.
- Alternatively, Locket Enchant can also be used instead of Ionian boots to give your team that extra shield during teamfights.
- If the opponents have a lot of tanks on their team, go for Void Staff instead of Morellonomicon which gives 40% magic penetration.
Mage build

- Luden’s Echo
- Liandry’s Torment
- Ionian boots built into Stasis Enchant
- Rabadon’s Deathcap
- Infinity Orb
- Morellonomicon
If the opponents have a lot of tanks on their team, players must go for Void Staff instead of Morellonomicon which gives 40% magic penetration.
League of Legends: Wild Rift Seraphine Gameplay Tips
Seraphine is a support/mage champion with insane poke and mobility. She is primarily played in the Dragon Lane as a support champion, but she can also be played mid with a mage build. It needs to be remembered that the Wild Rift’s Map is a mirror so one needs to understand the map side before starting to lane. According to her gameplay, we can break it down into three phases. Our League of Legends: Wild Rift Seraphine guide includes the perfect game plan for the early, mid, and late game.
Laning Phase
Seraphine is very strong during the laning phase since she has an insane poke potential and a lot of attack range on her abilities. Her kit is very versatile and can be played in both offensive and defensive playstyle. Her long-range allows her to safely deal damage from a distance while staying away from her opponents’ attack range.

One must make sure the wards are placed in the bushes nearby. This is so because one can always have a chance to get away in case he gets ganked. Seraphine is a squishy champion in the early game and she outplay potential is very low. Therefore, one should always keep a keen eye on the minimap. High Note and Beat Drop can be easily spammed since they deal a ton of damage giving you or your ADC to score an early kill.
Mid Game
Seraphine doesn’t have a lot of roaming potential as she can easily be killed in the jungle but if the turret has been successfully taken out in the lane and scored a few early kills, he can still go in other lanes and help the teammates. Her 3rd ability combined with the 1st followed by the Ult can be game-changing, as the slow from her 3rd ability and the charm from her Ult allows her allies to deal an extra amount of damage.

Not only that, when she gets out of the laning phase, Seraphine’s passive Harmony will allow her to deal extra damage depending on how many allies are around her. This is especially useful in teamfights if your allies are underperforming since it gives her and her allies a high chance to shut down an opponent or to score some easy kills.
Late Game
Seraphine is overpowered in late-game since her CC and damage can turn the tide of the game. Her mechanics are essentially built for her to play around with her allies. This is since she can shield and protect them along with giving herself and her allies to win a teamfight using her 3rd and her Ult. Not just that, with herself and all 4 of her allies alongside her, she can proc her Passive Harmony. She can store up to 15 Notes which deals an insane amount of burst damage during the late game.

Combos to be used for Seraphine in Wild Rift
- 3rd ability + 1st ability + 2nd ability + AA
- 2nd ability + 3rd ability + 1st ability + AA
- 2nd ability + 1st ability + 3rd ability + Ult + AA
- 1st ability + 2nd ability + 3rd ability + AA
- Ult + 1st ability + 3rd ability + AA
Tips and tricks
The Seraphine guide will also discuss some tips and tricks for playing the Strongstress in Wild Rift.
- Seraphine has the ability to root her opponents with her passive Echo and her 3rd ability. Since her 3rd ability can root an opponent if they have already been slowed, one can proc her passive which allows the same ability to be cast again, to root her opponents with her 3rd ability instead of slow them.
- Seraphine can heal her allies along with shielding them with the help of her passive Echo. In order to proc her healing, one needs to do the following combo of 1st ability + 3rd ability + 2nd ability.
- In order to know if her passive Harmony is ready, keep an eye on her hoverboard. This will change colour so the next basic attack will deal bonus damage.
Final Thoughts
Seraphine is a great support and mid-lane champion. This is mainly because of so much CC in her kit. She excels in all phases of the game and even though she’s squishy. Despite not having a lot of survivability on her own in the late game, she can still be a game-changer with her high damage abilities and potential to keep her teammates alive.
Her 2nd ability and her 3rd ability along with her passive can help her root her enemies, giving her that extra movement speed with her 2nd ability. This can help her and her teammates get out of sticky situations. She is not a frontline champion but she is crucial to teamfights. Seraphine’s playstyle is aggressive but more from a distance, safely away from her opponents. The Starry-eyed Songstress can indeed make her opponents see stars in the day.
That’s all for today’s League of Legends: Wild Rift Seraphine Guide. Do you prefer to use Lucian in any other way? Let us know in the comment section below!
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