
Pokémon Unite Suicune Guide: Best Builds, Held Items, Movesets and Gameplay Tips

Tips to play Suicune in Pokémon Unite!

Story Highlights
  • Suicune is the latest Pokémon to join the fray in Pokémon Unite.
  • Suicune is a Ranged Allrounder-type Pokémon.
  • Suicune's powerful Unite move removes all Control status on it while providing AOE control and damage during team fights.

Legendary Pokémon, Suicune is now the newest Pokémon to join the ever-increasing character fray of Pokémon Unite. With powerful water-based moves, it excels at controlling fights by drenching and freezing opponents, making it a strong presence in both team battles and objective control. While it boasts good durability and utility, Suicune requires careful positioning and precise move timing to maximize its impact. In this guide, we will inform you about Suicune in Pokémon Unite, its abilities, best items, and team compositions.

Previously, we have discussed how to master playing with other Pokémon like Pikachu, Mamoswine, Eldegoss, Zeraora, BlisseyCharizardSnorlaxTsareenaDecidueyeDragonite, TalonflameCinderace, GreninjaGardevoirVenusaurWigglytuffTrevenantGengarLucario, Aegislash, Crustle, Hoopa, Garchomp Absol, Alolan Ninetales, Duraludon, Cramorant, Blastoise, Slowbro, Machamp, Mr. Mime, Greedent, Azumarill, Sylveon, Gyarados, Miraidon, Falinks, Ceruledge, Ho-Oh, Darkrai, Armarouge, Psyduck and Galarian Rapidash. Therefore, one must make sure to check those guides as well. For now, let’s focus on Suicune.

Suicune: In-game Cost

To obtain Suicune, you will have to participate in the Suicune’s Glacial Stream Challenge. There, you roll dice to obtain Glacial Stream Coins, that will be used to exchange for Suicune’s Pokémon Unite License. On accumulating 1000 Coins, you can then exchange them for the exclusive Unite License.

Pokémon Unite Suicune Movesets

Suicune is a ranged Allrounder-type Pokémon in Pokémon Unite with abilities that grant it lots of control in every team fight. Its ability provides lots of mobility, sustain, and hindrance immunity, making it easier for it to effectively out-damage other Pokémon safely from a distance. Another important thing to note about Suicune is that it does not evolve.

Basic Attack

When the Crystal Gauge is full, the user’s next basic attack becomes a boosted attack. Boosted attacks shoot water continuously and deal additional damage to frozen opposing Pokémon.

Passive: Pressure

When this Pokémon deals damage to a frozen Pokémon on the opposing team whose HP is below a set percentage, that Pokémon is instantly knocked out. When this Pokémon uses a move, it’s granted a shield, and its crystal gauge fills. The shield can stack up to 2 times.

When this Pokémon uses Whirlpool or Surf, the area the move passes through will become flooded. If the Pokémon freezes in a flooded area, the opposing Pokémon in the flooded area will also be frozen.

Ability 1 – Water Pulse

The skill has the user fire a pulse of water in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits whilst shoving them. This ability also marks the opposing Pokémon by leaving them drenched.

Ability Choices at Level 5

Upon reaching Level 5, Suicune can select either of the following two moves:

Suicune generates a vortex of water at the designated location, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon, pulling them toward its center, and leaving them drenched.

If this move is used again, the vortex is moved in the designated direction, flooding the area it passes through.
Has the user create a big wave in the designated direction, dealing damage to and shoving opposing Pokémon it hits and leaving them drenched. The area the wave passes through becomes flooded.
If the wave hits a pillar of ice created by Icy Wind, the pillar breaks, dealing damage to the opposing Pokémon it hits.
Upgrade: Reduces the Move’s CooldownUpgrade: Increases the damage dealt by this move.

Ability 2 – Avalanche

Suicune makes snow continuously fall at the designated location, dealing damage and applying a slowing effect to opposing Pokémon it hits. At the end of the move, the user drops a clump of snow, leaving flooded areas frozen. Also, if opposing Pokémon are drenched when hit, they are left frozen.

Ability Choices at Level 7

At Level 7, either of these two moves becomes available:

Ice BeamIcy Wind
Has the user fire an icy-cold beam of energy in the designated direction, dealing damage and applying a slowing effect to opposing Pokémon it hits.
If the opposing Pokémon are drenched when hit, they are left frozen. If this move hits a flooded area, that area becomes frozen.
A maximum of 2 uses can be kept in reserve for this move.
Has the user blow a gust of freezing air at the designated location, applying a slowing effect to opposing Pokémon it hits. Once the freezing air builds up, it creates a pillar of ice, dealing damage and applying a slowing effect to opposing Pokémon it hits.
After a short time, the pillar of ice breaks, dealing damage to nearby opposing Pokémon. If a pillar of ice is created in a flooded area, that area becomes frozen.
A maximum of 2 uses can be kept in reserve for this move.
Upgrade: Strengthens the slowing effect applied to opposing Pokémon hit by this move.Upgrade: Reduces this move’s cooldown.

Unite Move: Endless Ice Spike

This Unite move can be used while the user is unable to act, and when it is, all status conditions on the user are removed. Suicune creates ice spikes in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon they hit and leaving them frozen. After a short time, the spikes explode, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon they hit.

Best items for Suicune in Pokémon Unite

Further in this guide, we will discuss the best-held items for Suicune in Pokémon Unite and its best battle item.

Best Held Items

Wise Glasses Boosts Suicune’s Sp. Attack, increasing its damage output for its abilities.
Choice SpecsIt gives Suicune more Sp. Attack while enhancing its damage output as well.
Shell BellIt provides extra sustain and Sp. Attack for Suicune.

You could also opt for any of the following Held Item Choices:

  • Shell Bell, Wise Glasses, and Focus Band
  • Sp. Attack Specs, Slick Spoon, and Energy Amplifier

Best Emblems

We’ll recommend the following emblem structure:

  • 6 Blues
  • 4 Whites

This will grant lots of bonus HP, Attack, Sp. Attack and Defense allow Suicune to effectively damage enemies while easily rotating across lanes to farm and level up effectively.

Best Battle Items

  • Eject Button: It helps Suicune to quickly reposition during team fights.
  • X-Speed: It grants bonus Movement speed and slow immunity for a short period, which is useful for Suicune

Pokémon Unite Suicune Guide: Gameplay Tips

Our Pokémon Unite Suicune Guide will now discuss how to play or a perfect game plan for the Pokémon, across the game. The following division has two sections of the early and late game, which players must make sure to read, till the end.

Early Game

As an All-rounder Pokémon, Suicune is capable of dealing with a lot of damage while disrupting enemies with its powerful control abilities. In the early game, focus on farming Wild Pokémon to level up quickly to gain access to enhanced abilities. Start with Water Pulse to deal ranged damage, while marking them with drenched, making them vulnerable to freezing whenever you hit them with Avalanche.

Pokemon Unite Suicune Early gameplay, Pokemon Unite Suicune
Suicune Early gameplay (Image via The Pokémon Company)

Ensure to constantly hit enemy Pokémon with basic attacks to easily build Crystal Gauge, as it ensures boosted basic attacks. If opponents engage, use Water Pulse to shove them back and slow their approach.

Play defensively until you reach Level 5, where you could opt for enhanced abilities that significantly boost your power. Work with teammates to contest early objectives like Altaria spawns. Avoid overextending, as Suicune is not very durable in the early game. Therefore, coordinate attacks with your allied attacker and support.

Mid Game

Stay near allies to maximize damage output while poking enemies and disrupting the enemy’s lineup from a safe range. On leveling up to level 5 and evolving, Suicune unlocks one of its powerful Ability 1 choices: Whirlpool or Surf. Both abilities enhance Suicune’s crowd control and damage-dealing potential, though your choice depends on the team composition and playstyle.

Briefly analyzing the abilities, we’d see that Whirlpool creates a vortex that pulls enemies in, dealing damage and leaving them drenched. It’s great for zone control and pairs well with Ice Beam at Level 7 for freezing large areas. Surf sends a wave that shoves enemies, flooding the area, and works best with Icy Wind, as breaking ice pillars deal extra damage while freezing the drenched Pokémon.

Upon leveling up to Level 7, you must choose between Ice Beam or Icy Wind. Ice Beam slows enemies and freezes drenched targets, ideal for long-range control. Whilst Icy Wind creates ice pillars that freeze flooded areas when shattered. Using Suicune, Whirlpool and Ice Beam suit defensive play, while Surf and Icy Wind focus on burst damage and aggression. Therefore, the best ability combos that go well with each other are:

  • Whirlpool + Ice Beam
  • Surf+ Icy Wind

Late Game

In the late game, Suicune becomes a powerful team fight member for its team. As Suicune’s Unite move, Endless Ice Spike not only provides Control immunity but it freezes multiple enemies while giving Suicune enormous control over the arena. Thus, proper timing and usage of this ability is the best way to maximize this ability.

Pokemon Unite Suicune Late gameplay, Pokemon Unite Suicune
Suicune Late gameplay (Image via The Pokémon Company)

Stick with allies, as Suicune thrives in coordinated fights, especially with her control and disruptive abilities. Use Boosted Attacks wisely to capitalize on frozen enemies and secure crucial eliminations. All in all, it’s best to save Suicune’s Unite move for important teamfights, such as when trying to take down Rayquaza or Zapdos.

Coordinate with teammates to contest objectives like Rayquaza and Regieleki, as they provide bonuses that will give your team an advantage. Do also remember to focus on scoring /defending goals, while assisting your teammates to take the main objectives.

Positioning of Suicune

The best path for Suicune is the Top/Jungle Lane. Early on, Suicune should focus on leveling up and evolving to unlock more powerful abilities, while prioritizing rotating across lanes to help allied attackers score and accumulate points for the team.

Suicune with other Pokémon

Our Pokémon Suicune guide will also talk about the relationship between Suicune and other Pokémon.

Best synergies with Suicune

Suicune is a Ranged All-rounder Pokémon capable of controlling the battlefield with freezing and flooding effects, making it a strategic pick in Pokémon Unite. It synergizes well with Pokémon that provide crowd control, healing, or high burst damage, allowing allies to capitalize on its freezing potential.

Even with its high disruptive abilities, Suicune is still susceptible to highly mobile enemies capable of dealing with burst damage. Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best Pokemon to use with Suicune.

Pokémon Benefits
BlastoiseThis water-type Pokémon can easily help Suicune create flooded areas, providing extra crowd control.
BlisseyBlissey’s healing and status-cleansing abilities will further boost Suicune’s durability and effectiveness.
Alolan NinetalesAs both Pokémon excels at freezing enemies, they would make a powerful duo in the arena.

Pokémon that are strong and weak against Suicune

Pokémon with high burst abilities counters Suicune.

Pokémon that Suicune countersPokémon that counter Suicune
CinderaceAlolan Ninetails

Pokémon Unite Suicune Guide: Tips, tricks and strategies

Our Pokémon Unite Suicune guide includes the perfect game plan for the early and late game during the Unite battles.

  • Use basic attacks between moves to charge the Crystal Gauge, ensuring your boosted attack is ready for extra damage against frozen enemies.
  • Focus on freezing multiple enemies in team fights, to turn the tide in your team’s favor.
  • Whirlpool + Ice Beam is great for area denial and freezing enemies in key zones.
  • Surf + Icy Wind works best for aggressive play, breaking ice pillars for burst damage.
  • Endless Ice spike can be activated even when Suicune is stunned, removing debuffs and freezing enemies. Save it for crucial team fights or to escape tricky situations.
  • Stay in the backline, using range to control fights.

Final Thoughts

Suicune is a powerful All-Rounder in Pokémon Unite, excelling at battlefield control with its freezing and flooding abilities. Its ability to drench and freeze opponents makes it a strong disruptor in team fights, allowing for excellent synergy with crowd control and burst-damage allies.

To unleash its full potential, focus on efficient farming, timing ability combos, and coordinating with allies during team fights. With the right Held items, emblems, and strategy, Suicune can dominate the battlefield and secure victory for your team.

Read more of our Pokémon Unite content!

That’s all for today’s Pokémon Unite Suicune Guide. Do you prefer to use Suicune in any other way? Let us know in the comment section below!

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