
Mobile Legends Lancelot Guide: Best Emblem, Build and Gameplay Tips

Thorns remain, should petals fall.

Lancelot has been one of the most consistently amazing and deadliest assassins in MLBB with a touch of style in the way he executes his skills. After the latest revamp phase he has become one of the highest-picked Junglers in the game. Lancelot is highly picked in every tier of the game whether that’s a low ranked match, high-elo Glory rank push, or in the professional scenario. In this Mobile Legends guide, we will take a look at the best emblem, spell, build, including tips and tricks to dominate every game with Lancelot.

His high mobility, immunity, and burst damage capability make him one of the trickiest heroes in the game. In the hand of a fast finger player, Lancelot can easily go in ganks, dive towers, and execute any squishy hero of the opponent side with a single combo. A good Lancelot player is hard to catch and always bursts down the enemy’s carry. As Lancelot is a hard-to-play hero, he needs to be mastered properly first which is not easy as most other heroes of Mobile Legends.

We have previously discussed how to master playing with other Mobile Legends heroes like MiyaLing, WanwanPharsaCarmillaSilvanna, HayabusaAtlasLuo YiYu Zhong, Aurora, Khaleed, Freya, Khufra, X.Borg, Lesley, Tigreal, Hylos, Valir, Cecilion, Lylia, Uranus, Barats, Odette, Angela, Vale, Rafaela, Hanzo, Esmeralda, Brody, Lapu-Lapu, Nana, Benedetta, Hilda, Mathilda, Selena, Jawhead, Chou, Paquito, Thamuz, Lunox, Yi Sun-Shin, Yve, Gatotkaca, Karrie, Ruby, Beatrix, Gloo, Argus, Baxia, Granger, Phoveus, Hanabi, Alpha, Harley, Karina, Eudora, Natan, Dyrroth, Balmond, Aulus, Guinevere, Sun, Belerick, Floryn, Aamon, Valentina, Kagura, Saber, Leomord, Bruno Akai, Bane, Edith, Martis, Alucard, Gusion, Chang’e, Yin, Clint, Alice, Grock, Kadita, Popol and Kupa, Zilong, Minotaur, Helcurt, and Cyclops. So make sure to check these hero guides as well. For now, let’s focus on Lancelot.

Skill Analysis

Lancelot has three active skills and a passive skill like most of the other heroes in-game. In this Mobile Legends guide, we will also talk about the skills to use in certain scenarios as well as skill combos to be able to play Lancelot to his maximum potential.

Passive – Soul Cutter (Buff)

passive lancelot

Each time Lancelot charges, his damage is increased by 7.5% for 4 seconds, stacking up to 4 times for a maximum of 30% damage increase. Damage Increase applies to all damage dealt by Lancelot, including those from items and battle spells.

skill 1 lancelot

Lancelot charges towards a targeted direction, dealing 100/130/160/190/220/250 (+50% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies along the way and applying them with a Sword Mark to the first unmarked enemy hit. The Sword Mark lasts 5 seconds. If Lancelot successfully Sword Mark to an enemy, the cooldown of this will reset.

Skill 2 – Thorned Rose (AoE, Slowed)

skill 2 lancelot

Lancelot performs an amazing sword technique within an area that may strike enemies up to 3 times. Each strike deals 250/290/330/370/410/450 (+100% Extra Physical Attack) points of Physical Damage and slows the enemy by 20% for 0.5 seconds on each hit that can stack up to 3 times. While casting this skill, Lancelot is invulnerable.

ultimate lancelot

After a short period of charging, Lancelot strikes forward and deals 400/600/800 (+150% Total Physical Attack) points of Physical Damage to his enemies. Lancelot is invulnerable during this skill’s duration.

Skill-up method for Lancelot

Phantom Execution should be upgraded every time it’s available. After that, the Thorned Rose should be prioritized which is the main AoE and immunity for Lancelot.

Best Emblem set and Spells for Lancelot in Mobile Legends

Emblem Setup

For Lancelot, use the Custom Assassin Emblem to get the maximum output. This emblem will provide both Movement Speed as well as Physical Penetration. For talent, we would recommend going with Killing Spree as it will provide some amount of HP restoration and movement speed after getting a kill.

custom assassin emblem 1 lancelot 1 Mobile Legends Lancelot Guide
Custom Assassin Emblem for Lancelot
  • Agility (+3)
  • Invasion (+3)
  • Killing Spree

If you are considering playing Lancelot in the side lane or to lock a single enemy specifically, then you can take High and Dry also to get extra 7% damage when killing a solo enemy hero. Hence alternatively, you can also set it as the following:

custom assassin emblem 2 lancelot 2 Mobile Legends Lancelot Guide
Custom Assassin Emblem for Lancelot
  • Agility (+3)
  • Invasion (+3)
  • High and Dry

Battle Spells

As a Lancelot can Jungle pretty fast and needs a lot of mana, Retribution is the only spell you will need for sure. Nevertheless, if you want to try out Lancelot in the unorthodox side-lane role, Execute is recommended.

Best Builds for Lancelot in Mobile Legends

There can be several different builds for Lancelot depending on the enemy team composition and match situations. Also, there are a few core items for Lancelot which are pretty much preferred by everyone whether it is the pro scene or normal matches.

We have set out the following templates in our guide to try out with Lancelot on the Mobile Legends battlefield. We are providing our top recommended build to support you through different scenarios, you can either go with a little bit of speed or go full attack build.

Reaper Assasin Build

This is the widely selected build for top players throughout the world. Here one or two items might be changed from time to time regarding the match situations.

assassin build lancelot mlbb Mobile Legends Lancelot Guide
Reaper Assasin Build for Lancelot
  • Tough Boots: Tough Boots with Ice Retribution will enable Lancelot to sustain early magic damage and escape CC effects faster. 
  • War Axe: A must-pick item for assassins like Lancelot as he can easily trigger the passive and deal high early damage to enemy heroes. This will significantly escalate the chances of getting early kills. 
  • Hunter Strike: Another item that is almost a must-pick for Lancelot. This item is good for CD Reduction and Physical PEN. Also, the movement speed passive of the item can be easily triggered by Lancelot.
  • Endless Battle: A core item for almost every physical damage dealer hero. Good for Lancelot’s CD Reduction, Mana Regen, True Damage, and Speed stats. The combo of Hunter Stike and Endless Battle make Lancelot more switch in the battle.
  • Malefic Roar: If enemies buy armor then Malefic Roar will surely punish them. It reduces enemy armor by providing Physical Penetration and also carries a decent amount of Physical Attack itself. So very effective from the mid-game when the enemy starts to build some hardcore defense items.
  • Blade of Despair: Providing the most Physical Attack, BoD is a must-buy for maximum burst damage output of Lancelot. Lancelot can easily take squishy heroes to 50% HP, at that moment the passive of BoD will help Lancelot to confirm the takedown.

In addition, the player can also replace one item with Immortality to sustain a bit longer and get a second life thus increasing the chance to escape or secure a narrow kill. Winter Truncheon is also picked in some of the very late game cases when the enemy team has hard CC heroes. This item can be replaced with boots as the other items will cover movement speed.

Speed and Sustain Build

This type of build enables Lancelot to farm faster in the early game and get some early kills to establish a high gold difference.

speed and sustain build lancelot build Mobile Legends Lancelot Guide
Speed and Sustain Build for Lancelot
  • Swift Boots: Swift boots let Lancelot clear creeps faster and Bloody Retributions helps to secure low health escaping enemy kills. Both of these factors are very useful for early gold lead.
  • War Axe: A must-pick item for assassins like Lancelot as he can easily trigger the passive and deal high early damage to enemy heroes. This will significantly escalate the chances of getting early kills. 
  • Hunter Strike: Another item that is almost a must-pick for Lancelot. This item is good for CD Reduction and Physical PEN. Also, the movement speed passive of the item can be easily triggered by Lancelot.
  • Endless Battle: A core item for almost every physical damage dealer hero. Good for Lancelot’s CD Reduction, Mana Regen, True Damage, and Speed stats. The combo of Hunter Stike and Endless Battle make Lancelot more switch in the battle.
  • Malefic Roar: If enemies buy armor then Malefic Roar will surely punish them. It reduces enemy armor by providing Physical Penetration and also carries a decent amount of Physical Attack itself. So very effective from the mid-game when the enemy starts to build some hardcore defense items.
  • Rose Gold Meteor: Whenever Lanceget into a sticky situation in the late game because of high CC or magic damage, this item can be very useful. The shield provided by the item can be a life savior and open another window of chance for Lancelot.

For spare items, players can pick Blade of the Heptaseas as with this item Lancelot can slow down targets and deal extra damage by ambushing. Also, Blade of Despair can be chosen because of the massive burst output in place of the boots or any other item according to need.

Mobile Legends Lancelot Gameplay Tips

Lancelot is the perfect assassin to ensure kills by going to the backline of the enemy. It is very important that the user makes sure that he utilizes the Puncture passive properly to dash through enemy heroes and lock the damage dealer. Thorned Rose can easily burst down any low-health enemy and with the help of his passive, each hit after dash will enable Lance to deal insane damage. Also, Puncture and Phanton Execution will let Lance evade any attack by entering an immune state. 

Though Lancelot has this unique set of skills with tremendous capabilities, he is very hard to master and tricky to use in various situations. So a good player must need an in-depth understanding of the map to bring the best out of any hero. According to his gameplay, we can break it down into three phases. Our Mobile Legends Lancelot guide includes the perfect game plan for the early, mid, and late game.

Early Game

Lancelot is a very fast Jungler and like most of the other assassins, it is very important to farm early and reach Lvl. 4. Secure the Purple buff at the beginning then go for Lithowanderer. If your team can arrange a Jungle raid go for that. Ignore if the risk is too high because any accident can risk low farm possibilities. After reaching Lvl. 4 gank in the side-lanes.

lancelot mlbb gameplay battlefield Mobile Legends Lancelot Guide
Lancelot in Mobile Legends

Pressurize the enemy to fall off and then secure Turtle. Always try to stay ahead in gold, otherwise, it will be difficult for Lancelot to shine in the mid-game. Use Puncture to reach the damage dealer target and burst down by Thorned Rose. Then hit the final blow by the ult and escape. The combo will surely depend on the match situation.

Mid Game

In the mid-game try to wait for the right moment of picking out enemy low-health heroes. Always focus on the enemy Mage/Marksman/Jungler. Try the ambush them from the bush or dash through the enemy lines to get a hold of them. Don’t dive in too deep without immune skills like Throned Rose or Phantom Executions.

Keep the farming up and secure Turtles. Even if your team is backed down in the Turtle fight be brave enough to go in and try the steal the objectives and dash out. Every good Lancelot player will give their best to secure objectives as this hero is very much capable of doing that even from the enemy’s hand.

Late Game

In the late game, the enemy is going to buy defense items to outdo the burst damage of Lancelot. Try to build PEN damage to pierce through those. Wait for the right moment and look out for off-positioned enemy heroes. Focus on Mage and Marksman as they are very squishy and easy targets for Lance. Don’t rush in very early in the fights rather try to wait for the assured opportunities of securing kills.

mobile legends lancelot gameplay Mobile Legends Lancelot Guide
Lancelot on the MLBB battlefield

Focus on taking down the Lord quickly whenever you can but don’t do it alone as Lance is very squishy to do that. However, being qualified enough to deal massive burst damage, in the very late phase Lance falls off short sometimes. When the enemy is tanky in the late game Lance needs to meet certain situations to be useful. But will proper build and marking Lance can still do wonders against bulky heroes.

Heroes that counter LancelotHeroes Lancelot can counter

Final Thoughts

Lancelot is undoubtedly of the most fun to play heroes in MLBB. A fast-hand Lancelot gameplay is a treat to watch. Some of the professional players have given jaw-dropping Lance performances over the years which makes the heroes so very popular. The amazing skill sets and handsome outlook is surely enough for a player to make him the main hero. Also, the love story with Odette gives him a special place in fans’ hearts. From calling Odette so sweetly to the most dangerous reaper of the game Lance is one of the most iconic heroes in the game.

An excellent pick for rank games, Lancelot is definitely a good pick for the current meta. These tips will surely help you to guide easy wins with Lancelot in Mobile Legends. You can also refer to our latest tier list to know more about the revamped meta heroes in this current season.

That’s all for today’s Mobile Legends Lancelot Guide. Do you prefer to use Lancelot in any other way? Let us know in the comment section below!

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