
Wild Rift Nautilus Guide: Best Builds, Runes, and Gameplay Tips

Peer into the Darkness!

The hook trio is finally together in Wild Rift. Thresh, Blitzcrank, and Nautilus are together called the “Hook Terrors” in the League game world. On PC, they are some of the best supports in the game, and now with the introduction of Nautilus in Wild Rift, they are going to continue their terrorizing in the duo lane. In this guide, we will discuss how to properly build Nautilus with items, summoner spells, and runes in Wild Rift. Let us get started on them.

We also have previously discussed how to master playing with LoL Wild Rift champions like Ammu, Master Yi, Jinx, Braum, Dr. Mundo, Akali, Yasuo, Singed, Jax, Darius, Ashe, Lulu, Varus, Tristana, Kennen, Miss Fortune, Blitzcrank, Teemo, Xayah, Rakan, Corki, Shyvana, Janna, Katarina, Leona, Pantheon, Diana, Galio, Fiora, Rammus, Sona, Kai’Sa, Rengar, Kha’Zix, Nasus, Renekton, Irelia, Riven, Nami, Soraka, Graves, Senna, Lucian, Akshan, Thresh, Seraphine, Vayne, Ezreal, Ahri, Draven, Brand, Nunu and Willump, Lux, Veigar, Caitlyn, Morgana, Kayle, Sett, Yuumi, Alistar, Shen, Karma, Orianna, Gragas, Olaf, Ekko, Pyke and Annie. So, players must make sure to check these champion guides as well. For now, let’s focus on this guide on Nautilus in Wild Rift.

Skill Analysis

Nautilus is tank support in the game. He specializes in engaging with his abilities and doesn’t allow the enemy to easily escape his clutches. Once he gets in range, he can throw his hook to either an enemy champion directly, or to nearby terrain. To get a more detailed look at this, let us glance at his abilities.

Passive – Staggering Blow

Nautilus’ attacks deal an additional 13 physical damage and root the target for 0.75 seconds. It has a 6-second cooldown on the same target.

Ability 1 – Dredge Line

Nautilus hurls his anchor forward, dealing 70 magic damage (70 + 90% scaling with Ability Power) to the first target hit and pulling them and Nautilus together. If the anchor hits terrain, Nautilus pulls himself to the terrain and 50% of Dredge Line’s cooldown and mana cost are refunded.

Ability 2 – Titan’s Wrath

Nautilus gains a shield that absorbs 120 damage (55 + 10% of maximum health) for 6 seconds. While the shield holds, Nautilus’ attacks are empowered to deal an additional 40 magic damage (40 + 40% scaling with Ability Power) around the target. Deals 150% damage against monsters.

Ability 3 – Riptide

Nautilus sends waves emanating outward that deal 60 magic damage (60 + 30% scaling with Ability Power). The waves slow enemies by 35% decaying over 1.5 seconds. Enemies hit by subsequent waves take 50% damage. Deals 150% damage against monsters.

Ultimate – Depth Charge

Nautilus fires a depth charge towards an enemy champion, dealing 150 magic damage (150 + 80% scaling with Ability Power). The charge knocks them up and stuns them for 1 second. Other enemies hit by the depth charge are also knocked up and stunned, and take 125 magic damage (125 + 40% scaling with Ability Power).

Skill Up Methods for Nautilus

Nautilus’ skill level-up order is as follows:

  • 1st Ability (Dredge Line): Level 1, 4, 6, 7.
  • 2nd Ability (Titan’s Wrath): Level 2, 8, 10, 11.
  • 3rd Ability (Riptide): Level 3, 12, 14, 15.
  • Ultimate Ability (Depth Charge): Level 5, 9, 13.

Best Rune Setups and Spells for Nautilus in Wild Rift

Nautilus makes great use of runes that increase his resistance. In addition to this, runes that help his allies deal more damage are also beneficial. In this section of the guide, we are going to talk about which Rune Setups and spells are the best for Nautilus in the support role, in Wild Rift.

Rune Setup

The following Runes work best for Nautilus in the support role.

Keystone Rune: Aftershock

Aftershock is the best rune for a CC-heavy tank like Nautilus. It increases his resistance when he immobilizes an enemy. It also deals magic damage to enemies around him, making it even more effective.


Like with other immobilizing champions, Weakness is great for our tanky boy. He benefits from stunning and rooting enemies, proccing both Aftershock and Weakness. Weakness enables his teammates to deal bonus damage to the crowd-controlled enemy. In teamfights especially, he is a very big asset with his ultimate ability, 1st ability, and Weakness.

Wild Rift Nautilus Guide
Image via Riot Games

Hunter – Titan

Hunter-Titan is a good defensive tool for many champions, and Nautilus is no exception. He uses this rune in order to gain tenacity, and being a tank, tenacity helps him to survive longer. Though he doesn’t get kills that often, even one kill is enough to grant tenacity. The 20 maximum health on top of it is a nice bonus.


Like Pyke, Nautilus can benefit from roaming during the mid-game and late game. Pathfinder gives Nautilus a 9% Movement Speed bonus when in the bushes, river, or jungle, out of combat. This makes him more mobile, and he can get to his teammates quicker to help them when needed.

Summoner Spells


For Nautilus, Flash is a really important spell. He can use it in a lot of different ways. Combining Flash with a terrain hook is deadly and catches enemies by surprise. Flashing to an enemy and rooting them with his passive, and combining it with his 3rd ability can do a large amount of damage. Overall, Flash is the perfect first summoner spell for him.


Ignite is useful in a lot of situations, and especially is useful against teams with a lot of healing. It can kill a low-health enemy when they’re escaping, and can also reduce the power of champions like Dr. Mundo and Nasus. Great second spell for Nautilus.

Best Build for Nautilus in League Of Legends: Wild Rift

In this section of the guide, we will discuss the best item build for Nautilus in League Of Legends: Wild Rift.

Wild Rift Nautilus Guide build
Image via Riot Games
  • Dead Man’s Plate: This item is the best item for Nautilus in almost every game, as he benefits a ton from the Movement Speed. The “Relentless” and “Momentum” effects of Dead Man’s Plate increase his Movement Speed by a lot. Combining this with Pathfinder leads to a very fast, hulking Titan running at enemies with Mach 5 speed. Along with this, it provides him with 225 Health and 50 Armor, increasing his defenses.
  • Zeke’s Convergence: This grants Nautilus 40 Armor and Magic Resist, 150 Mana, and 10 Ability Haste. As players can see, it is a very beneficial item for Naut, as it gives him a whole host of stats. Besides those, its unique effect, “Harbinger“, causes a storm to form around Nautilus when he uses his ultimate. This storm causes enemies caught within it to be slowed, further enabling Naut and his team to get rid of them.
  • Plated Steelcaps (Gargoyle Enchant): The Gargoyle Enchant is best suited to Nautilus because in a teamfight when he is being targeted, the Gargoyle Enchant can increase his maximum health by 65%, and save him from death. The Steelcaps can be changed for Mercury’s Treads if the enemy also has a lot of hard Crowd Control.
  • Force Of Nature: The single best magic resist item for tanks. It provides Naut with 350 Health and 50 Magic Resist. The unique effect “Absorb” grants Naut 6 bonus Movement Speed and 6 bonus Magic Resist, stacking up to 5 times per every unique enemy ability that is hostile towards him. This means he gains 30 bonus Movement Speed and 30 bonus Magic Resist when he takes damage from 5 unique enemy abilities.
  • Warmog’s Armor: This item is here to simply give Naut more health. It gives him 700 Health, 200 Health Regeneration, and 10 Ability Haste. This item’s unique effect, “Warmog’s Heart” states that if Naut has at least 950 bonus health, he can regenerate 5% of his max health per second, if he hasn’t taken any damage in the last 6 seconds. This means you can use this item to heal up when you get to low health in a fight, and then jump back into the fight with almost full health.
  • Thornmail: A Grievous Wounds item that is best for use against heavy Attack Damage champions. It grants Nautilus 200 Health and 75 Armor. The unique effect of Thornmail is called “Thorns“, and it reflects on-hit damage dealt to the Thornmail holder, making it a great choice against champions like Draven, Master Yi, Jax, etc. This item spells out the doom for basic-attack-focused champions and is also very effective against attack damage in general.

League Of Legends: Wild Rift Nautilus Gameplay Tips

In this section of the guide, we will discuss how to best play Nautilus in the early, mid, and late game.

Early Game

In the early game, it is important to stay in the lane and look for kill opportunities. If none arise, one must set them up. Roaming is not beneficial, because players haven’t completed any movement speed items yet, making them a very bad roamer.

Wild Rift Nautilus Guide early game
Image via Riot Games

Though, if a fight starts on their side of the map, one must try to help to the best of their ability. Ensuring that the team has an early lead is very important for the player when playing the Titan from the Depths.

Mid Game

This is where the roaming begins. Players must start roaming to mid, to Baron lane, and wherever they think the play will be useful. It is important to establish a vision in the enemy jungle and gain control of the map. Get into fights around objectives, and try to zone away the enemy team, so that they can’t get into the objective pits. Players will start to influence teamfights at this stage.

Late Game

During the late game, it is best to stay with the team. Teamfights are a lot more frequent at this stage, and as Nautilus, this is the most important frontline for the team. Always roam with the team, and don’t try to fight enemies 1v1, if one is not sure that Nautilus can kill them.

Wild Rift Nautilus Guide late game
Image via Riot Games

Players must group up and wipe the enemy. Using Riptide (3rd ability) at crucial moments, along with the 2nd ability’s shield, is very important. The ultimate is also at a shorter cooldown during the late game. Therefore, it is essential to use it on the fed members of the enemy team, in order to, get rid of them before an important objective spawns.

Champions that counter NautilusChampions that Nautilus counters
Janna Karma

Final Thoughts

Nautilus is the best hook support in the game. His ability to pull himself towards terrain is what puts him above picks like Thresh and Blitzcrank. As a tank, he is amazing, soaking up large amounts of damage while putting out decent damage himself.

The fact that his ultimate follows its target wherever they go, is insane. Along with that, he is a good choice for beginners as well, because even if he misses the hook, he can just walk up and still output a lot of crowd control. Overall, he is great support at all ranks in the game and is a decent support option to climb the ranked ladder.

That’s all for today’s League of Legends: Wild Rift Nautilus Guide. Do you prefer to use/build him in any other, different way? Let us know in the comment section below!

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