Clint is one of the first heroes with whom Mobile Legends started its journey. He got through various changes in his Hero Model as well as his skills got so many different versions throughout these years in Land of Dawn. In the recent patch 1.6.42, Clint got a nerf, the base damage of his first skill Quick Draw got lowered and the cooldown of his second skill Trapping Recoil increased. But if we look back to the previous patch 1.6.26, he got a huge buff in basic attack damage. This buff overshadowed the latest nerf and made him a popular pick again even in the mythic lobby. In this Mobile Legends guide, we will take a look at the best emblem, spell, build, including tips and tricks to dominate every game with Clint.
We have previously discussed how to master playing with other Mobile Legends heroes like Miya, Ling, Wanwan, Pharsa, Carmilla, Silvanna, Hayabusa, Atlas, Luo Yi, Yu Zhong, Aurora, Khaleed, Freya, Khufra, X.Borg, Lesley, Tigreal, Hylos, Valir, Cecilion, Lylia, Uranus, Barats, Odette, Angela, Vale, Rafaela, Hanzo, Esmeralda, Brody, Lapu-Lapu, Nana, Benedetta, Hilda, Mathilda, Selena, Jawhead, Chou, Paquito, Thamuz, Lunox, Yi Sun-Shin, Yve, Gatotkaca, Karrie, Ruby, Beatrix, Gloo, Argus, Baxia, Granger, Phoveus, Hanabi, Alpha, Harley, Karina, Eudora, Natan, Dyrroth, Balmond, Aulus, Guinevere, Sun, Belerick, Floryn, Aamon, Valentina, Kagura, Saber, Leomord, Bruno Akai, Bane, Edith, Martis, Alucard, Gusion, Chang’e, and Yin. So make sure to check these hero guides as well. For now, let’s focus on Clint.
Skill Analysis
Clint has three active skills and a passive skill like all the other heroes in-game. In this Mobile Legends guide, we will also talk about the skills to use in certain scenarios as well as skill combos to be able to play Clint to his utmost potential.
Passive – Double Shot (Burst, Buff)

Whenever Clint casts a skill the next basic attack will deal 100+(120% of Total Physical Attack) amount of Physical Damage to a line of enemies. Additionally, Extra Physical Attack can take effects like True damage, Critical damage.
Skill 1 – Quick Draw (AoE)
CD – 8.0/7.4/6.8/6.2/5.6/5.0
Mana – 50 at all levels

In a small amount of time, Clint’s first skill can shoot 5 bullets rapidly in a fan-shaped area. Each bullet can deal 250/280/310/340/370/400 ( +80% of Total Physical Attack ) amount of total Physical Attack. If the bullets hit the same enemy multiple times, damage dealt with that enemy will be reduced from the Second bullet.
Skill 2 – Trapping Recoil (Blink, CC)
CD – 10.0/9.6/9.2/8.8/8.4/8.0
Mana – 65/75/85/95/105/115

Upon using this skill Clint can throw a trap net in a particular direction and also move back at the same time. This trap can deal 140/160/180/200/220/240 (+30% of Total Physical Attack ) ( +150% of Total Magic Power ) amount of Physical Damage. Successfully hitting an enemy can immobilize it for 1.2s and reduce the skill’s cooldown by 40%.
Ultimate Skill – Grenade Bombardment (AoE, Slow, Burst)
Recharging Time – 12/11/10
Mana – 50/55/60

Clint can launch the grenade in the chosen direction by casting this skill. The grenade then will explode after hitting an enemy, slowing them down by 25% for a short time and dealing 280/340/400 ( +100% of Total Physical Attack ) amount of Physical Damage. Clint can restore up to 5 of these grenades and though this skill doesn’t have CD, 1 grenade can be restored every 12/11/10s.
Skill-up method for Clint
Max out the Quick Draw first. Take Trapping Recoil accordingly. Upgrade Grenade Bombardment whenever available.
Best Emblem set and Spells for Clint in Mobile Legends
Emblem Setup
Custom Assassin emblem is best for Clint. It will provide both extra Movement Speed as well as Physical Penetration. For talent, we would recommend going with Killing Spree as it restores some HP and provides Movement Speed after getting a kill or you can take High and Dry to get an advantage while laning , so choose talent according to the situation.

- Agility (+3)
- Invasion (+3)
- High and Dry
You can use the Custom Marksman emblem for Clint too. It can boost Clint’s overall attack as this emblem solely focuses on Critical damage boost. So try these emblems and find what suits you best.

- Fatal (+3)
- Doom (+3)
- Weapon Master
Battle Spells
Though Clint’s 2nd skill provides him a slide dash, we highly recommend Flicker as it can get you out of critical situations. You can use Aegis also according to the game line-up or go for Retribution in the case of jungler Clint.
Best Builds for Clint in Mobile Legends
One can try many builds on Clint. All which one needs to do is to just follow the enemy’s pick and then decide the role on the battlefield. We have set out the following template to try out with Clint on the battlefield. We are providing our top recommended build to support you through different scenarios, you can either go with sustain or go full attack build.
Attack Build

- Magic Shoes: Extra CD from this will help you spam your skills more often.
- Endless Battle: It’s passive goes well with Clint, so after every skill used by Clint, the next basic attack can trigger Endless Battle’s passive and deal true damage. It also provides a decent amount of Physical Lifesteal.
- Hunter Strike: Clint’s first skill can trigger Hunter Strike’s passive and give him bonus movement speed, it can be helpful either chasing enemies or escaping. It also provides CD reduction so the effect of the latest patch’s nerf on Clint’s 2nd Skill CD can be minimal.
- Berserk Fury: Clint can easily deal Critical damage through his passive’s damage, thanks to his 5 stacked grenade ultimate and also the low CD skill 1.
- Malific Roar: Reducing enemies’ defense armor by Physical Penetration, this item can make overall damage output more effective.
- Blade of Despair: Provides most Attack power, it is a must-buy for Clint.
Additionally, in the late game sell your boots to buy either Thunder Belt or Immortality.
Sustain Build

- Warrior Boots: It provides a small armor at early game.
- Endless Battle: As mentioned above, this item goes well with Clint. Besides attack, lifesteal, CD reduction it also provides an amount of HP too.
- Thunder Belt: Besides providing physical defense, this item’s passive can deal true damage through basic attack after using a skill. It also gives CD reduction.
- Malific Roar: Gives penetration thus making enemies’ physical defense less effective.
- Blade of Despair: By giving a huge amount of physical attack it balances the sustainability and attack power for this build.
- Immortality: Helps you to survive longer by giving a second chance to be on the battlefield instantly.
Additionally, in the late game, you can sell boots to buy any defense item or choose an item from the Spare Equipment section of this build.
Mobile Legends Clint Gameplay Tips
As most other marksmen Clint also lacks damage in the early game and is also very vulnerable to enemy assassins. However, a player must need a good understanding of the map to bring the best out of any hero. According to his gameplay, we can break it down into three phases. Our Mobile Legends Clint guide includes the perfect game plan for the early, mid, and late game.
Early Game
Go to the gold lane and focus on farming in the lane. Unlock your first skill as it will help to clear the lane quickly. Be cautious about the enemy in your lane and try not to get killed in the early phase. If turtle spawns in your lane be sure to gank for turtle with your team. Always stay behind your tank and play safe. Focus on destroying turret whenever have a chance, it will give you farm and also provide an advantage on map control.

Mid Game
At this stage, you have 2/3 items depending upon your farm efficiency. Now you can gank frequently as you can deal a decent amount of damage. Be sure to use your skill 2 to trap enemies and use that Immortality whether to attack or escape from a tough situation. Be sure to check you have 5 stacks of your grenades before jumping into the battlefield.
Late Game
After getting all items you can deal a ton of damage so be sure not to stay idle at your lane and rotate frequently to help your team in ganks. You can play a bit aggressively, try to target backline enemies by going sideways and find loopholes in team fights. Check your mini-map to stay out of reach of the enemy assassin.

Remember to use your basic attack every time after using a skill to take maximum advantage of Clint’s passive damage. Spam your attack frequently as by the late game all skills have a comparatively lower cooldown. You only need to save your 2nd skill and use it if necessary as it can be helpful in critical situations.
Heroes that counter Clint | Heroes Clint can counter |
Natalia | Moskov |
Hayabusa | Brody |
Saber | Bruno |
Leomord | Alucard |
Martis | Paquito |
Clint falls short and can be easily countered by most assassins, and most mobile fighters can counter Clint as well. On the other hand, Clint can counter most of the marksman heroes, and additionally using his 2nd skill Clint can counter heroes that have only one dash skill.
Final Thoughts
After introducing new marksman heroes, Clint got in the back section of everyone’s choice. Thanks to Moonton giving Clint a huge buff that he makes a comeback in-game. Blessed with huge Attack damage of his passive and low CD skills, Clint can break chaos on the battlefield. But like any other Marksman, he too has to be cautious against the enemy assassin.
Clint is a skill-dependent Marksman, so Position and Aim mastering these two can make you a better Clint in no time. And then shred your enemies in Clint’s cool cowboy way. An excellent pick for rank games, Clint is definitely a good pick for the current meta. These tips will surely help you to guide easy wins with Clint in Mobile Legends. You can also refer to our latest tier list to know more about the revamped meta heroes in this current season.
That’s all for today’s Mobile Legends Clint Guide. Do you prefer to use Clint in any other way? Let us know in the comment section below!
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Clint will be my main now😋