Mobile Legend Bang Bang brings us Lapu-Lapu, a hero inspired by Philippine history and known for his victory over Ferdinand Magellan. Lapu-Lapu shines in the experience lane, excelling at taking down enemy backline heroes with his strong burst damage and sustainability, often turning the tide in favor of his team. This guide explores Lapu-Lapu, a Fighter with powerful skills like Area of Effect Damage, Dash, Stun, and Disabling abilities, making him excellent at eliminating squishy enemies. His built-in shield provides sustainability, allowing him to initiate team fights with confidence. In this updated guide, we’ll uncover Lapu-Lapu’s enhanced capabilities in the current meta. Join us as we navigate the Mobile Legends battlefield with Lapu-Lapu, discovering the best emblem, spells, builds, and essential tips and tricks for victory.
We have previously discussed how to master playing with other Mobile Legends heroes like Miya, Ling, Wanwan, Pharsa, Carmilla, Silvanna, Hayabusa, Atlas, Luo Yi, Yu Zhong, Aurora, Khaleed, Freya, Khufra, X.Borg, Lesley, Tigreal, Hylos, Valir, Cecilion, Lylia, Uranus, Barats, Odette, Angela, Vale, Rafaela, Hanzo, Esmeralda, Brody, Nana, Benedetta, Hilda, Mathilda, Selena, Jawhead, Chou, Paquito, Thamuz, Lunox, Yi Sun-Shin, Yve, Gatotkaca, Karrie, Ruby, Beatrix, Gloo, Argus, Baxia, Granger, Phoveus, Hanabi, Alpha, Harley, Karina, Eudora, Natan, Dyrroth, Balmond, Aulus, Guinevere, Sun, Belerick, Floryn, Aamon, Valentina, Kagura, Saber, Leomord, Bruno Akai, Bane, Edith, Martis, Alucard, Gusion, Chang’e, Yin, Clint, Alice, Grock, Kadita, Popol and Kupa, Zilong, Minotaur, Helcurt, Cyclops, Lancelot, Kaja, Claude, Lolita, Melissa, and Layla. So make sure to check these hero guides as well. For now, let’s focus on Lapu-Lapu.
Skill Analysis
Lapu-Lapu is a hero with the common four skill sets of one passive and three actives. In this Lapu-Lapu guide, let’s see what are his abilities in Mobile Legends, and when you can use which skill to get the best out of him.
Passive – Homeland Defender (Buff)(Shield)

Lapu-Lapu does not need any mana to cast his skills. Instead of that, he gains 10 amount of Bravery Blessing each time for his successful attack. It is indicated by a Red Bar bellow his HP bar. When the bar is full he gains a shield that can soak up to 250 (+65 × Hero Level) amount of damage for 2.5 seconds and his next basic attack or Ultimate will be enhanced. For enhanced basic attack Lapu-Lapu will dashes toward the enemy while dealing with physical damage where the enhanced ultimate can slows down the enemy by 60% for 1 second. This shield from his passive is very effective in the whole game.
Skill 1 – Justice Blades (AoE)
CD – 8.0/7.6/7.2/6.8 /6.4/6.0

Lapu-Lapu throws his two swords in a designated direction like boomerangs while each boomerang deals on 175/200/225/250/275/300 amount of physical damage. Hitting the same target with two boomerangs will reduce the damage of the second boomerang by 50%.
Skill 2 – Jungle Warrior (Blink)
CD – 12.0/11.0/10.0/9.0/8.0/7.0

It is an escape/ambush type skill, Lapu-Lapu dashes in the designated direction with his two swords while dealing 100–200 (+50% Total Physical Attack) amount of physical damage to enemies.
Skill 3 – Bravest Fighter (Morph)(Blink)
CD – 20/17.5/15

Lapu-Lapu combines his two swords into one and jumps into the designated location while dealing 300–500 (+80% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage, besides slowing them for 1 second by 60%. During his Ultimate he gains 3 times Bravery Blessing and then enters Heavy Sword Stance mode for 10 seconds. In this state, his Skills are changed into 1 (Land Shaker),2 (Storm Sword) & 3 (Raging Smash) respectively. His attack damage increased to 120%. Not only that, he also gains 30-60 Physical and Magical defense. During Ultimate his every skill can deal a ton of damage to enemies.
Skill Up Methods for Lapu-Lapu
Unlock skill 1 first and upgrade it to the max level, upgrade skill 2 accordingly, and ultimate whenever available.
Best Emblem Set and Spells for Lapu-Lapu in Mobile Legends
As you play Lapu-Lapu on Exp lane. There are two different emblems we would like to recommend. Use either a Custom Fighter emblem or a Custom Assassin emblem and find out what suits you better.
Custom Fighter Emblem
It will provide both Spell Vamp, Adaptive Attack, and Hybrid Defense. For standard talent, we would recommend going with Rupture and Festival of Blood, for the core talent Impure Rage, as they will provide penetration, spell vamp, and extra skill damage for bursting the backline enemies.

Custom Assassin Emblem
You can also use the Assassin emblem for Lapu-Lapu it will provide both Movement Speed as well as Physical Penetration. For the standard talent, you can select Agility and Festival of Blood as your standard talents, which will grant you increased movement speed and an additional spell vamp to help sustain your lane. For the core talent, Brave Smith is recommended, as it provides bonus skill damage, contributing to increased HP damage.

Battle Spell
Flicker is Lapu-Lapu’s preferred battle spell in Mobile Legends. It enhances his mobility, enabling him to initiate fights effectively, escape danger, and maintain the right positioning in team battles. Flicker is a crucial tool that makes Lapu-Lapu more agile and durable on the battlefield. You can also use Retribution if you want to go jungling.
Best Builds for Lapu-Lapu in Mobile Legends
There are so many items you can buy for Lapu-Lapu. You can focus on items that grant Physical damage, items that give you health points, and some items that increase your Durability. But you have to build a compact set in order to survive on the battlefield, so choose that type of item that grants spell vamp, movement speed, health points, and physical damage to Lapu-Lapu.

- Bloodlust Axe: This is the core item of Lapu-Lapu, this item provides him Physical attack and cooldown reduction, and its unique passive grants 20% spell vamp which will amplify your emblem’s Festival of Blood effect. It will keep you sustained in a team fight.
- Hunter Strike: This item provides a brief speed boost, penetration, and cooldown reduction, all of which are advantageous for him in several ways.
- Dominance Ice: When facing enemies with substantial lifesteal and HP regeneration, as it can effectively diminish their HP regeneration rates and slow down their attack speed.
- Oracle: an item that offers magic defense and cooldown reduction. Additionally, it enhances HP regeneration and provides a shield for added durability in battles.
- Immortality: This item grants Lapu-Lapu a second chance by reviving him if he gets knocked out in battle, giving him a valuable lifeline to continue fighting.
- Radiant Armor: If Lapu-Lapu faces enemies dealing continuous magic damage, Radiant Armor is the way to go. It lessens the damage he takes from magical attacks, helping him survive against magic-focused enemies.
- Antique Cuirass: When confronted with strong physical attackers, Antique Cuirass is the item of choice. It significantly reduces the damage Lapu-Lapu takes from physical attacks, making him tougher against these opponents.
- Malefic Roar: If Lapu-Lapu needs better physical penetration, Malefic Roar is the item to pick. It allows him to cut through the enemy’s defenses, ensuring his physical attacks pack more punch, which is particularly useful against tanky enemies.
it is important to build defense items on him to sustain damage to sustain lane and sustain enemies’ damage. With this build, you can be tanky and can also be a good damage dealer. Keep that in mind the build may be changed according to the enemy pick, do not just stick to one particular build. But at the end wrap yourself with immortality for an extra life.
Mobile Legends Lapu-Lapu Gameplay Tips
Lapu-Lapu is a very strong and team fight-based hero. Always pick boots according to the enemy damage type. According to his gameplay, we can break it down into three phases. Our Mobile Legends Lapu-Lapu guide includes the perfect game plan for the early, mid, and late games. However, a player must need a good understanding of the map to bring the best out of any hero.
Early Game
In the early game, start by purchasing a lower-grade boot and heading to your designated lane. Maintain a safe distance from enemy heroes and prioritize protecting your turret. Once you have your boot, shift your focus to core items.

Your primary goal is to farm and accumulate gold by last-hitting minions. Upon reaching level 4, if you clear the minion wave first, consider making a quick rotation to the Mid lane or help obtain objectives and utilize your ultimate skill effectively to catch opponents off guard.
Mid Game
With your core items in the mid-game, Lapu-Lapu becomes a strong damage dealer, allowing him to dominate the battlefield. Focus on targeting the squishy enemy heroes or their carry. If you’ve chosen Flicker as your battle spell, don’t hesitate to perform turret dives because your shield offers protection.

Lapu-Lapu’s first skill has a great range, and when used alongside his second skill, it can help eliminate low-health enemies or provide an escape in tricky situations. Don’t miss opportunities to secure the Turtle objective and keep pressure on your lane. If needed, consider switching lanes with your ally to make a bigger impact.
Late Game
Here, your main goal is to team up with your allies for successful ganks and team fights. Make good use of the bushes for strategic positioning. In this phase, you have two effective skill combos to choose from. Keep an eye on your skills’ cooldowns and stay at a safe distance from enemies when your abilities are not ready.
Skill 1+Skill 2+Skill 3+Skill 1+Skill 3
From bush Skill 3+Skill 3+Skill 2+Skill 1
It’s a good time to focus on defensive items to withstand more damage from opponents. If enemies make the mistake of chasing you, Lapu-Lapu’s skills can quickly turn the tables in your favor. In the late game, Lapu-Lapu truly shines, making him a powerful force on the battlefield.
Final Thoughts
As we can clearly see Lapu-Lapu is completely relying on his skills so if he misses his skills or skills are on cool-down, he is very easy to kill. Do focus on your Spell vamp and CD reduction items. Once you buy that you can digest the 1v5 situation too. Don’t use your ultimate anywhere at an early stage and building items are more important than killing an enemy.
Project Next update is on the way so things may be changed a little bit through the patch, we will keep you updated. Meanwhile, these tips will surely help you to guide easy wins with Lapu-Lapu in Mobile Legends. You can also refer to our latest tier list to know more about the revamped meta heroes in this current season.
That’s all for today’s Mobile Legends Lapu-Lapu Guide. Do you prefer to use Lapu-Lapu in any other way? Let us know in the comment section below!
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