
Mobile Legends Estes Guide: Best Emblem, Build, and Gameplay Tips

Hello, my friend.

Estes, the Moon Elf King, is a top support hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, revered for his exceptional healing abilities. With the capability to heal multiple allies simultaneously, Estes provides a significant advantage to his team during battles. Moreover, he possesses crowd control abilities to slow down enemies and reveal their positions. Since his introduction in 2017, Estes has maintained his status as one of the premier support heroes, known for his prowess in keeping his team alive and disrupting the enemy’s strategies. In this Mobile Legends guide, we will take a look at the best emblem, spell, and build, including tips and tricks to dominate every game with Estes.

We have previously discussed how to master playing with other Mobile Legends heroes like MiyaLing, WanwanPharsaCarmillaSilvanna, HayabusaAtlasLuo YiYu Zhong, Aurora, Khaleed, Freya, Khufra, X.Borg, Lesley, Tigreal, Hylos, Valir, Cecilion, Lylia, Uranus, Barats, Odette, Angela, Vale, Rafaela, Hanzo, Esmeralda, Brody, Lapu-Lapu, Nana, Benedetta, Hilda, Mathilda, Selena, Jawhead, Chou, Paquito, Thamuz, Lunox, Yi Sun-Shin, Yve, Gatotkaca, Karrie, Ruby, Beatrix, Gloo, Argus, Baxia, Granger, Phoveus, Hanabi, Alpha, Harley, Karina, Eudora, Natan, Dyrroth, Balmond, Aulus, Guinevere, Sun, Belerick, Floryn, Aamon, Valentina, Kagura, Saber, Leomord, Bruno Akai, Bane, Edith, Martis, Alucard, Gusion, Chang’e, Yin, Clint, Alice, Grock, Kadita, Popol and Kupa, Zilong, Minotaur, Helcurt, Cyclops, Lancelot, Kaja, Claude, Lolita, Melissa, Layla, Moskov, Irithel, Kimmy, and Harith. So make sure to check these hero guides as well. For now, let’s focus on Estes.

Skill Analysis 

Estes has three active skills and a passive skill like most other heroes in-game. In this Mobile Legends guide, we will also talk about the skills to use in certain scenarios as well as skill combos to be able to play Estes to his maximum potential.

Passive – Scripture of the Moon Elf

passive estes mlbb

Code of Moon Elves will charge energy into Estes slowly – When it stacks up to 100, it will improve his next Basic Attack, dealing 250 (+100% Total Physical Attack) (+150% Total Magic Power) points of Magic Damage to the target. The damage will then ricochet, dealing 125 (+50% Total Physical Attack) (+75% Total Magic Power) points of Magic Damage to nearby enemies and slowing them by 60% for 1.5 seconds.

Skill 1 – Moonlight Immersion (Heal)

CD – 11.0
Mana – 110

skill 1 estes mlbb

Estes grants 250 (+110% Total Magic Power) HP to a chosen ally, linking himself with them for 3 seconds. During this time, he’ll continuously restore 325 (+60% Total Magic Power) HP to the target.

Additionally, being linked with an allied hero increases Estes’ Hybrid Defense by 20 and Movement Speed by 15%, while also boosting the energy charging speed of the Scripture of the Moon Elf. However, if Estes moves too far from the target, the link will break.

Skill 2 – Domain of Moon Goddess (CC, AoE)

CD – 12.0
Mana – 80

skil 2 estes mlbb

Estes drops a flood of moonlight upon the designated area, dealing 350( +70% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to enemies in the area. Afterward, it turns to a domain of Moon Goddess for 1.5 seconds, slowing them by 90% when enemies touch the border of the domain area.

Ultimate Skill – Blessing of Moon Goddess (Buff, Heal)

CD – 55.0
Mana – 150

ultimate skill estes

Estes blesses all nearby allied heroes with an enhanced ability called “Moonlight Immersion.” For the next 8 seconds, this enhancement allows Estes to continuously restore a whopping 1230 (+210% Total Magic Power) HP to himself and his allies. It’s a powerful burst of healing that can turn the tide of battle in their favor.

Skill-up method for Estes

Unlock Skill 2, Domain of Moon Goddess followed by Skill 1, Moonlight Immersion. Unlock the Ultimate Skill Blessing of Moon Goddess at level 4. Prioritize upgrading the Skill 1 to max first followed by his Ultimate when available. Upgrade his Skill 2 at last. Skill 1 >> Ultimate >> Skill 2.

Best Emblem set and Spells for Estes in Mobile Legends

Emblem Setup

When playing Estes in Roaming, I recommend utilizing the Custom Support emblem. This emblem is good for Estes, enhancing his Healing Effect, Cooldown Reduction, and Movement Speed essential attributes for a support hero like him. With this emblem, Estes can heal more effectively, reduce ability cooldowns, and swiftly maneuver across the battlefield to aid teammates.

Mobile Legends Estes Custom Support Emblem
Image via MOONTON Games

For talents, Agility and Wilderness Blessings are optimal choices, further enhancing movement speed to ensure Estes can keep up with allies and maintain his healing link without interruption while rotating between lanes or objectives. Additionally, the Focusing Mark talent is recommended as a core choice, as it boosts team damage whenever Estes hits enemies, providing an advantage in fights.

Battle Spells

For the Battle Spell, Estes has several excellent options to choose from: Flicker, Purify, or Aegis. Flicker allows him to escape or reposition quickly, Purify keeps him safe from crowd control effects, and Aegis boosts his survivability with a protective shield. The choice among these spells depends on the situation in the game, providing Estes with the flexibility he needs to support his team effectively.

Best Builds for Estes in Mobile Legends

One can experiment with various builds on Estes. Simply follow the enemy’s picks and adjust your role on the battlefield accordingly. Below is a template provided in our guide to try out with Estes on the Mobile Legends battlefield

Mobile Legends Estes Item Builds
Image via MOONTON Games
  • Tough Boots – Favor: These boots provide durability and resistance against crowd control effects. The passive effect of Favor enhances Estes’s healing capabilities.
  • Enchanted Talisman: This item offers HP, Magic Power, and CD Reduction, which are crucial for enhancing Estes’s abilities.
  • Flask of Oasis: Enhances mana regeneration, ensuring Estes can sustain his healing output during prolonged engagements.
  • Oracle: Enhances shield absorption and healing effects, amplifying Estes’s supportive capabilities for his team.
  • Immortality: Provides a second chance at life, allowing Estes to continue supporting his team even after being eliminated in battle.
  • Dominance Ice: Boosts Physical Defense, Mana, and Movement Speed, while also reducing the Attack Speed of nearby enemies.
  • Fleeting Time: Grants Magic Power, Mana, and CD Reduction. Its passive reduces the Ultimate cooldown upon securing kills or assists.
  • Winter Truncheon: Offers a protective shield and temporary immunity against damage, increasing Estes’s survivability in critical situations.
  • Radiant Armor: Increases Physical Defense and HP, providing additional tankiness against enemy attacks.
  • Antique Cuirass: Boosts Physical Defense and HP, while also reducing the Attack Power of nearby enemies.
  • Athena’s Shield: Provides a shield and HP regeneration upon taking significant damage, ensuring Estes can withstand burst damage during team fights.

Mobile Legends Estes Gameplay Tips

Although he is a just support hero, Estes has the capability of sustaining his entire team during team fights and bringing the enemy team down. However, a player must need a good understanding of the map to bring the best out of any hero. According to his gameplay, I can break it down into three phases. Our Mobile Legends Estes guide includes the perfect game plan for the early, mid, and late games.

Early Game

Teammates should try not to pick squishy heroes during the drafting phase as Estes can’t heal them if they get one shot. At level 1, unlock Skill 2 to zone out enemies trying to invade allied Jungler’s buff or while contesting the first Lithowanderer.

Mobile Legends Estes Gameplay
Image via MOONTON Games

Unlock Skill 1 next and head to the gold lane to help the allied marksman hero. Rotate towards the first turtle next to contest it. The early game of Estes is not that strong and can be taken down easily if marked by enemies hence players should wait patiently till unlocking Ultimate skill at level 4 before making aggressive plays.

Mid Game

Always remember Estes is a Support hero and not a tank, so do not initiate team fights, let the fighter/EXP laner initiate first while Estes heals them from the backline. A dead Estes is a good-for-nothing liability on a team hence stay alive and keep the allies alive.

Mobile Legends Estes Gameplay
Image via MOONTON Games

Always provide the vision for the teammates. Estes can use his Skill 2 to effectively check bushes without going in the bush to check personally. Rotate between lanes and focus on objectives and don’t shy away from a team fight with Estes’s Ultimate, not on cooldown.

Late Game

With most of his items now, Estes can pretty much carry the game with the sheer amount of sustain he can bring in the team fights. However, pick fights wisely, and don’t overcommit unnecessarily if there is no objective to secure. Provide vision for allied core heroes like mm, mage, and jungler.

If Estes casts Blessing of Moon Goddess linking himself to an ally and then casting Enhanced Moonlight Immersion on the same ally, he will heal the ally twice immediately by Enhanced Moonlight Immersion’s instant heal but only one Enhanced Moonlight Immersion will heal over time.

Mobile Legends Estes Gameplay
Image via MOONTON Games

Additionally, if Estes casts Blessing of Moon Goddess and Enhanced Moonlight Immersion on an ally late, it will end prematurely as soon as the 8-second Enhanced period ends. However, if Estes casts the latter on himself, he will refresh the duration continuing to heal himself by Blessing of Moon Goddess over time regardless of whether the Enhanced period ends and Normal Moonlight Immersion becomes available again. During only this time he can stack the heal over time of Normal Moonlight Immersion and the extended duration of Enhanced Moonlight Immersion on himself.

Best Counters and Partners for Estes

Heroes that counter EstesBest Partners for Estes
Luo YiBalmond

Heroes with strong burst potential like Saber and Gusion pose a significant threat to Estes, especially in the late game. They can quickly eliminate Estes or another core member of his team before he has a chance to heal them. Additionally, heroes like Baxia can counter Estes with their anti-healing effects, making it difficult for him to sustain his team in team fights. Luo Yi‘s crowd control abilities also make her effective against Estes, as she can disrupt team fights and prevent Estes from healing effectively. To counter Estes, players can build anti-healing items like Dominance Ice, Necklace of Durance, and Sea Halberd on tanks, mages, and marksmen respectively. These items help negate Estes’s healing and weaken his impact on the battlefield.

Final Thoughts

Estes is one of the best support heroes in the game right now. He is pretty much a must-pick/ban type hero in the higher-ranked games. Players can pick Estes for an easy time in ranking up carrying teammates to victory with the sheer strength of healing power alone. In any case, opponents have got Estes already try to pick his counters as mentioned in this guide in your team comp, and don’t forget to harass Estes in the early game.

An excellent pick for rank games, Estes is a good pick for the current meta. These tips will surely help you to guide easy wins with Estes in Mobile Legends. You can also refer to our latest tier list to know more about the meta heroes in this current season.

That’s all for today’s Mobile Legends Estes Guide. Do you prefer to use Estes in any other way? Let us know in the comment section below!

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