
Mobile Legends Irithel Guide: Best Emblem, Build and Gameplay Tips

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Irithel is a marksman hero with specialty reap. She is the first hero that has her own mount, Leo the tiger. What makes Irithel special from other marksman heroes is that she can shoot while moving. It is an advantage for her in the condition of shooting enemies that are chasing her or pursuing a moving target. Although she is not very popular and not picked often in the current META, she is still a deadly late-game Marksman. Irithel is the only marksman who can reduce the defense of the enemies. The new Inspire spell is very effective with her. She has high area damage and is a great hero in team fights, who can turn the match around if played properly. In this Mobile Legends guide, we will take a look at the best emblem, spell, build, including tips and tricks to dominate every game with Irithel.

We have previously discussed how to master playing with other Mobile Legends heroes like MiyaLing, WanwanPharsaCarmillaSilvanna, HayabusaAtlasLuo YiYu Zhong, Aurora, Khaleed, Freya, Khufra, X.Borg, Lesley, Tigreal, Hylos, Valir, Cecilion, Lylia, Uranus, Barats, Odette, Angela, Vale, Rafaela, Hanzo, Esmeralda, Brody, Lapu-Lapu, Nana, Benedetta, Hilda, Mathilda, Selena, Jawhead, Chou, Paquito, Thamuz, Lunox, Yi Sun-Shin, Yve, Gatotkaca, Karrie, Ruby, Beatrix, Gloo, Argus, Baxia, Granger, Phoveus, Hanabi, Alpha, Harley, Karina, Eudora, Natan, Dyrroth, Balmond, Aulus, Guinevere, Sun, Belerick, Floryn, Aamon, Valentina, Kagura, Saber, Leomord, Bruno Akai, Bane, Edith, Martis, Alucard, Gusion, Chang’e, Yin, Clint, Alice, Grock, Kadita, Popol and Kupa, Zilong, Minotaur, Helcurt, Cyclops, Lancelot, Kaja, Claude, Lolita, Melissa, Layla, and Moskov. So make sure to check these hero guides as well. For now, let’s focus on Irithel.

Skill Analysis 

Irithel has three active skills and a passive skill like most other heroes in-game. In this Mobile Legends guide, we will also talk about the skills to use in certain scenarios as well as skill combos to be able to play Irithel to her maximum potential.

Passive – Jungle Heart (Buff)

passive irithel mlbb

Irithel can cast her Basic Attack while moving and each of her Basic Attack shoots out 3 heavy arrows, but her bow will reload after shooting out 3 heavy bows. Each arrow deals 40% of her Physical Attack points of Physical Damage.

Skill 1 – Strafe (AoE, Debuff)

CD – 10

skill 1 irithel mlbb

Irithel shoots a round of arrows, dealing 450/490/530/570/610/650 (+60% Total Physical Attack) points of Physical Damage to the enemies in the area and reducing their Physical Defense by 15/20/25/30/35/40 for 3 seconds.

Skill 2 – Force of the Queen (Slowed, AoE)

skill 2 irithel mlbb

Leo shouts loudly, dealing 200/230/260/290/320/350 (+60% Total Physical Attack) points of Physical Damage to the enemies in the area and reducing their Movement Speed by 40% for 2 seconds.

Ultimate Skill – Heavy Crossbow (Buff, Blink)

CD – 45/42/39

ultimate skill 3 irithel mlbb

Irithel controls Leo to jump forward and equips a heavy crossbow, after which her Basic Attack will deal 180 (+85%/95%/105% Total Physical Attack) points of Physical Damage to enemies for 15 seconds.
The heavy cross bolts explode upon contact, dealing the same amount of damage to nearby enemies. Irithel also increases her movement speed by 30 lasts 15 seconds.

Skill-up method for Irithel

Unlock first skill first followed by her second skill. Unlock ultimate at level 4. Prioritize upgrading her first skill then ultimate whenever available and least priority to her second skill. Skill 1 >> Ultimate >> Skill 2.

Best Emblem set and Spells for Irithel in Mobile Legends

As you can play Irithel on the sideline there are two different emblems we would like to recommend to you. Use either the Custom Assassin emblem or Marksman emblem and find out what suits you better.

Custom Assassin Emblem

It will provide both Movement Speed as well as Physical Penetration. For talent, we would recommend going with Killing Spree as it will provide some amount of HP restoration and movement speed after getting a kill.

assassin emblem irithel mlbb Mobile Legends Irithel Guide
Custom Assassin Emblem for Irithel
  • Agility (+3)
  • Invasion (+3)
  • Killing Spree

Custom Marksman Emblem

Though the Assassin emblem is a popular choice, you can use the Marksman emblem too with Irithel. The talent Weakness Finder of this emblem can be triggered frequently. It has a chance of reducing enemies’ movement speed by 90% and also reducing their attack speed too.

marksman emblem mlbb irithel Mobile Legends Irithel Guide
Custom Marksman Emblem for Irithel
  • Bravery (+3)
  • Agility (+3)
  • Weakness Finder

Battle Spells

For Irithel different battle spells can be used. First of all, Aegis is a very popular choice for Gold lane Irithel. Flicker is also a good choice to escape a sticky situation or to chance low HP enemies. With the latest change to the spell Inspire, it has become very popular. Inspire gives extra attack speed along with some HP regen. It is very good to fight head to head in the early game.

Best Builds for Irithel in Mobile Legends

One can try many builds on Irithel. All which one needs to do is to just follow the enemy’s pick and then decide the role on the battlefield. We have set out the following template to try out with Irithel on the battlefield.

builds irithel mlbb Mobile Legends Irithel Guide
Best Builds for Irithel
  • Swift Boots: Irithel needs attack speed items to deal damage. Its passive gives an extra 15% attack speed or warrior boots in the early game if facing physical damage dealer fighter or marksman.
  • Windtalker: It is one of the core items for Irithel. Attack speed is very important for her. It gives 40% attack speed and also critical chances, with this item she will be able to deal good damage in the early game.
  • Berserker’s Fury: This item is one of the core items for Irithel because it increases critical chances. This helps to burst down enemies with basic attacks.
  • Scarlet Phantom: It gives attack speed with critical chances. So it is also a great item for her. Combining this with previously built items can deal an insane amount of damage.
  • Wind of Nature: This is the best item to face against physical damage dealers. Its passive is great to outplay enemies. Activating Wind Chant makes immune to all physical attacks for 2s and also gives life steal.
  • Malefic Roar: If enemies have high physical defense items or tanky heroes. This item can lower their physical defense with high Physical penetration.
  • Demon Hunter Sword: DHS is the best item to counter tanks. It can melt down tanks very easily.
  • The Final Item: This depends on the enemy lineup or game situation. If the enemy has high magic damage heroes then build Athena Shield to avoid getting busted. You can also buy Immortality which can give you a chance to escape.

Irithel relies on attack speed and critical damage. So her builds contain different attack speed items. Still, as a total guide provider, we will walk through different builds for Irithel, try them out and decide which one is more beneficial according to your gameplay style. Remember that neither of these is a fixed build, except the Core items all items should be bought according to the game situation and enemy lineup, always try items yourself to find what suits your gameplay.

Mobile Legends Irithel Gameplay Tips

Marksman’s impact in-game depends on the early farm. They are quite weak in the early game. It is better to focus on getting more farm and gold and avoid getting ganked in the early game. As a gold laner you must go to the gold lane. However, a player must need a good understanding of the map to bring the best out of any hero. According to her gameplay, we can break it down into three phases. Our Mobile Legends Irithel guide includes the perfect game plan for the early, mid, and late game.

Early Game

Like most other marksmen in Mobile Legends, Irithel is not very strong in the early game. So, it is very important to know her limits and farm safely in the early game. Getting as much gold as possible should be the priority before reaching five minutes. Her first skill is very useful in harassing enemies in the early game.

gameplay mlbb irithel mobile legends Mobile Legends Irithel Guide
Irithel in Mobile Legends

The first skill can hit enemies even if they are in bushes, it also increases her movement speed of her. So this is a good hit-and-run skill. Players must use the opportunity to push the turret when there is no enemy nearby. In order to do this, good map sense is very important. Having extra gold from the turret shield is very beneficial, it will increase the gold lead and the best way to get the core items faster. Last hitting minions will also give extra gold.

Mid Game

Depending on the farming efficiency, players may have two or three core items. At this point, having a few core items Irithel can deal a good amount of damage. Her first skill can reduce the enemy’s physical defense but it is very important to aim the skill right because it is not a locked skill. Joining a teamfight is a good idea. Help teammates while taking down objectives like a turtle.

Irithel can kill squishy heroes very fast because of his high attack speed. As a marksman, always wait for other allies to initiate and wait for a good opening to go in for the backline or squishy heroes like Marksman or Mage. Irithel has small dash skills, with her ultimate. So, it is very easy to reposition in team fights, try not to get caught by enemy Assassins or Burst damage.

Late Game

Irithel is one of the best Marksman in the late game. She becomes very scary with a full build. Her critical damage will hurt like a nightmare to the enemies, even tanks will be afraid to tank her damage. One defining characteristic of Irithel is her AOE basic attack from her ultimate. This makes her work very well with heroes that can displace and group up enemies.

mobile legends irithel gameplay Mobile Legends Irithel Guide
Irithel on the MLBB battlefield

Having tanks with high CC skills like Tigreal, Atlas, Gatotkacha, Belercik, and more can increase the chance of winning by a lot. One good combo can turn the whole match. With proper positioning and a good initiation, she is able to wipe out the whole team. Always try to help the team to take down the lord as soon as possible. She is a nightmare for Marksman and Mages in the late game, she is able to kill these squishy heroes with few basic attacks in her ultimate.

Wind of nature also can change the tide of the battle. Perfect timing of Wind chant can easily outplay enemies and the amount of life steal she has, he can regen most of his HP by killing the enemies one by one. Active Wind Chant when fighting enemies head to head. Just one thing has to remember that not initiate the fight and stay away from the bushes in the late game, go for the backline first.

Heroes that counter IrithelHeroes Irithel can counter

Final Thoughts

Irithel is an item-dependent hero, like any other Marksman. An excellent pick for rank games, Irithel is definitely a good pick for the current meta. These tips will surely help you to guide easy wins with Irithel in Mobile Legends. You can also refer to our latest tier list to know more about the revamped meta heroes in this current season.

That’s all for today’s Mobile Legends Irithel Guide. Do you prefer to use Irithel in any other way? Let us know in the comment section below!

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