
Mobile Legends Johnson Guide: Best Emblem, Build and Gameplay Tips

Come on! Let's roll!

MOONTON presents Johnson as the only tank who has mobility as his ability to roam and make his presence in perfect time. Moreover, he can bring one of his teammates to engage in a surprise attack and initiate a war. In this Mobile Legends guide, we will take a look at the best emblem, spell, and builds, including tips and tricks to dominate every game with Johnson.

We have previously discussed how to master playing with other Mobile Legends heroes like MiyaLing, WanwanPharsaCarmillaSilvanna, HayabusaAtlasLuo YiYu Zhong, Aurora, Khaleed, Freya, Khufra, X.Borg, Lesley, Tigreal, Hylos, Valir, Cecilion, Lylia, Uranus, Barats, Odette, Angela, Vale, Rafaela, Hanzo, Esmeralda, Brody, Lapu-Lapu, Nana, Benedetta, Hilda, Mathilda, Selena, Jawhead, Chou, Paquito, Thamuz, Lunox, Yi Sun-Shin, Yve, Gatotkaca, Karrie, Ruby, Beatrix, Gloo, Argus, Baxia, Granger, Phoveus, Hanabi, Alpha, Harley, Karina, Eudora, Natan, Dyrroth, Balmond, Aulus, Guinevere, Sun, Belerick, Floryn, Aamon, Valentina, Kagura, Saber, Leomord, Bruno Akai, Bane, Edith, Martis, Alucard, Gusion, Chang’e, Yin, Clint, Alice, Grock, Kadita, Popol and Kupa, Zilong, Minotaur, Helcurt, Cyclops, Lancelot, Kaja, Claude, Lolita, Melissa, Layla, Moskov, Irithel, Kimmy, Harith, Estes, Roger, Xavier, Gord, Franco, Minsitthar, Terizla, and Masha. So make sure to check these hero guides as well. For now, let’s focus on Johnson.

Skill Analysis

Johnson has three active skills and a passive skill like most other heroes in-game. In this Mobile Legends guide, we will also talk about the skills to use in certain scenarios as well as skill combos to be able to play Johnson to his maximum potential.

Passive – Electro Airbag

johnson mlbb passive

Johnson created a shield when his HP is low, absorbs damage from incoming enemies’ attacks, and acts as his external HP.

Skill 1 – Deadly Pincers

CD – 9/8.4/7.8/7.2/6.6/6

johnson skill 1 mlbb

Johnson throws his pincers to designated enemies, dealing magic damage and stunning them for a few seconds.

Skill 2 – Electromac Rays

CD – 11/10.5/10/9.5/9/8.5

johnson skill 2 mlbb

Johnson raises a shield that deals magic damage and slows nearby enemies’ movement by 20%

Ultimate Skill – Rapid Touchdown

CD – 45/42/40

johnson mlbb ultimate skill

Johnson will transform into a car. 1 second will be the moment when Johnson’s teammate hops into him, and in two seconds Johnson will accelerate and gain huge speed improvement to roam around the map. Hit the skill 1 to accelerate him further and hit his ultimate once again to break and give shock damage to hit enemies and stun them. His ultimate damage is calculated based on his speed of him during transform mode.

Skill-up method for Johnson

Johnson’s second skill is very useful to poke enemies HP and minions as well. Therefore, it is important to level up his electromac rays before his deadly pincers. However, in the early game, it is wise to unlock his first skill first in order to disturb enemies by stunning them, or even you can steal litho wonderer or enemies buff with this skill with perfect timing.

Best Emblem set and Spells for Johnson in Mobile Legends

Custom Tank Emblem

Since Johnson carries magic damage in every one of his attacks, the concussive beast talent is suitable for Johnson. Therefore, maximize his shield and purity talent in order to increase his magical defense.

custom tank emblem johnson Mobile Legends Johnson Guide
Custom Tank Emblem for Johnson

Custom Mage Emblem

You can also utilize his magic damage by using the mage emblem with impure rage as his talent. Therefore, maximize his agility and observation talent in order to increase his agility and magic penetration.

custom mage emblem johnson Mobile Legends Johnson Guide
Custom Mage Emblem for Johnson

Battle Spells

Aside from Rapid Touchdown, Johnson has no escape skills and he has no agility. Therefore, Flicker would be suitable for Johnson to help him from chasing enemies. On the other hand, Petrify is the best spell for Johnson that you can combine with Rapid Touchdown to add more stun effects to enemies.

Best Builds for Johnson in Mobile Legends

One can try many builds on Johnson. All which one needs to do is to just follow the enemy’s pick and then decide the role on the battlefield. We have set out the two following template builds in our guide to try out with Johnson on the Mobile Legends battlefield.

Roamer Build

  • Warrior Boots: Warrior boots will increase Johnson’s movement and physical defense. Moreover, it will increase the damage to Johnson’s first skill in the early game.
  • Blade Armor: This item will give Johnson additional defense and reflect 25% of the opponent’s Basic Attack. With this item, Johnson can stand in front of his teammate and absorb all of the enemies’ damage while reflecting on them as well.
  • Antique Cuirass: Antique Cuirass will reduce enemies’ Physical attacks by 10%.
roamer build johnson mlbb Mobile Legends Johnson Guide
Roamer Build for Johnson
  • Immortality: With Immortality, Johnson will come back to life and protect his teammate to ensure victory during the war.
  • Athena’s Shield: Athena’s shield is very suitable for Johnson because in addition to getting Magic DEF it also reduces the Magic Damage received by 25%.
  • Twilight Armor: This item is a counter for the hero with burst damage in the late game. The 20% CRIT Damage Reduction effect makes Johnson will not easily be killed by Marksman in the late game. One more thing, this item will reduce 20% of Physical Damage received as well.

Damage Build

  • Warrior Boots: Warrior Boots will increase Johnson’s physical defense that will help him to stand against a hero with massive physical attacks.
  • Holy Crystal: This item has a +90 Magic Power attribute and additional +25% Magic Power. By using the Holy Crystal, Johnson will get an additional 15% Magic Power for 3 seconds as a passive ability. This will affect the level of skill damage given to the opponent.
damage build johnson Mobile Legends Johnson Guide
Damage Build for Johnson
  • Ice Queen Wand: Ice Queen Wand is the best item that you can build to strengthen Johnson’s rapid touchdown. This item will increase +75 Magic power and +10 Spell Vamp. In addition, Ice Queen Wand can increase +150 Mana and +7% Movement Speed.
  • Glowing Wand: Glowing Wand is an item that provides +75 Magic Power, +400 HP, and +5% Movement Speed. With this item, Johnson will have a passive ability that can burn the target for 3 seconds from his skill.
  • Blood Wings: This is a final item and the most expensive magic item in Mobile Legends. With Blood Wings, Johnson will gain additional +150 Magic Power dan +500 HP.

Mobile Legends Johnson Gameplay Tips

Currently, Johnson become a popular hero again especially after getting revamped in previous seasons as players can have good control towards his ultimate easily, moreover, he can detect any enemy’s position when he transforms into his ultimate mode. His maximum HP and his passive make him impossible to be defeated in a 1v1 situation, and his ultimate will also help him to escape from dangerous situations.

However, a player must need a good understanding of the map to bring the best out of any hero. According to his gameplay, we can break it down into three phases. Our Mobile Legends Johnson guide includes the perfect game plan for the early, mid, and late game

Early Game

In the early game, you can unlock deadly pincers and throw them to nearby enemies in order to poke their HP little by little. You can disturb their farming core with your presence and you can try your luck by throwing the pincers at perfect timing in order to steal their buff or their jungles.

johnson gameplay mobile legends Mobile Legends Johnson Guide
Johnson in Mobile Legends

You don’t have to roam to exp or gold lane first until your core and midlaner reach level 4 until they unlock their ultimate skill. Like another roamer, Johnson doesn’t have good damage with his attacks, therefore staying alone in a particular lane for a long time will be risky since you will become an easy target for an ambush.

Make sure that there is a nearby teammate that will stay alert to support you, or you can stay and farm in a particular lane alone as long as your Rapid Touchdown is ready so you can transform and move at any moment. Therefore, don’t stay alone in one lane for a long time.

Mid Game

During Mid-game, you have to stay close to your midlaner or your core so you can help them during initiation, or help them escape from disadvantageous situations. Do not forget to give a signal to your teammate if you want to use rapid touchdown in case they want to join. Keep an eye on the map in order to have a good insight into your teammate’s condition so you can roam to their position in no time with a rapid touchdown.

The Deadly Pincer is very useful to make the last hit and steal the enemy’s jungle. You can start roaming to nearby enemies’ bush and keep an eye for enemies’ jungle, buff, or litho wonderer that has low HP and throw your pincer at the perfect time to steal it. Aside from it, you can also use deadly pincers to stun enemies.

Johnson on the MLBB battlefield Mobile Legends Johnson Guide
Johnson on the MLBB battlefield

Although the duration is only 1.5 seconds, the stun effect produced from it is very helpful for your team fights. It also has a large Area of Effect and can reach several heroes at once. The stun effect is also very helpful when you and your teammates have to retreat from a disadvantaged position. Therefore remember to use the Deadly Pincer to steal enemies’ jungle

Late Game

In the late game, you have to use rapid touchdown wisely. Make sure that you move around for a while before hitting the enemies so you don’t have to wait for a long time to use your ultimate again. Make sure that you aim for out-of-position enemies or their core in order to ensure your victory during initiation.

As we know that Johnson can pick one of his teammates when he transforms into a car, it is important for you to give a signal so one of your teammates that will join the surprise attack has enough time to approach you and hop into Johnson before he starts moving. Giving a signal when using rapid touchdown will alert your teammate as well so they will standby and execute enemies that are hit by Johnson.

Heroes that counter JohnsonHeroes Johnson can counter

Final Thoughts

Johnson is a reliable roamer that will help you to provide a surprise attack and give a huge advantage to your time due to his ability to roam and reach a designated position in no time with his ultimate. Moreover, he also hid potential magic damage in his arsenal that will help you to finish the enemies and gain victory in the war.

However, it is also important to keep an eye on heroes that have the ability to stand against Johnson or even execute him in the solo kill. These tips will surely help you to guide easy wins with Johnson in Mobile Legends. You can also refer to our latest tier list to know more about the revamped meta heroes in this current season.

That’s all for today’s Mobile Legends Johnson Guide. Do you prefer to use Johnson in any other way? Let us know in the comment section below!

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