
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) Hanzo Build Guide: Best Build, Emblem and Gameplay Tips

The strongest ninja has arrived!

Hanzo is a very deadly assassin, who has a good set of bursts, Area of Effect, Buff, and astral projection skills in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. He can easily steal any jungle with the help of his first skill. Not only that he can use his ultimate to transform into Demon Hanekage form and deal massive damage to enemies while his main body is safe from any damage. After months of testing in the Advanced Server, Revamped Hanzo is set to release soon on the 13th of February, 2025. Even with these unique abilities, Hanzo is set to be released soon in MLBB bringing about new and enhanced abilities ushering in unique playstyles. So without further delay let’s just jump into the MLBB battlefield with the Revamped Hanzo. In this guide, we will take a look at the best emblem, spell, and build, including tips and tricks to pave your way to victory with Hanzo in Mobile Legends.

Skill Analysis

Hanzo is an assassin hero who was recently revamped in Mobile Legends. In this Hanzo guide, let’s check out his abilities in Mobile Legends, and how you can use them to get the best out of him.

Passive – Ame no Habakiri (Buff)

Damage dealt by Hanzo’s Basic Attacks and skills inflicts a stack of Dark Ninjutsu on the target, up to 5 stacks. Ninjutsu: Demon Feast can only be cast on targets with full stacks of Dark Ninjutsu.

Skill 1 – Ninjutsu: Demon Feast (Burst)

The skill can only be used on targets with max stacks of Dark Ninjutsu. If the target is a Common Creep, Hanzo will immediately devour them and digest them over some time to recover 20% HP. Targeting enemy heroes deals Physical Damage, and Targeting a Lord or Turtle deals 500 True Damage.

Hanekage Form Skill 1: Forbidden Ninjutsu: Soul Snatch

Hanekage dashes to an enemy hero, dealing Physical Damage to the target and its surrounding units after a brief delay. Each stack of Dark Ninjutsu on the target increases the damage by 20%. When the target has max stacks of Dark Ninjutsu, it deals additional damage equal to 15% of the target’s Max HP and recovers 30% HP for Hanzo.

Skill 2 – Ninjutsu: Dark Mist (AOE, Slow)

Hanzo dashes in the target direction, leaving a Dark Mist in front that deals Physical Damage to enemies in the area every 0.5s, up to 5 times.

The Dark Mist slows enemies in the area by 40% and grants Hanzo 20% Movement Speed.

Hanekage Form Skill 2: Forbidden Ninjutsu: Black Mist (AoE) (CC)

Hanekage dashes in the target direction, briefly knocking enemies in his path airborne and leaving dark mist in the area he passes through. The mist deals Physical Damage to enemies in the area every 0.5s, up to 5 times.

The Dark mist slows enemies in the area by 40%.

Skill 3 – Kinjutsu: Pinnacle Ninja (Morph, Mobility)

Hanzo charges into battle as Hanekage, consuming 12.5 Energy per second. He gains 2 Energy when a non-hero unit dies nearby and 20 Energy when it’s a hero. After consuming all his energy, Hanzo’s body will slowly be drawn to Hanekage’s current position.

When in Hanekage form, Hanzo’s body is invincible, and Hanekage ignores obstacles and gains 35% Movement Speed and 30% Attack Speed. After being killed, Hanekage will be immediately drawn to Hanzo’s position, during which he recovers 16% HP and cannot be targeted. This effect is also triggered when the skill is cast again. If Hanekage is killed, Hanzo will be slowed by 50% and his location will be revealed for 6s.

Skill-up Methods for Hanzo

Unlock your first skill first to clear the monster fast. Set your Skill 2 to max level first, prioritizing this skill makes the damage higher and you can deal burst damage to the target for an easy kill. Upgrade your first skill accordingly and Ultimate whenever available.

Best Emblem Set and Spells for Hanzo in Mobile Legends

Emblem Set

Hanzo is an annoying and powerful assassin hero in the game, as he can kill the backline mage marksman with ease. Besides that, he can also steal enemies’ buff easily. To make Hanzo’s gameplay effective and flawless in Jungling, players are expected to use the Custom Assassin Emblem for penetration, adaptive attack & movement speed.  With the Custom Assassin Emblem players can use whichever Talent best suits their gameplay. However, we’ve brought up the best Emblem/Talent Setup to help you dominate with Hanzo:

Mobile Legends Hanzo Emblem Setup
Mobile Legends Hanzo Emblem Setup (Image via MOONTON GAMES)

The Custom Assassin Emblem ever since its Revamp, provides players with access to 3 different talents. Hence, for Hanzo’s Emblem Set-up, the following setup is expected of players:

  1. In the First-tier Talent, we will suggest Rupture for physical penetration it will help Hanzo in the early game to give some damage to the enemy heroes.
  2. In the Second-Tier Talent, we will suggest Wilderness Blessing. It will increase by 15% movement speed in the jungle and river. Hanzo can easily rotate and can gank other lanes.
  3. In the Third-Tier Talent, we will suggest Weakness Finder. It reduces enemies’ movement and attack speed.

Battle Spells

The only battle spell we recommend for Hanzo is Retribution. In this new laning system you must use Retribution to carry the whole game and without using retribution you can not buy any jungle items.

Best Builds for Hanzo in Mobile Legends

Hanzo is one of the fastest junglers heroes in MLBB, due to how easily he can clear out jungle monsters and creeps with his skills. Though, unlike his previous self, the Revamped Hanzo isn’t heavily reliant on attack speed items. Nonetheless, We have prepared the best build to try out on Hanzo whilst on the Battlefield.

Hanzo MLBB Best Builds
Build Set 1 for Hanzo in Mobile Legends (Image via MOONTON Games)

You can start building the Magic shoes with Ice Hunter retribution. The Magic shoes will give movement speed and cooldown reduction. For the Second item, you can have the Corrosion Scythe for physical attack, movement speed and attack speed. For the Third item, you can have the Demon Hunter sword for physical attack and attack speed. It also gives lifesteal. For the fourth item, you can have the Golden staff. It gives Physical attack as well as attack speed. 

Besides that every 1% extra crit chance gained is converted into 1% extra attack speed. For the Fifth item, you can have Hunter Strike. It will give physical attack and cooldown reduction. It also provides penetration. For the Sixth one, you can have the Malefic Roar for more penetration. If the enemy has tanky heroes, it’s better to build the Malefic roar after Hunter Strike.

Mobile Legends Hanzo Gameplay Tips

Hanzo is a proper assassin and jungler, so all you have to do is farm and rotate to get kills on enemy squishy heroes. But now you can not use sprint so it’s a drawback in the early phase, However, according to Hanzo’s gameplay we can break it down into three phases. Our Hanzo guide includes the perfect game plan for the early, mid, and late games in Mobile Legends. However, a player must have a good understanding of the map to bring out the best in any hero.

Early Game

As a jungle assassin, Hanzo’s early game focuses on efficient farming to level up easily for early domination on the battlefield. Hanzo’s Passive (Ame no Habakiri) is crucial for building stacks of Dark Ninjutsu. Therefore, while jungling unlock your first skill and use your first skill to devour the Red Buff monster.

To easily unlock and trigger Hanzo’s passive, you have to attack a specific enemy unit 5 times. However, unlike the old Hanzo, Revamped Hanzo can only devour a target with the full 5 stacks of Dark Ninjutsu, making it a bit harder for Revamped Hanzo to execute invades and steal enemy buffs. Rotate across your red and blue buff camps, by using Basic Attacks and Hanzo’s Skill 2 (Ninjutsu: Dark Mist) on jungle creeps to accumulate his passive stacks quickly.

Hanzo Early Gameplay
Hanzo Early Gameplay (Image via MOONTON Games)

After completing your buffs, clear the Lithowanderer to secure vision for your team, then rotate to nearby lanes. Hanzo excels in ambushing enemies, so ensure to attack overextending and low-mobility enemy heroes. After reaching level 4, try to do a successful gank and draw first blood upon the enemy midlaner or marksman as it will delay their farming. While using Hanzo, you can also try to invade enemy jungle but you must ensure to coordinate with your teammates.

Mid Game

To get the best out of Hanzo in the mid-game, you have to focus on farming and accumulating more Energy to last longer in his Hanekage form. Therefore, focus on farming and consuming more creeps or minions for extra energy. After collecting enough energy, use Hanzo’s Skill 3 (Kinjutsu: Pinnacle Ninja) to enter the Hanekage form, enabling you to engage enemies or secure objectives like the Turtle more easily.

It is worth noting that Revamped Hanzo’s Hanekage form grants invincibility to his body, allowing for super-aggressive gameplay. However, manage your energy carefully; running out will force Hanzo’s body to move toward Hanekage’s position, leaving you vulnerable. During teamfights, prioritize low HP enemies, especially squishy backline heroes like mages or marksmen.

Use the Second skill of Hanzo’s Hanekage form to deal damage to multiple enemies while applying a brief crowd control onto them. Then Follow up with Hanekage’s First skill for high burst damage and finish-offs. All in all, while using Revamped Hanzo, feel free to fight in your normal form before ulting into Hanekage form for extra burst potential. Cast your skill combos like this to get an effective result-

Skill 2 + Skill 1 + Skill 3 + Skill 2 + Skill 1

Late Game

In this phase, Hanzo will shine most on the battlefield, after near about 10 minutes, have crossed and he has got his core items. Hanzo will now wait for his team’s initiation, after a worthy initiate, he will make his path to enemy squishy heroes and kill them with his shinigami style. Prioritize objectives like the Lord to help your team push lanes and gain map control.

Hanzo Late Gameplay
Hanzo Late Gameplay (Image via MOONTON Games)

Use Hanzo’s ultimate ability to scout and engage enemies safely, as the Hanekage form allows you to bypass obstacles and focus on high-value targets, such as the enemy marksman or mage. Be mindful of your energy consumption in Hanekage form. If you run out of energy or Hanekage is killed, Hanzo will be slowed and his position revealed, making him vulnerable.

So do ensure to always retreat if a fight becomes unfavorable, as your survival is key to maintaining map pressure. Secure objectives, and assassinate key enemies by using your mobility to dominate the battlefield. With precise timing and positioning, Hanzo can carry your team to victory. These tips will surely help you to guide easy wins with Hanzo in Mobile Legends.

Heroes that counter HanzoHeroes Hanzo can counter

Final Thoughts

Revamped Hanzo is a formidable force when played correctly, capable of turning the tide of any match with his high burst damage, mobility, and ability to control the map. With his idle body weakness removed, Revamped Hanzo can efficiently hunt down enemies without fear and concern about his original body. You can also refer to our latest tier list to know more about the revamped meta heroes in this current season.

Read other MLBB-related articles:

We have previously discussed how to master playing with other Mobile Legends heroes like Miya, Ling, Atlas, WanwanPharsaCarmillaSilvanna, HayabusaLuo YiYu Zhong, Aurora, Khaleed, Khufra, X.Borg, Lesley, Tigreal, Hylos, Valir, Cecilion, Lylia, Uranus, Barats, Odette, Angela, Vale, Rafaela, Esmeralda, Brody, Lapu-Lapu, Nana, Benedetta, Hilda, Mathilda, Selena, Jawhead, Chou, Paquito, Thamuz, Lunox, Yi Sun-Shin, Yve, Gatotkaca, Karrie, Ruby, Beatrix, Gloo, Argus, Baxia, Granger, Phoveus, Hanabi, Alpha, Harley, Karina, Eudora, Natan, Dyrroth, Balmond, Aulus, Guinevere, Sun, Belerick, Floryn, Aamon, Valentina, Kagura, Saber, Leomord, Bruno Akai, Bane, Edith, Martis, Alucard, Gusion, Chang’e, Yin, Clint, Alice, Grock, Kadita, Popol and Kupa, Zilong, Minotaur, Helcurt, Cyclops, Lancelot, Kaja, Claude, Lolita, Melissa, Layla, Moskov, Irithel, Kimmy, Harith, Estes, Roger, Xavier, Gord, Franco, Minsitthar, Terizla, Masha, Johnson, Zhask, Fanny, Aldous, Diggie, Julian, Faramis, Vexana, Natalia, Fredrinn, Joy, Arlott, Novaria and Ixia. So make sure to check these hero guides as well. For now, let’s focus on Hanzo.

That’s all for today’s guide about Hanzo in Mobile Legends. Do you prefer to use Hanzo in any other way? Let us know in the comment section below!

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