
Mobile Legends Rafaela Guide: Best Build, Emblem and Gameplay Tips

Healing prayers for you.

Rafaela, the classic support in Mobile Legends also known as Wings of Holiness, is one of the Guardians of the Palace alongside Uranus and Kaja. She is the well-rounded support that heals, boosts teammates’ movement speed, and is equipped with skills to damage, slow, and stun enemies. Developers have specialized at regen and poke, she’s a very underrated hero who can complete a lineup that’s missing good support. After the recent buff in the original server, she has become popular, because which her sprint-like movement speed and healing ability scales with her magic items. In this Mobile Legends guide, we’ll take a look at the best build, spell, emblem of Rafaela, and gameplay to play her better.

We have previously discussed how to master playing with other Mobile Legends heroes like Miya, Ling, Atlas, WanwanPharsaCarmillaSilvanna, HayabusaLuo YiYu Zhong, Aurora, Khaleed, Khufra, X.Borg, Lesley, Tigreal, Hylos, Valir, Cecilion, Lylia, Uranus, Barats, Odette, Angela, Vale, Hanzo, Esmeralda, Brody, Lapu-Lapu, Nana, Benedetta, Hilda, Mathilda, Selena, Jawhead, Chou, Paquito, Thamuz, Lunox, Yi Sun-Shin, Yve, Gatotkaca, Karrie, Ruby, Beatrix, Gloo, Argus, Baxia, Granger, Phoveus, Hanabi, Alpha, Harley, Karina, Eudora, Natan, Dyrroth, Balmond, Aulus, Guinevere, Sun, Belerick, Floryn, Aamon, Valentina, Kagura, Saber, Leomord, Bruno Akai, Bane, Edith, Martis, Alucard, Gusion, Chang’e, Yin, Clint, Alice, Grock, Kadita, Popol and Kupa, Zilong, Minotaur, Helcurt, Cyclops, Lancelot, Kaja, Claude, Lolita, Melissa, Layla, Moskov, Irithel, Kimmy, Harith, Estes, Roger, Xavier, Gord, Franco, Minsitthar, Terizla, Masha, Johnson, Zhask, Fanny, Aldous, Diggie, Julian, Faramis, Vexana, Natalia, Fredrinn, Joy, Arlott, Novaria and Ixia. So make sure to check these hero guides as well. For now, let’s focus on Rafaela.

Skill Analysis

Rafaela has four skills in total that consist of one passive and three actives. Her skillset is one of the most complete skillsets of support, which can heal, boost movement speed, damage, slow, and stunning. Her skills are also very easy to use because only her ultimate needs to be aimed. In this Rafaela guide, let’s see what are her abilities in Mobile Legends, and when you can use which skill to get the best out of her.

Passive – Deity Penalization (Burst)

When Rafaela is killed, she turns into a beam of Holy Light and launches herself at her killer after a 2-second delay. This attack deals True Damage equal to 20% of the target’s Max HP upon hit and can be blocked by other enemy heroes, dealing damage to them instead. This effect won’t triggered if the killer is a non-hero enemy or if they’re too far away.

Skill 1 – Light of Retribution (AoE, Slow)

Rafaela strikes the three nearest enemies With Light of Retribution, dealing them 225–500 (+120% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage, briefly revealing their positions, and slowing them by 40% for 1.5s. Enemies hit by Light of Retribution again within 5 seconds will take 20% extra damage (this effect stacks up to 3 times).

Skill 2 – Holy Healing (Heal, Speed Up)

Rafaela calls upon Holy Light, restoring 100–125 (+35% Total Magic Power) HP to nearby allied heroes, plus an additional 150–250 (+45% Total Magic Power) HP to herself and the most injured allied hero in range. This also increases the Movement Speed of nearby allied heroes by 30% and grants Slow Immunity for 1.5 seconds. Every 20 points of Magic Power will add 1% to the Movement Speed bonus, up to 80%.

Skill 3 – Holy Baptism (CC, AoE)

Rafaela unleashes the true power of Holy Light in the target direction, dealing 460–660 (+120% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to enemies in a line and stunning them for 1.5 seconds.

Best Emblem Set and Spells for Rafaela

Emblem Set

Rafaela is a support in Mobile Legends.  he is one of the best healers in the game. To make Rafaela’s gameplay efficient in roaming as a support, players are expected to use the Custom Support Emblem for the Healing Effect, Cooldown Reduction and Movement speed. Players can use whichever Talents suits better for their gameplay. However, we’ve brought up some of the best Emblem/Talent Set-up that is advisable for Rafaela.

Mobile Legends Rafaela Emblem Setup

The Custom Support Emblem ever since it’s Revamp provides players with access to 3 different talents. Hence, for Rafaela Emblem Set-up the following setup is expected:

  1. In the First-Tier Talent, we choose Agility as it provides extra movement speed, primarily useful in the early game rotation to other lanes from mid-lanes. As early gank are important to win the match. 
  2. In the Second-Tier Talent, we choose Pull Yourself Together as it reduces battle spell and active equipment CD by 15%
  3. In the Third-Tier Talent, we choose Impure Rage as it gives extra damage and restores Mana on hit. 


Revitalize: This spell enhances Rafaela’s healing capabilities, making it easier for her to sustain herself and her teammates during battles. Flicker provides Rafaela with increased mobility, allowing her to quickly close the gap or escape from enemies. Aegis provides Rafaela with a shield that absorbs damage, helping her survive in intense team fights. Sprint increases Rafaela’s movement speed, allowing her to quickly rotate between lanes and assist her teammates when needed.

Best Builds for Rafaela in Mobile Legends

Rafaela is quiet for speeding up, healing and the stun. She is a support, therefore, without her core items, she can’t sustain herself on the battlefield. Therefore, it is better to build health regeneration items and sustaining items for her. In our guide, we will try out this template with Rafaela on the Mobile Legends battlefield.

Mobile Legends Rafaela Best Builds

In the First item, players can have Tough Boots or Warrior boots, depending on which type of damage enemy heroes have the most. With that, players can have Favor Roam, as it gives more HP regen. In the second item, they can the Flask of the Oasis as it gives magic power, HP and cooldown reduction. In the third item, you can have the Ice Queen Wand to slow down enemies and to have magic power, spell vamp, HP and movement speed.

For the fourth item, players can build the Necklace of Durance, which will reduce enemies’ HP and shield, besides, that it will also provide magic power, HP, mana and cooldown reduction. For the fifth item slot, one can go for the physical or magical defensive items, if the enemy has more magic damage go for Athena Shield and if the enemy has more physical damage go for Antique Cuirass or items alike. In the sixth one, players can have Immortality to increase their chance of surviving. 

Mobile Legends Rafaela Gameplay Tips

Rafaela is currently one of the best supports in the game. She is also very effective in solo ranks. Recently she has got some good buff, increasing her overall movement speed and healing. Which allows her to roam faster and support her teammates more. Let’s take a look at how Rafaela can be effective in the early, mid, and late game. Our Rafaela guide includes the perfect game plan for the early, mid, and late game in Mobile Legends. However, a player must need a good understanding of the map to bring the best out of any hero.

Early game

Rafaela should buy Favor for more health regeneration. Her 1st skill slow down enemies and also gives vision. Players should use her first skill to poke enemy heroes to make them low and to check bushes to make teammates sure about bushes. One should not be afraid to be at the front in the early game because most heroes do not have the ability to kill Rafaela in the first few minutes.

Mobile Legends Rafaela Early game

Players can stay on the marksman lane to support the marksman in the early game, which will help the team in the long run.

Mid game

Players should always be present in team fights. The healing, slow, and Focusing Mark are essential for winning team fights. Players should use the first skill to poke the enemy and slow them down. This will make it easier for the teammates to focus. One can take the Focusing Mark on a high-priority target, such as the enemy carry. This will make it easier to kill the teammates. Players can use their ultimate to stun the enemy team and give their teammates a chance to escape or finish off kills. Players should try to always help the jungler to take the Turtle. They can provide vision by using the skills and zone them by poking.

Mobile Legends Rafaela Mid game

One can stick with the tanky heroes. This will give them the protection from the enemy team. One should stay behind the teammates and focus on healing and slowing down the enemy team. Players won’t be afraid to use the ultimate to escape if they should get caught out of position.

Rotate to other lanes to gank enemies. Your slow and heal can be very helpful for ganking enemies.
Help your teammates clear waves. Rafaela’s wave clear is quite bad, so she’s better off with a teammate to help her clear waves and gank enemies. Be aware of the enemy team’s position. Don’t rotate to a lane if the enemy team is there.

Late game

Staying at the back is a must for this squishy lady in team fights. Other than spamming the heal skill, she should spam her first skill too to get the focusing mark and slow effect. Use her ultimate when needed only, such as when enemies are clumped together, escaping, or chasing low HP enemies. Being alive can decide the team fight win so Immortality is a must in the late game.

Mobile Legends Rafaela Late game

Rafaela is very hard to kill even in the late game due to her movement speed up and passive skill which allows her to annoy the enemies and escape easily. This will create more opportunities for your team to attack the enemies from the back and finish them if enemies already used their skills to chase you down.

Heroes Rafaela can counterHeroes that can counter Rafaela
Freya Hayabusa
Rafaela Counter heroes

Rafaela is a very popular counter against Natalia, because her first skill can reveal Natalia’s location. Besides that, Rafaela is good against melee heroes that need to close the gap to fight, because Rafaela’s poking, slowing, and sprinting skills can escape or chase melee heroes very effectively.

Like any other backline support, Rafaela’s squishiness makes her extremely vulnerable against assassins and burst damage. At times, one combo can kill Rafaela already so bear in mind of assassin’s whereabouts. Players should take note of CC heroes too, as Rafaela is nearly too useless when she’s CC-ed.

Final Thoughts

Rafaela is a well-rounded and underrated support. Others prefer Estes or Angela as their support, but actually, Rafaela is as good, if not better than other supports. Keep in mind that the support’s role is to help teammates to get kills and push. If the team lineup needs support, Rafaela can be an excellent choice anytime. She has got some buff recently, which made her one of the best and most popular supporters to rank up in the current season. Players should pick her if their team needs a tank or a support hero.

That’s all for today’s guide about Rafaela in Mobile Legends. Do you prefer to use Rafaela in any other way? Let us know in the comment section below!

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